#ROSHOP_Responsive Open Source Modular Housing Prototype is a media and digital culture informed housing prototype for complex post-conflict and politically unstable environments, responsive to refugee, IDP and resource scarce needs.
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Github Pages #11

Open PyGamma opened 3 years ago

PyGamma commented 3 years ago

@timmwille can we collaborate in fixing the GitHub pages of the repository, Thanks @gibertgibs for setting it up. Let all pick it from there so that Github newbies don't have to follow through files to understand our documentation.

timmwille commented 3 years ago

what is the goal? realising it with Jekyll or Hugo ?


I might need some help from @bmen

timmwille commented 3 years ago

Jekyll is the native one GitHub uses, so might be easier but Hugo has more flexibility and data efficiency to deliver the content https://opensource.com/article/17/5/hugo-vs-jekyll

Also I think @bmen has worked with Jekyll mainly so far

timmwille commented 3 years ago

should it involve a blog style of page or just a portfolio regarding the project and its technical documentation?

hashimhussen commented 3 years ago

@timmwille Are we going with Jekyll? I don't mind either of the two options because I'm familiar with Golang and have used Hugo once or twice. But as you said, Jekyll is what GitHub Pages uses.... and it shouldn't be too hard to pick up either.

timmwille commented 3 years ago

@timmwille Are we going with Jekyll? I don't mind either of the two options because I'm familiar with Golang and have used Hugo once or twice. But as you said, Jekyll is what GitHub Pages uses.... and it shouldn't be too hard to pick up either.

yes I think via Jekyll should be the easiest to maintain.

PyGamma commented 3 years ago

I would go with Jekyll because of the Simple templating engine offering more beginner friendly learning curve and has many ready-to-use themes to get started couple with the rich plugin library it has, let alone it's GitHub Pages Integration functionality so Setting up a site with Jekyll and GitHub pages is far more amazing. Although Hugo is extremely fast with build times around 1s. My major reservation for Hugo comes with extensions features. I am not sure if  Hugo has plugin support, so adding highly custom functionality may to hard to achieve if not impossible.

hashimhussen commented 3 years ago

Okay sounds good, Jekyll it is