WeTransfer / Diagnostics

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Updated logDescription of MXCrashDiagnostic with human-readable exception type and signal #151

Closed edorphy closed 1 year ago

edorphy commented 1 year ago


Updated the logDescription of the MXCrashDiagnostic to print the human-readable lookups for the exception type and signals defined in iOS SDK header files using custom string interpolations.

wetransferplatform commented 1 year ago
:warning: Consider to place some `MARK:` lines for Sources/Logging/Loggable.swift, which is over 300 lines big.
:book: DiagnosticsTests: Executed 33 tests (0 failed, 0 retried, 0 skipped) in 10.211 seconds
:book: Slowest test: DiagnosticsReporterTests/testReportingChapters() (2.012s)
:book: Slowest test: DiagnosticsReporterTests/testWithSmartInsightsProviderReturningExtraInsights() (2.007s)
:book: Slowest test: DiagnosticsReporterTests/testWithoutProvidingSmartInsightsProvider() (2.007s)
:book: View more details on Bitrise

Code Coverage Report

Name Coverage
Diagnostics 63.75% ⚠️

SwiftLint found issues

Severity File Reason
Warning Loggable.swift:203 Use shorthand syntax for optional binding (shorthand_optional_binding)
Warning Loggable.swift:247 Use shorthand syntax for optional binding (shorthand_optional_binding)

Generated by :no_entry_sign: Danger Swift against ffdb98061ccc53c97f0bd4bfac940d3b5f72301a

AvdLee commented 1 year ago

@edorphy thanks for your contribution!

Our repository requires signed commits. Would it be possible for you to enable signed commits and recommit using the following command:

git rebase --exec 'git commit --amend --no-edit -n -S' master
git push --force

You can read more about setting up signed commits here.

edorphy commented 1 year ago

I fixed the SwiftLint warnings and errors that I introduced :D. Should be good now.

wetransferplatform commented 1 year ago

Congratulations! :tada: This was released as part of Release 4.5.0 :rocket:

Generated by GitBuddy