This Pull Request updates dependency webpack from ^3.11.0 to ^3.11.0 || ^4.0.0
Release Notes
### [`v4.8.3`](
[Compare Source](
### Bugfixes
* fix missing `debug` dependency
* support arrays in `output.library.root`
### [`v4.8.2`](
[Compare Source](
### Bugfixes
* WASM parser bugfixes
* fix edge case when replacing top-level this in IIFE
* avoid parser wasm many times
### [`v4.8.1`](
[Compare Source](
### Bugfixes
* fix some WASM parsing issues
### [`v4.8.0`](
[Compare Source](
### Features
* new WASM pipeline
* use `instantiateStreaming` when available
* allow circular dependencies between wasm modules (functions only)
### Bugfixes
* fix a bug where runtime code for wasm was incorrectly cached
* fix a bug where a splitChunks cacheGroup without name wasn't executed
### [`v4.7.0`](
[Compare Source](
### Features
* add webpackIgnore magic comment (`import(/* webpackIgnore: true */ "...")`) to keep the import in the bundle
* add chunkGroups to Stats
* `chunkGroups` option
* `namedChunkGroups` property
* `Chunk Group` text output
### Bugfixes
* prevent chunk merging for the runtimeChunk
* fix a caching issue for concatenated modules
* namedModules now handle name conflicts correctly
* fix a crash when using `[contenthash:n]` without on-demand-chunks
### Internal changes
* testing uses Jest now
* testing in node.js 10 too
* Performance improvements
### [`v4.6.0`](
[Compare Source](
### Features
* improve stats output alignment
* improve stats text output when all exports are used
* add `webpackPrefetch`/`webpackPreload` magic comments to `import()`
* add `stats.entrypoints[].children` and `stats.entrypoints[].childAssets` to stats json
* add prefetched/preloaded chunks and assets to stats text output
* Performance improvements
### Bugfixes
* Escape chunk ids for `target: "webworker"`
* fix `this` to `undefined` ESM replacement in function default values
* `new require(...)` is weird, but now behaves like in node.js
* fix behavior of `export * from "commonjs"` with partial override
* fixed build time output in current locale in stats text output
* fixed ChunkModuleIdRangePlugin and add tests
* avoid race condition when using the loadModule loader API
* fix default value of `output.globalObject` in `target: "node-webkit"`
* fix a bug with `loadModules` and dependencies in these modules
* fix hot.accept parser plugin to allow defined values as argument
* print `unknown size` when size is unknown
* fix a bug where some chunks were missing in the "single" runtime chunk
* fix cloning of `optimization` configuration
### Internal changes
* Set up infrastructure for linting typings with TypeScript
### [`v4.5.0`](
[Compare Source](
### Features
* Performance improvements
* Improve readablility of error messages with long loader string
### Bugfixes
* Sort child compilations for consistent compilation hash
* Fix bug causing all symbols to be renamed when concatenating modules
### Contributing
* add `yarn setup` script for bootstrapping local development
### [`v4.4.1`](
[Compare Source](
### Bugfixes
* fix yarn/npm install script on windows
### [`v4.4.0`](
[Compare Source](
### Features
* When webpack-cli is not installed it will ask to install it
* `splitChunks.chunks` supports a custom function now
* Better warning when omitting `mode`
### Bugfixes
* disallow functions for `chunkFilename`, because it's not working
* generate correct code when using `export default (function xxx() {})`
### Performance
* Performance improvements for sorting by identifier
### [`v4.3.0`](
[Compare Source](
### Features
* add support for `[contenthash]` placeholder
### Bugfixes
* `browser` field is used for target `electron-renderer`
* set `devtoolNamespace` default correctly when passing an object to `output.library`
### [`v4.2.0`](
[Compare Source](
### Features
* add `splitChunks.automaticNameDelimiter` to configure the name separator for automatic names
* `stats.excludeModules` now also accept booleans
* webpack throws an error when trying to run in twice at a time
* `performance` is disabled by default in non-web targets
* AMD parser plugins can now be extended by inheriting
### Bugfixes
* Fix a race condition when writing `events.json` in ProfilingPlugin
* HMR runtime code is reverted to ES5 style
* script timeout is not correctly in seconds
* reexporting JSON exports works correctly now
* fix a bug when combining ProfilingPlugin with SourceMapDevToolPlugin
* add a missing semicolon to the runtime code
### [`v4.1.1`](
[Compare Source](
### Features
* Stats now displays the number of assets of a module
### Bugfixes
* `sourceMap` option of the default UglifyJsPlugin now defaults to true when the SourceMapDevToolPlugin is used
