WeAreSnook / human-services

Extensions proposed by the English Local Government Association (LGA) and the local government OpenCommunity project to the OpenReferral standard for human services data. Schema generator code is given to express the schema in various formats. Data conversion routines to make it conform to the standard. API that serves the data in a format compliant with the standard.
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Case Study Page - Design #62

Open ailsaleen opened 3 years ago

ailsaleen commented 3 years ago

Hypothesis We believe that showcasing case studies of standard adoption could lower the barrier to adoption in these ways:

This is a strong hypothesis as we have seen in our user testing sessions that the case study section is very interesting to potential adoptees.

Target audience Decision makers who are considering adopting the standard (Service Commissioners, Data Custodians, Software Providers). We will have different case studies aimed at different target users.

User Stories For case studies in general:

To consider in the design: Browse case studies:

Case study page:

Currently, the only case study we have available is Leeds. We are looking to gather case studies in these major areas:

Useful links Current Case Study intake form: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SV4sU9k5REbps8HLYM3gt_n2JiPeWxC1AKQ_LSQQX04/edit# Example case study content from Leeds: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ClODmked_9WZzI7rQGGOYcSih07fM0daa83UV6gQVIU/edit# User feedback from a data architect that includes some thoughts on case studies (how to browse them): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dOI844uMvMQKt0zbFOX5lpFsQcckC6pepxS1c7SajFE/edit

Some Examples

chiayingt commented 3 years ago

@annhelen Ann, can I ask if you have any feedback about case study layout page? after discussions with Ananda, I think maybe we need add new title about case study instead of stakeholder's name, title and organisation. I am happy to have a chat if you are available. Thanks https://www.figma.com/proto/1qiA6bdGXhAoy2Ex5GUUsE/ORUK-wireframes-0.2?node-id=1121%3A0&viewport=-302%2C-138%2C0.05441480875015259&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=680%3A0

chiayingt commented 3 years ago

@yemijaiyeola @kingdomlevel Can I check if it is possible to have an extra card to link other case studies on this case study page?

Screenshot 2021-04-20 at 12 10 14

(you can see it in the bottom of page ) https://www.figma.com/proto/2xrZWgoxb0vgylFFbimESB/ORUK-page-designs?node-id=103%3A43&viewport=-482%2C287%2C0.07803574204444885&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=0%3A1

kingdomlevel commented 3 years ago

Hiya! Yes that will be do-able - I'll factor this in to #103 , but it will also need a change to the back end (because there is now a short description in the case study card!).