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Smoke Bomb using Blocks #20

Open CJCrafter opened 1 year ago

CJCrafter commented 1 year ago


An animated block texture (like a flower or dead bush used in a radius to create a smoke effect. This is more FPS-friendly than using particles but has the downside of replacing a vanilla block.

Note: Particle smokes WILL be added at a later date.


      Radius: 5
      Block: <BlockSerializer>

The BlockSerializer will be a new type of serializer that supports ItemsAdder blocks.


If you are willing to pay for this feature to be added, please say so below.

Nightshade73 commented 1 year ago

Id like to see this, Id be more than willing to sacrifice an item for decent optimization. dependent on how heavy particle smoke can be.

ciliomine commented 2 weeks ago

That will be very cool !