* `module.assets` is now working again in the Stats
* chunk ids are not stringified on target node
* `devtoolNamespace` default works now also for arrays passed to `output.library`
* Format date with 2 digits in Stats for Build At
* fix a bug renaming classes incorrectly
* fix a bug where modules ignore the `chunks` option of `optimization.splitChunks`
### [`v4.1.0`](
[Compare Source](
### Features
* add `filename` option to `optimization.splitChunks` to modify the filename template for splitted chunks
* allow modules which doesn't emit code into the bundle
### Bugfixes
* watchpack updated to 1.5.0
* performance fix for Module Concatenation (v8 bug)
* fix using `` in `ProvidePlugin`
### [`v4.0.1`](
[Compare Source](
### Features
* add `version` property to webpack exports
### Bugfixes
* `import()` with CJS now gives correct exports
* Module concatenation bailout messages now point to correct module
### [`v4.0.0`](
[Compare Source](
### Big changes
* Environment
* Node.js 4 is no longer supported. Source Code was upgraded to a higher ecmascript version.
* Usage
* You have to choose (`mode` or `--mode`) between two modes now: production or development
* production enables all kind of optimizations to generate optimized bundles
* development enables comments and hint for development and enables the eval devtool
* production doesn't support watching, development is optimized for fast incremental rebuilds
* production also enables module concatenating (Scope Hoisting)
* You can configure this in detail with the flags in `optimization.*` (build your custom mode)
* `process.env.NODE_ENV` are set to production or development (only in built code, not in config)
* There is a hidden `none` mode which disables everything
* Syntax
* `import()` always returns a namespace object. CommonJS modules are wrapped into the default export
* This probably breaks your code, if you used to import CommonJs with `import()`
* Configuration
* You no longer need to use these plugins:
* `NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin` -> `optimization.noEmitOnErrors` (on by default in production mode)
* `ModuleConcatenationPlugin` -> `optimization.concatenateModules` (on by default in production mode)
* `NamedModulesPlugin` -> `optimization.namedModules` (on by default in develoment mode)
* `CommonsChunkPlugin` was removed -> `optimization.splitChunks`, `optimization.runtimeChunk`
* webpack now handles JSON natively
* You may need to add `type: "javascript/auto"` when transforming JSON via loader to JS
* Just using JSON without loader should still work
* allows to import JSON via ESM syntax
* unused exports elimination for JSON modules
* Optimization
* Upgrade uglifyjs-webpack-plugin to v1
* ES15 support
### Big features
* Modules
* webpack now supports these module types:
* javascript/auto: (The default one in webpack 3) Javascript module with all module systems enabled: CommonJS, AMD, ESM
* javascript/esm: EcmaScript modules, all other module system are not available
* javascript/dynamic: Only CommonJS and, EcmaScript modules are not available
* json: JSON data, it's available via require and import
* webassembly/experimental: WebAssembly modules (currently experimental)
* `javascript/esm` handles ESM more strictly compared to `javascript/auto`:
* Imported names need to exist on imported module
* Dynamic modules (non-esm, i. e. CommonJs) can only imported via `default` import, everything else (including namespace import) emit errors
* In `.mjs` modules are `javascript/esm` by default
* WebAssembly modules
* can import other modules (JS and WASM)
* Exports from WebAssembly modules are validated by ESM import
* You'll get a warning/error when trying to import a non-existing export from WASM
* can only be used in async chunks. They doesn't work in initial chunks (would be bad for web performance)
* Import modules using WASM via `import()`
* This is an experimental feature and subject of change
* Optimization
* `sideEffects: false` is now supported in package.json
* `sideEffects` in package.json also supports glob expressions and arrays of glob expressions
* Instead of a JSONP function a JSONP array is used -> async script tag support, order no longer matter
* New `optimization.splitChunks` option was introduced
* Dead branches are now removed by webpack itself
* Before: Uglify removed the dead code
* Now: webpack removes the dead code (in some cases)
* This prevents crashing when `import()` occur in a dead branch
* Syntax
* `webpackInclude` and `webpackExclude` are supported by the magic comment for `import()`. They allow to filter files when using a dynamic expression.
