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Shell / Casing ejection #12

Closed DarkmanBree closed 1 year ago

DarkmanBree commented 2 years ago


So this is how it should work, when you shoot your gun, an "item" comes out of your gun that simulates an ejected bullet casing.

The shell/casing ejection can be customized in various ways to have a CustomModelData, the direction it goes out, the velocity speed it flies out, a delay, and how many shells come out per shot. Believe it or not, but some guns eject their casings/shells upwards, downwards, right or even left, the direction should be based off where you are currently facing. The delay is for pump action shotguns and bolt action sniper rifles, they obviously do not eject immediately on shot, they eject when they open the chamber.


      Direction: <LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN>
      Amount: <Value>
      Velocity: <Value>
      Delay: <Value>
      Item: <Name>
      CustomModelData: <Value>
      Durability: <Value>
DeeCaaD commented 2 years ago

This will be in addon

CJCrafter commented 2 years ago

Going to add FakeItemMechanic which will allow you to spawn a temporary fake item.

DarkmanBree commented 1 year ago

Closing due to being added in the new update.