WeTransfer / Diagnostics

Allow users to easily share Diagnostics with your support team to improve the flow of fixing bugs.
MIT License
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Diagnostics.xcodeproj is Missing #98

Closed LeoSnek closed 2 years ago

LeoSnek commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to update to the latest version of this library but the Diagnostics.xcodeproj file is missing from the repo. Was this deliberate? If so can the installation instructions be updated please?

AvdLee commented 2 years ago

This is on purpose, indeed. The project file was used for testing which wasn't really needed as we can use Swift Package Manager testing.

You should still be able to fetch the latest update though!

        .package(url: "https://github.com/WeTransfer/Diagnostics.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.8.0"))
LeoSnek commented 2 years ago

How does someone add the project manually? That's what we have been and would like to continue doing.

kevinrenskers commented 2 years ago

@AvdLee see https://github.com/WeTransfer/Diagnostics#manually. It does indeed refer to a file that no longer exist.

AvdLee commented 2 years ago

@kevinrenskers ah, you're right. @LeoSnek I've updated the readme for manual linking. You can use SPM perfectly fine for that too! Let me know if that worked out.

LeoSnek commented 2 years ago

Yep that works, however we'd like to do manually "properly", i.e. no submodules. Is this possible? Would be good if you can just add the Diagnostics.xcodeproj file back in

AvdLee commented 2 years ago

Yep that works, however we'd like to do manually "properly", i.e. no submodules. Is this possible? Would be good if you can just add the Diagnostics.xcodeproj file back in

There's no real difference between using a local SPM package or a local xcodeproj. It's really just dragging the Diagnostics directory into your project instead of the xcodeproj. Have you tried that out?

LeoSnek commented 2 years ago

I did yeah, I tried it in two ways. Following your instructions it all works just fine. However, we don't want to add the library as a submodule just add the files and go. When I added the folder manually Xcode recognised it as a SPM package but the framework didn't show up when trying to add to the target's frameworks.

That doesn't really make sense to me though, any idea why there would be a difference?

AvdLee commented 2 years ago

You don't need to use a submodule, you can just download the project and that's it!

It's really strange to me that it doesn't show up as a framework, that sounds like a bug in Xcode. Though, that would basically mean SPM doesn't work at all with local packages which I can confirm is not the case.

I'm happy to help, but we're not going to bring back the xcodeproj since the SPM local package is a good alternative and we don't want to maintain another option while it's not adding added value.

LeoSnek commented 2 years ago

Okay I'll give it another try tomorrow, maybe I did something wrong! Happy to use it as a SPM package if it works 👍🏻

LeoSnek commented 2 years ago

Right I managed to get it working, it wasn't working locally because when I was trying to add the folder manually I had renamed it from 'Diagnostics-master' to 'Diagnostics'. For some reason Xcode doesn't like this!

AvdLee commented 2 years ago

All good, glad it worked out in the end!