* Using `System.import()` now emits a warning
* You can disable the warning with `Rule.parser.system: true`
* You can disable `System.import` with `Rule.parser.system: false`
* Configuration
* Resolving can now be configured with `module.rules[].resolve`. It's merged with the global configuration.
* `optimization.minimize` has been added to switch minimizing on/off
* By default: on in production mode, off in development mode
* `optimization.minimizer` has been added to configurate minimizers and options
* Usage
* Some Plugin options are now validated
* CLI has been move to webpack-cli, you need to install `webpack-cli` to use the CLI
* The ProgressPlugin (`--progress`) now displays plugin names
* At least for plugins migrated to the new plugin system
* Performance
* UglifyJs now caches and parallizes by default
* Multiple performance improvements, especially for faster incremental rebuilds
* performance improvement for RemoveParentModulesPlugin
* Stats
* Stats can display modules nested in concatenated modules
### Features
* Configuration
* Module type is automatically choosen for mjs, json and wasm extensions. Other extensions need to be configured via `module.rules[].type`
* Incorrect `options.dependencies` configurations now throw error
* `sideEffects` can be overriden via module.rules
* `output.hashFunction` can now be a Constructor to a custom hash function
* You can provide a non-cryto hash function for performance reasons
* add `output.globalObject` config option to allow to choose the global object reference in runtime exitCode
* Runtime
* Error for chunk loading now includes more information and two new properties `type` and `request`.
* Devtool
* remove comment footer from SourceMaps and eval
* add support for `include` `test` and `exclude` to the eval source map devtool plugin
* Performance
* webpacks AST can be passed directly from loader to webpack to avoid extra parsing
* Unused modules are no longer unnecessarly concatenated
* Add a ProfilingPlugin which write a (Chrome) profile file which includes timings of plugins
* Migrate to using `for of` instead of `forEach`
* Migrate to using `Map` and `Set` instead of Objects
* Migrate to using `includes` instead of `indexOf`
* Replaced some RegExp with string methods
* Queue don't enqueues the same job twice
* Use faster md4 hash for hashing by default
* Optimization
* When using more than 25 exports mangled export names are shorter.
* script tags are no longer `text/javascript` and `async` as this are the default values (saves a few bytes)
* The concatenated module now generates a bit less code
* constant replacements now don't need `__webpack_require__` and argument is omitted
* Defaults
* webpack now looks for the `.wasm`, `.mjs`, `.js` and `.json` extensions in this order
* `output.pathinfo` is now on by default in develoment mode
* in-memory caching is now off by default in production
* `entry` defaults to `./src`
* `output.path` defaults to `./dist`
* Use `production` defaults when omiting the `mode` option
* Usage
* Add detailed progress reporting to SourceMapDevToolPlugin
* removed plugins now give a useful error message
* Stats
* Sizes are now shown in kiB instead of kB in Stats
* entrypoints are now shows by default in Stats
* chunks now display `<{parents}>` `>{children}<` and `={siblings}=` in Stats
* add `buildAt` time to stats
* stats json now includes the output path
* Syntax
* A resource query is supported in context
* Referencing entry point name in `import()` now emits a error instead of a warning
* Upgraded to acorn 5 and support ES 2018
* Plugins
* `done` is now an async hook
### Bugfixes
* Generated comments no longer break on `*/`
* webpack no longer modifies the passed options object
* Compiler "watch-run" hook now has the Compiler as first parameter
* add `output.chunkCallbackName` to the schema to allow configurating WebWorker template
* Using `` now correctly bails out of Module Concatentation (Scope Hoisting)
* OccurenceOrderPlugin now sorts modules in correct order (instead of reversed)
* timestamps for files are read from watcher when calling `Watching.invalidate`
* fix incorrect `-!` behavior with post loaders
* add `run` and `watchRun` hooks for `MultiCompiler`
* `this` is now undefined in ESM
* VariableDeclaration are correctly identified as `var`, `const` or `let`
* Parser now parse the source code with the correct source type (module/script) when the module type `javascript/dynamic` or `javascript/module` is used.
