WeTransfer / Diagnostics

Allow users to easily share Diagnostics with your support team to improve the flow of fixing bugs.
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Update example and readme #115

Closed mikakruschel closed 2 years ago

mikakruschel commented 2 years ago

Hey there, thanks for making Diagnostics public, I think it's a cool way to debug apps in production. I saw that you had a discussion about whether to use an optional array or just an empty array (https://github.com/WeTransfer/Diagnostics/pull/113/commits/e75d7e4a1d9ad647552195d6aa5b3ecbe2d79464) and decided to go the non-optional way. It seems though that you forgot to change the example, so that's what this pull request is.

BasThomas commented 2 years ago

Thanks, @mikakruschel! I don't really understand, however. We (for now) went for making it optional, and that is reflected in the example. You now changed both the implementation and the example?

mikakruschel commented 2 years ago

As you can in the commit https://github.com/WeTransfer/Diagnostics/pull/113/commits/e75d7e4a1d9ad647552195d6aa5b3ecbe2d79464 and this line: https://github.com/WeTransfer/Diagnostics/blob/99e791c69fbea21f228a1bf59bcef1185d5c94bc/Sources/SmartInsights/SmartInsightsProviding.swift#L15 you decided against making it optional. This is why the example is currently not working. All I did was to fix the example.

BasThomas commented 2 years ago

Oh 😅, seems like I missed that. Thanks!

wetransferplatform commented 2 years ago
:no_entry_sign: Build service could not create build operation: internal error: could not generate PIF because the workspace has not finished loading or is still waiting for package resolution
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:book: DiagnosticsTests: Executed 30 tests (0 failed, 0 retried, 0 skipped) in 0.466 seconds

Code Coverage Report

Name Coverage
Diagnostics 75.64% ⚠️

Generated by :no_entry_sign: Danger Swift against fc28bed653a4f7793dc8ac90c9285d5fc8c87f0f

wetransferplatform commented 2 years ago

Congratulations! :tada: This was released as part of Release 4.0.0 :rocket:

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