WeFoster / buddypress-give

BuddyPress Give Add-on
GNU General Public License v3.0
10 stars 2 forks source link

Add an activity stream item when a user has donated #4

Open BoweFrankema opened 9 years ago

BoweFrankema commented 9 years ago

It would be something like in the example below

screenshot 2015-04-10 11 08 10

Admin settings

Default update text If there is no custom donation message attached let the admin specify a default message that gets added as an update

Visibility Will the donation be shown to all members of the site or only to the friends of the person who donated?

Show Hide/Donation Amount Do you want to show the donation amount made by the user?

That's it for now!

henrywright commented 9 years ago

We could let the donor choose the visibility? For example, when they are completing the donation form, we could output radio buttons which give the options: a) Hide from activity b) Show for friends only c) Show site-wide.

The same could go for the Show/Hide donation amount option. We could let the donor specify this when completing the form?

The only issue I can see with giving a donar these choices is the extra effort involved for them when making the donation. Making donations should be as simple and effort-free as possible, so another form field (or two) might be a bad idea.

BoweFrankema commented 9 years ago

I think this should be up to the admin to decide. In my case I don't want to everyone to know when someone donates because it gets in the way of the content. I do think it's cool to show when people are already friends. But this completely depends on the community. So maybe this should be an admin controlled option?

I also want to minimise confusion during the donation process and not ask this question during checkout. Another option would be show a screen after a successful donation.

Thanks for your donation!

Tell the world you are supporting CFCommunity by sharing it with your friends elsewhere:

[social sharing buttons]

or share it with your friends on CFCommunity (if a user is logged in)

[share on CFCommunity form]

So that would make sharing optional but still encouraged!

henrywright commented 9 years ago

I think you're right to want to minimise confusion during the donation process, anything trivial can happen after the transaction has taken place. I like the idea of share options on the confirmation page, there's nothing to stop us adding that functionality after we've got the basics in place.

So regarding the admin options, it might be worth thinking where is the best place for the admin options screen. Should we have it within the Donations menu item added by the Give plugin, or should we have it elsewhere, such as under Settings > BuddyPress and then have a dedicated tab alongside Components, Pages and Settings?

BoweFrankema commented 9 years ago

I would say that we would try and integrate into the GiveWP using their available hooks. So add it under Donations as new menu item. Something like "BuddyPress-on" under "Donations".

Or maybe under Donations > Settings > BuddyPress Add-on

This way people who are new to Give (which is more logical at this point) can set up and configure the entire plugin from one panel instead of hopping around.

henrywright commented 9 years ago

OK great.

henrywright commented 9 years ago

This is now pretty much done. There's some things I've spotted that I'll need to clean up:

BoweFrankema commented 9 years ago

One other small issue is the activity stream message contains the username and not the Nice Name of the user. Also the name is not hyperlinked. See the following screenshot:

screenshot 2015-04-16 11 15 34

henrywright commented 9 years ago

These outstanding issues have now been resolved.