* don't crash on missing modules with `buildMeta` of null
* add `original-fs` module for electron targets
* HMRPlugin can be added to the Compiler outside of `plugins`
### Internal changes
* Replaced `plugin` calls with `tap` calls (new plugin system)
* Migrated many deprecated plugins to new plugin system API
* added `buildMeta.exportsType: "default"` for json modules
* Remove unused methods from Parser (parserStringArray, parserCalculatedStringArray)
* Remove ability to clear BasicEvaluatedExpression and to have multiple types
* Buffer.from instead of new Buffer
* Avoid using forEach and use for of instead
* Use `neo-async` instead of `async`
* Update tapable and enhanced-resolve dependencies to new major versions
* Use prettier
### Removed features
* removed `module.loaders`
* removed `loaderContext.options`
* removed `Compilation.notCacheable` flag
* removed `NoErrorsPlugin`
* removed `Dependency.isEqualResource`
* removed `NewWatchingPlugin`
* removed `CommonsChunkPlugin`
### Breaking changes for plugins/loaders
* new plugin system
* `plugin` method is backward-compatible
* Plugins should use `, fn)` now
* New major version of enhanced-resolve
* Templates for chunks may now generate multiple assets
* `Chunk.chunks/parents/blocks` are no longer Arrays. A Set is used internally and there are methods to access it.
* `Parser.scope.renames` and `Parser.scope.definitions` are no longer Objects/Arrays, but Map/Sets.
* Parser uses `StackedSetMap` (LevelDB-like datastructure) instead of Arrays
* `Compiler.options` is no longer set while applying plugins
* Harmony Dependencies has changed because of refactoring
* `Dependency.getReference()` may now return a `weak` property. `Dependency.weak` is now used by the `Dependency` base class and returned in the base impl of `getReference()`
* Constructor arguments changed for all `Module`s
* Merged options into options object for `ContextModule` and `resolveDependencies`
* Changed and renamed dependencies for `import()
* Moved `Compiler.resolvers` into `Compiler.resolverFactory` accessible with plugins
* `Dependency.isEqualResource` has been replaced with `Dependency.getResourceIdentifier`
* Methods on `Template` are now static
* A new RuntimeTemplate class has been added and `outputOptions` and `requestShortener` has been moved to this class
* Many methods has been updated to use the RuntimeTemplate instead
* We plan to move code which accesses the runtime to this new class
* `Module.meta` has been replaced with `Module.buildMeta`
* `Module.buildInfo` and `Module.factoryMeta` have been added
* Some properties of `Module` have been moved into the new objects
* added `loaderContext.rootContext` which points to the `context` options. Loaders may use it to make stuff relative to the application root.
* add `` flag to loader context when HMR is enabled
* `buildMeta.harmony` has been replaced with `buildMeta.exportsType: "namespace`
* The chunk graph has changed:
* Before: Chunks were connected with parent-child-relationships.
* Now: ChunkGroups are connected with parent-child-relationships. ChunkGroups contain Chunks in order.
* Before: AsyncDependenciesBlocks reference a list of Chunks in order.
* Now: AsyncDependenciesBlocks reference a single ChunkGroup.
