WeTransfer / Diagnostics

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Features: support Cocopod #154

Closed Ali72 closed 11 months ago

Ali72 commented 11 months ago

features: support Cocopod prevent crashes on the simulators

To install with cocoa pods, you have to install ExceptionCatcher from this fork inside the pod file in the root project.

I also send this pull request to the ExceptionCatcher owner after he accepts that you can remove my fork from your root project.

Please accept this feature that we need in our project.

BasThomas commented 11 months ago

Hi Ali, thanks for the contribution! We've started moving away from supporting CocoaPods in our projects, but you're welcome to use a fork to include a local pod.

wetransferplatform commented 11 months ago
:no_entry_sign: BuildableError(message: "Some model objects have unexpectedly changed since the build was started. Please try again.", buildable: '>)
:no_entry_sign: Testing cancelled because the build failed.
:book: View more details on Bitrise

Code Coverage Report

Name Coverage

SwiftLint found issues

Severity File Reason
Warning Diagnostics.swift:18 Types used for hosting only static members should be implemented as a caseless enum to avoid instantiation (convenience_type)
Warning DiagnosticsReporter.swift:8 The disabled 'line_length' rule should be re-enabled before the end of the file (blanket_disable_command)
Warning DiagnosticsReporter.swift:169 Colons should be next to the identifier when specifying a type and next to the key in dictionary literals (colon)
Warning DiagnosticsReporter.swift:169 Colons should be next to the identifier when specifying a type and next to the key in dictionary literals (colon)
Warning DiagnosticsReporter.swift:169 There should be no space before and one after any comma (comma)
Warning DiagnosticsReporter.swift:169 Return arrow and return type should be separated by a single space or on a separate line (return_arrow_whitespace)
Warning DiagnosticsReporter.swift:168 Lines should not have trailing whitespace (trailing_whitespace)
Warning DiagnosticsReporter.swift:170 Lines should not have trailing whitespace (trailing_whitespace)

Generated by :no_entry_sign: Danger Swift against aeb778bacd7797aa3a1e6c49202400f626bea0a7

AvdLee commented 11 months ago

@Ali72 thanks for your contribution. Unfortunately, we decided to move away from CocoaPods and we don't want to be the maintainers of it anymore. We would have to ensure it keeps working and we keep pushing new versions for it.

Therefore, I'm going to close this PR. Like Bas mentioned, feel free to use your own fork for internal CocoaPods distribution.

I've looked at the rest of the code, but I could not find any code changes that fixes crashes. If you do find improvements that solves potentially crashes, feel free to open a separate PR for these.
