WeaponMechanics / MechanicsMain

A New Age of Weapons in Minecraft.
MIT License
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Ping issue #431

Closed fedwfewfwe closed 1 month ago

fedwfewfwe commented 1 month ago

Current/Expected Behavior

When shooting weapons on my server, all players have a very high ping. online 100 Wm version 3.3.2 WmC version 3.2.4 core version Plazma 1.19.4 ProtocoLib version 5.0.0

Steps To Reproduce

https://youtu.be/c1QmgZ-f2D8 video https://pastebin.com/9snydA6g weapon config https://pastebin.com/3Ls7dWV6 wm config

Log File


Anything else?

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