* file/contextTimestamps are Maps now
* `map/foreach` `Chunks/Modules/Parents` methods are now deprecated/removed
* NormalModule accept options object in Constructor
* Added required generator argument for NormalModule
* Added `createGenerator` and `generator` hooks for NormalModuleFactory to customize code generation
* Allow to customize render manifest for Chunks via hooks
This Pull Request updates dependency webpack from
to^3.11.0 || ^4.0.0
Release Notes
### [`v4.8.3`]( [Compare Source]( ### Bugfixes * fix missing `debug` dependency * support arrays in `output.library.root` --- ### [`v4.8.2`]( [Compare Source]( ### Bugfixes * WASM parser bugfixes * fix edge case when replacing top-level this in IIFE * avoid parser wasm many times --- ### [`v4.8.1`]( [Compare Source]( ### Bugfixes * fix some WASM parsing issues --- ### [`v4.8.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### Features * new WASM pipeline * use `instantiateStreaming` when available * allow circular dependencies between wasm modules (functions only) ### Bugfixes * fix a bug where runtime code for wasm was incorrectly cached * fix a bug where a splitChunks cacheGroup without name wasn't executed --- ### [`v4.7.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### Features * add webpackIgnore magic comment (`import(/* webpackIgnore: true */ "...")`) to keep the import in the bundle * add chunkGroups to Stats * `chunkGroups` option * `namedChunkGroups` property * `Chunk Group` text output ### Bugfixes * prevent chunk merging for the runtimeChunk * fix a caching issue for concatenated modules * namedModules now handle name conflicts correctly * fix a crash when using `[contenthash:n]` without on-demand-chunks ### Internal changes * testing uses Jest now * testing in node.js 10 too * Performance improvements --- ### [`v4.6.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### Features * improve stats output alignment * improve stats text output when all exports are used * add `webpackPrefetch`/`webpackPreload` magic comments to `import()` * add `stats.entrypoints[].children` and `stats.entrypoints[].childAssets` to stats json * add prefetched/preloaded chunks and assets to stats text output * Performance improvements ### Bugfixes * Escape chunk ids for `target: "webworker"` * fix `this` to `undefined` ESM replacement in function default values * `new require(...)` is weird, but now behaves like in node.js * fix behavior of `export * from "commonjs"` with partial override * fixed build time output in current locale in stats text output * fixed ChunkModuleIdRangePlugin and add tests * avoid race condition when using the loadModule loader API * fix default value of `output.globalObject` in `target: "node-webkit"` * fix a bug with `loadModules` and dependencies in these modules * fix hot.accept parser plugin to allow defined values as argument * print `unknown size` when size is unknown * fix a bug where some chunks were missing in the "single" runtime chunk * fix cloning of `optimization` configuration ### Internal changes * Set up infrastructure for linting typings with TypeScript --- ### [`v4.5.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### Features * Performance improvements * Improve readablility of error messages with long loader string ### Bugfixes * Sort child compilations for consistent compilation hash * Fix bug causing all symbols to be renamed when concatenating modules ### Contributing * add `yarn setup` script for bootstrapping local development --- ### [`v4.4.1`]( [Compare Source]( ### Bugfixes * fix yarn/npm install script on windows --- ### [`v4.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### Features * When webpack-cli is not installed it will ask to install it * `splitChunks.chunks` supports a custom function now * Better warning when omitting `mode` ### Bugfixes * disallow functions for `chunkFilename`, because it's not working * generate correct code when using `export default (function xxx() {})` ### Performance * Performance improvements for sorting by identifier --- ### [`v4.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### Features * add support for `[contenthash]` placeholder ### Bugfixes * `browser` field is used for target `electron-renderer` * set `devtoolNamespace` default correctly when passing an object to `output.library` --- ### [`v4.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### Features * add `splitChunks.automaticNameDelimiter` to configure the name separator for automatic names * `stats.excludeModules` now also accept booleans * webpack throws an error when trying to run in twice at a time * `performance` is disabled by default in non-web targets * AMD parser plugins can now be extended by inheriting ### Bugfixes * Fix a race condition when writing `events.json` in ProfilingPlugin * HMR runtime code is reverted to ES5 style * script timeout is not correctly in seconds * reexporting JSON exports works correctly now * fix a bug when combining ProfilingPlugin with SourceMapDevToolPlugin * add a missing semicolon to the runtime code --- ### [`v4.1.1`]( [Compare Source]( ### Features * Stats now displays the number of assets of a module ### Bugfixes * `sourceMap` option of the default UglifyJsPlugin now defaults to true when the SourceMapDevToolPlugin is used * `module.assets` is now working again in the Stats * chunk ids are not stringified on target node * `devtoolNamespace` default works now also for arrays passed to `output.library` * Format date with 2 digits in Stats for Build At * fix a bug renaming classes incorrectly * fix a bug where modules ignore the `chunks` option of `optimization.splitChunks` --- ### [`v4.