WeAreSnook / human-services

Extensions proposed by the English Local Government Association (LGA) and the local government OpenCommunity project to the OpenReferral standard for human services data. Schema generator code is given to express the schema in various formats. Data conversion routines to make it conform to the standard. API that serves the data in a format compliant with the standard.
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Community Page - Design #65

Open ailsaleen opened 3 years ago

ailsaleen commented 3 years ago

Hypothesis We believe that showing the extent of the Open Referral UK community will encourage users to adopt the standard, as it will reduce the 'first mover' barrier to entry - users can be assured that the standard is mature and that the adoption pathway is tried and tested.

User Stories

Design thoughts/questions

Useful links This should tie in with the designs for the community dashboard on the Homepage. Chia, Ananda - we should talk about how /if that work should be split.

Some Examples

anandamaryon commented 3 years ago

Join us page mockup v1: https://www.figma.com/proto/1qiA6bdGXhAoy2Ex5GUUsE/ORUK-wireframes-0.2?node-id=728%3A0&viewport=1501%2C1553%2C1&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=0%3A1

anandamaryon commented 3 years ago

Bonus task:

Look into whether we could include a 'compliant data feeds' section on here?

Something like this: https://status.openactive.io/

anandamaryon commented 3 years ago

Mike's document that lists the current organisations adopting ORUK: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KHzLrFzolQk756s2k18RA1WKkqwg3FM75cBgD-3YUyI/edit#heading=h.7ew53rq83swk

chiayingt commented 3 years ago

A mock-up page for a compliant data feeds https://www.figma.com/proto/1qiA6bdGXhAoy2Ex5GUUsE/ORUK-wireframes-0.2?node-id=789%3A3119&viewport=396%2C83%2C0.059872932732105255&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=680%3A0

MikeThacker1 commented 3 years ago

The mockup closely matches the OpenActive page and so columns aren't appropriate to ORUK. I suggest the columns are:

Would like to test with the likes of Placecube.

MikeThacker1 commented 3 years ago

Also I'd suggest changing "Submit a compliant data feed" to "Contact us to add or update your feed" with a simple email link.

chiayingt commented 3 years ago

@MikeThacker1 I've revised the table (same link), feel free to comment on the link directly or reply here :)

MikeThacker1 commented 3 years ago

The revised mockup is great. If we're going to demo it, can we make the rows:

UsmanAfzal commented 3 years ago

I've added a few more user stories. Need to take into account how this content will look on a smaller device. Part of the solution to consider are dyslexic users that prefer reduced colour contrast (however not an issue in wireframes).