Web-Team-IITI-Gymkhana / tpc-frontend

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Admin View #57

Open AryanGKulkarni opened 2 weeks ago

AryanGKulkarni commented 2 weeks ago

Update the Table components

Admin should be able to perform following actions :-

For Students

  1. Don't display ids on frontend
  2. Add penalties to students in the table component through a modal
  3. Search filters for students, for example by name, roll No, etc
  4. Update the api based on current backend
  5. Register or deregister a student for a particular season (No endpoint present in backend so don't use api for now just put a button)
  6. make a modal to display details of a particular student on clicking from the table
  7. This page should contain all the details of a student including offers, applications, registrations, resumes etc.
  8. Also add a functionality for resume verification

For Recruiters

  1. JAF form filled by recruiter should be visible
  2. Add Approval Request for particular salary of a job
  3. change the job status to active so that the job is now visible to students

For Jobs

  1. Make a modal to view all the details of a particular job
  2. Make an entry in offer table, for a particular salary of a job the admin should be able to add students and give them offers