WePCf / darknet-mobilenet-v2

Darknet for MobileNet v2
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why synset.labels.list is diffrerent imagenet.labels.list #2

Closed azuryl closed 5 years ago

azuryl commented 6 years ago

so valid list build by pjreddie.commothod can not be used

azuryl commented 6 years ago

I have verifed if I use the imagenet.labels.list the "VALID" process will failed if use your label list it will success. two label file have some different in content.

WePCf commented 6 years ago

The original darknet's "imagenet.labels.list" is different from "sysnet.labels.list". More precisely, the order of the class label must be the same to the pretrained weights.

azuryl commented 5 years ago

thank you