Closed andrey-skl closed 9 years ago
I've run into this as well, but the problem isn't that the loader doesn't try to handle it -- it's that it's not doing it correctly. Two specific problems:
1) On line 11 where it reads:
relativeTo.replace('/', path.sep);
this is only going to replace the first / with a \ on Windows. .replace() also returns a new string instead of updating the input. It needs to read:
relativeTo = relativeTo.replace(/\//g, path.sep);
2) Since the file name is treated as a regular expression, converting / to \ won't work. In addition, other characters like a . in a path need to be escaped because . is a letter match. Because of this, paths should never be passed directly into .match() in JS. Instead, use a function like this:
function escapeRegExp(string) {
return string.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1");
and then call .match() like so:
var relativeToMatch = this.resource.match(new RegExp("^" + escapeRegExp(relativeTo), "g"));
This will (unfortunately?) prevent using regular expressions, but ngtemplate-loader is already going to break on any system (not just Windows) if there's a ., [, etc. in the path so this feature may need to be rethought....
Will there be a fix for this soon?
Hi @epelc, I will take a look tonight.
@WearyMonkey Thanks this looks like it will fix my directives loading issue
I'm confused here. I have everything set up with nix style path separators and it works great. When I try to build on windows it barfs. I see this, but the way I'm reading the above comments, the build tool (aka, this library) should be properly handling my nix style paths but I don't think it is.
Can someone please explain what this fix is supposed to do? Is it supposed to make the build platform agnostic?
@WearyMonkey in version 2.0.0, while build on Windows, template path separators become "\\". In version 1.3.1 everything was working fine.
Fixed in version 2.0.1, thank you!
As we know, the windows path separator is dramatic different from other systems. So shouldn't we handle it in this loader?