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### Features * add `filename` option to `optimization.splitChunks` to modify the filename template for splitted chunks * allow modules which doesn't emit code into the bundle ### Bugfixes * watchpack updated to 1.5.0 * performance fix for Module Concatenation (v8 bug) * fix using `` in `ProvidePlugin` --- ### [`v4.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( ### Features * add `version` property to webpack exports ### Bugfixes * `import()` with CJS now gives correct exports * Module concatenation bailout messages now point to correct module --- ### [`v4.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### Big changes * Environment * Node.js 4 is no longer supported. Source Code was upgraded to a higher ecmascript version. * Usage * You have to choose (`mode` or `--mode`) between two modes now: production or development * production enables all kind of optimizations to generate optimized bundles * development enables comments and hint for development and enables the eval devtool * production doesn't support watching, development is optimized for fast incremental rebuilds * production also enables module concatenating (Scope Hoisting) * You can configure this in detail with the flags in `optimization.*` (build your custom mode) * `process.env.NODE_ENV` are set to production or development (only in built code, not in config) * There is a hidden `none` mode which disables everything * Syntax * `import()` always returns a namespace object. CommonJS modules are wrapped into the default export * This probably breaks your code, if you used to import CommonJs with `import()` * Configuration * You no longer need to use these plugins: * `NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin` -> `optimization.noEmitOnErrors` (on by default in production mode) * `ModuleConcatenationPlugin` -> `optimization.concatenateModules` (on by default in production mode) * `NamedModulesPlugin` -> `optimization.namedModules` (on by default in develoment mode) * `CommonsChunkPlugin` was removed -> `optimization.splitChunks`, `optimization.runtimeChunk` * JSON * webpack now handles JSON natively * You may need to add `type: "javascript/auto"` when transforming JSON via loader to JS * Just using JSON without loader should still work * allows to import JSON via ESM syntax * unused exports elimination for JSON modules * Optimization * Upgrade uglifyjs-webpack-plugin to v1 * ES15 support ### Big features * Modules * webpack now supports these module types: * javascript/auto: (The default one in webpack 3) Javascript module with all module systems enabled: CommonJS, AMD, ESM * javascript/esm: EcmaScript modules, all other module system are not available * javascript/dynamic: Only CommonJS and, EcmaScript modules are not available * json: JSON data, it's available via require and import * webassembly/experimental: WebAssembly modules (currently experimental) * `javascript/esm` handles ESM more strictly compared to `javascript/auto`: * Imported names need to exist on imported module * Dynamic modules (non-esm, i. e. CommonJs) can only imported via `default` import, everything else (including namespace import) emit errors * In `.mjs` modules are `javascript/esm` by default * WebAssembly modules * can import other modules (JS and WASM) * Exports from WebAssembly modules are validated by ESM import * You'll get a warning/error when trying to import a non-existing export from WASM * can only be used in async chunks. They doesn't work in initial chunks (would be bad for web performance) * Import modules using WASM via `import()` * This is an experimental feature and subject of change * Optimization * `sideEffects: false` is now supported in package.json * `sideEffects` in package.json also supports glob expressions and arrays of glob expressions * Instead of a JSONP function a JSONP array is used -> async script tag support, order no longer matter * New `optimization.splitChunks` option was introduced Details: * Dead branches are now removed by webpack itself * Before: Uglify removed the dead code * Now: webpack removes the dead code (in some cases) * This prevents crashing when `import()` occur in a dead branch * Syntax * `webpackInclude` and `webpackExclude` are supported by the magic comment for `import()`. They allow to filter files when using a dynamic expression. * Using `System.import()` now emits a warning * You can disable the warning with `Rule.parser.system: true` * You can disable `System.import` with `Rule.parser.system: false` * Configuration * Resolving can now be configured with `module.rules[].resolve`. It's merged with the global configuration. * `optimization.minimize` has been added to switch minimizing on/off * By default: on in production mode, off in