I tried to upgrade from babel-6 to babel-7 but was blocked by auto-template loader not working. At first it seems to resolve the paths differently (I had to change to a relative path) but even after than I got runtime error saying template-37 (etc) not found, so it was somehow munging the connection between the webpack (using webpack 4) cached template url and the reference in the code. Has anyone else seen this or have a work around?
I have the same error, from what I saw in the code, the problem is that the app.module('ng').run is executed after app bootstrap (for me) so the function passed is not called.
I tried to upgrade from babel-6 to babel-7 but was blocked by auto-template loader not working. At first it seems to resolve the paths differently (I had to change to a relative path) but even after than I got runtime error saying template-37 (etc) not found, so it was somehow munging the connection between the webpack (using webpack 4) cached template url and the reference in the code. Has anyone else seen this or have a work around?