WeTransfer / Diagnostics

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Question: Workaround for users who don't use Apple Mail #29

Closed simonseyer closed 4 years ago

simonseyer commented 4 years ago

This is not a bug report but rather a question related to your project where I'm interested if you, or anyone else reading this, found a good workaround.

We are also using MFMailComposeViewController in our app to let users send feedback. However, we ran into the issue that when you don't use Apple Mail (I don't) you cannot use MFMailComposeViewController. canSendMail will return false in this case.

We will now probably just expose an endpoint in our backend to receive user feedback and don't use the builtin mail composer. However, we would prefer to stick to the current solution. Since this project is also heavily impacted by this, I would be curious if you also ran into this issue and might have a creative idea how to get around it.

AvdLee commented 4 years ago

Slightly related to #30. We could make the framework more flexible to work with other solutions.

Therefore, closing this one in favor of #30. Let me know if that's fine for you as well!

simonseyer commented 4 years ago

:+1: Missed this ticket or rather didn't see the connection when reading the title.

AvdLee commented 4 years ago

No worries, it was created after yours! 🙂 Thanks!