development mode * `optimization.minimizer` has been added to configurate minimizers and options * Usage * Some Plugin options are now validated * CLI has been move to webpack-cli, you need to install `webpack-cli` to use the CLI * The ProgressPlugin (`--progress`) now displays plugin names * At least for plugins migrated to the new plugin system * Performance * UglifyJs now caches and parallizes by default * Multiple performance improvements, especially for faster incremental rebuilds * performance improvement for RemoveParentModulesPlugin * Stats * Stats can display modules nested in concatenated modules ### Features * Configuration * Module type is automatically choosen for mjs, json and wasm extensions. Other extensions need to be configured via `module.rules[].type` * Incorrect `options.dependencies` configurations now throw error * `sideEffects` can be overriden via module.rules * `output.hashFunction` can now be a Constructor to a custom hash function * You can provide a non-cryto hash function for performance reasons * add `output.globalObject` config option to allow to choose the global object reference in runtime exitCode * Runtime * Error for chunk loading now includes more information and two new properties `type` and `request`. * Devtool * remove comment footer from SourceMaps and eval * add support for `include` `test` and `exclude` to the eval source map devtool plugin * Performance * webpacks AST can be passed directly from loader to webpack to avoid extra parsing * Unused modules are no longer unnecessarly concatenated * Add a ProfilingPlugin which write a (Chrome) profile file which includes timings of plugins * Migrate to using `for of` instead of `forEach` * Migrate to using `Map` and `Set` instead of Objects * Migrate to using `includes` instead of `indexOf` * Replaced some RegExp with string methods * Queue don't enqueues the same job twice * Use faster md4 hash for hashing by default * Optimization * When using more than 25 exports mangled export names are shorter. * script tags are no longer `text/javascript` and `async` as this are the default values (saves a few bytes) * The concatenated module now generates a bit less code * constant replacements now don't need `__webpack_require__` and argument is omitted * Defaults * webpack now looks for the `.wasm`, `.mjs`, `.js` and `.json` extensions in this order * `output.pathinfo` is now on by default in develoment mode * in-memory caching is now off by default in production * `entry` defaults to `./src` * `output.path` defaults to `./dist` * Use `production` defaults when omiting the `mode` option * Usage * Add detailed progress reporting to SourceMapDevToolPlugin * removed plugins now give a useful error message * Stats * Sizes are now shown in kiB instead of kB in Stats * entrypoints are now shows by default in Stats * chunks now display `<{parents}>` `>{children}<` and `={siblings}=` in Stats * add `buildAt` time to stats * stats json now includes the output path * Syntax * A resource query is supported in context * Referencing entry point name in `import()` now emits a error instead of a warning * Upgraded to acorn 5 and support ES 2018 * Plugins * `done` is now an async hook ### Bugfixes * Generated comments no longer break on `*/` * webpack no longer modifies the passed options object * Compiler "watch-run" hook now has the Compiler as first parameter * add `output.chunkCallbackName` to the schema to allow configurating WebWorker template * Using `` now correctly bails out of Module Concatentation (Scope Hoisting) * OccurenceOrderPlugin now sorts modules in correct order (instead of reversed) * timestamps for files are read from watcher when calling `Watching.invalidate` * fix incorrect `-!` behavior with post loaders * add `run` and `watchRun` hooks for `MultiCompiler` * `this` is now undefined in ESM * VariableDeclaration are correctly identified as `var`, `const` or `let` * Parser now parse the source code with the correct source type (module/script) when the module type `javascript/dynamic` or `javascript/module` is used. * don't crash on missing modules with `buildMeta` of null * add `original-fs` module for electron targets * HMRPlugin can be added to the Compiler outside of `plugins` ### Internal changes * Replaced `plugin` calls with `tap` calls (new plugin system) * Migrated many deprecated plugins to new plugin system API * added `buildMeta.exportsType: "default"` for json modules * Remove unused methods from Parser (parserStringArray, parserCalculatedStringArray) * Remove ability to clear BasicEvaluatedExpression and to have multiple types * Buffer.from instead of new Buffer * Avoid using forEach and use for of instead * Use `neo-async` instead of `async` * Update tapable and enhanced-resolve dependencies to new major versions * Use prettier ### Removed features * removed `module.loaders` * removed `loaderContext.options` * removed `Compilation.notCacheable` flag * removed `NoErrorsPlugin` * removed `Dependency.isEqualResource` * removed `NewWatchingPlugin` * removed `CommonsChunkPlugin` ### Breaking changes for plugins/loaders * new plugin system * `plugin` method is backward-compatible * Plugins should use ` PR has been generated by Renovate Bot.