WeBankFinTech / Exchangis

Exchangis is a lightweight,highly extensible data exchange platform that supports data transmission between structured and unstructured heterogeneous data sources
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Exchange is configured mysql->es task, then click execute, and the task has been queued. #12

Closed jkl0898 closed 2 years ago

jkl0898 commented 4 years ago


  1. version: exchangis-0.5.0.RELEASE
  2. Phenomenon After configuring mysql -> es tasks, and clicking Execute, all tasks are in the queue state, but not in the execution state. Observe the logs of service, executor and gateway, and no obvious error log is found.

1.版本: exchangis-0.5.0.RELEASE

  1. 现象 配置好mysql -> es 任务,并点击执行后, 所有任务都处于排队状态,没有进入到执行状态。 观察service、 executor、gateway 日志,未发现明显错误日志

Gateway continuous printing: gateway 持续打印: image

Service continuous printing: service 持续打印: image

Executor continuous printing: executor 持续打印: image

jkl0898 commented 4 years ago

After positioning, the reason is that the execution node is bound with the wrong ip address. Feedback has been given. 经定位, 原因是执行节点绑定了错误的ip 地址所致。已反馈。

XuXuebin commented 4 years ago

经定位, 原因是执行节点绑定了错误的ip 地址所致。已反馈。

Is there a solution for this? 这个有解决方案么?

jkl0898 commented 4 years ago

经定位, 原因是执行节点绑定了错误的ip 地址所致。已反馈。


Hello, this problem is caused by binding the wrong IP. The solution is to fix it to bind the correct IP. I have identified this problem with the owner of the project and have given him feedback. If you have the same problem, You can check the log first to confirm whether it belongs to the same problem. If you still have questions, please consult the owner of this project.Hello, this problem is caused by binding the wrong IP. The solution is to fix it to bind the correct IP. I have identified this problem with the owner of the project and have given him feedback. If you have the same problem, You can check the log first to confirm whether it belongs to the same problem. If you still have questions, please consult the owner of this project.

你好, 这个问题是绑定了错误的IP所致。解决方案是修正为绑定正确的IP。 此问题我和该项目的拥有者一起定位, 并已向他反馈。如果你也遇到了一样的问题, 可先查看日志,确认是否同属于一样的问题。如果还有问题,可咨询此项目的拥有者。

liushengjie commented 3 years ago

@jkl0898 Excuse me, how to bind the IP? I also encountered this problem. 请问如何绑定的IP?我也遇到了此问题

jkl0898 commented 3 years ago

@jkl0898 请问如何绑定的IP?我也遇到了此问题

Hello. To check the IP configuration related to the network in your environment, you can check its source logic, the part about IP binding. You can also debug errors by remote debugging. 你好。需要检查你的环境中网路相关的IP 配置, 你可查询其源码逻辑,关于IP绑定的部分。 也可以通过远程调试的方式调试错误。

fs3085 commented 3 years ago

@jkl0898 Hello, could you tell me which configuration needs to be modified? The ip of the execution node started by me is the intranet ip of vpn, and the startup task has been waiting in the queue. 你好,请问这个具体需要修改哪些配置,我这边启动的执行节点对应的ip是vpn的内网ip,启动任务一直是排队中

zczy999 commented 2 years ago

@jkl0898 请问如何绑定的IP?我也遇到了此问题

你好。需要检查你的环境中网路相关的IP 配置, 你可查询其源码逻辑,关于IP绑定的部分。 也可以通过远程调试的方式调试错误。

Can you explain it in detail, or give a specific class name, thank you very much. 大佬能不能详细的说明下,或者给个具体的类名,非常感谢

ocean-zhc commented 2 years ago

根据指定ip获取网卡名称,脚本如下: 1、比如你需要绑定的executor的ip是10.0.0.14 2、获取网卡名称如下:

interfaces=(`ip l | awk -F":"  '/^[^ ]/{print $2}'| awk '{print $1}'`)
for interface in ${interfaces[*]};do
     rs=`ip a show $interface| grep $ip`
     if [ -n "$rs"   ];then
         echo $interface                                                                                                                                                   

3、将获取的网卡名字,比如第二步输出的结果是“em1” 4、将第3步骤的结果配置到/wedatasphere-exchangis-0.5.0.RELEASE/modules/exchangis-executor/conf/bootstrap.yml

network: interface: name: "em1" 5、重启exchangis-executor、以及exchangis-service服务

./bin/start.sh -m exchangis-executor ./bin/start.sh -m exchangis-service 6、大功告成,附上一张测试成功的截图(hive同步mysql,一条数据)

jefftlin commented 2 years ago

This problem had been solved! The latest version is exchangis1.1.1. You can pay attention to it.