The Web3 Online Quiz Application is a decentralized platform that allows users to participate in quizzes while earning rewards in the form of tokens or NFTs. Built on blockchain technology, it offers a secure and transparent environment for users to engage in fun and educational quizzes.
As the maintainer of a collaborative repository, it's essential to keep Issues up-to-date to help the student community understand how they can contribute. By creating a mix of issues, from simple tasks like updating documentation to more complex ones like developing new features, you can cater to contributors of all skill levels. The more actively you engage, the more chances there are for meaningful collaboration.
Regularly create issues of varying difficulty and label them accordingly: wob24, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 etc.
Scoring for the leaderboard is as follows:
Each PR earns one point.
Level 1 Issues: 10 points.
Level 2 Issues: 25 points.
Level 3 Issues: 45 points.
Include documentation-related issues to provide an easier entry point for beginners to explore open-source.
Even if you plan on solving an issue yourself, generate it to maintain the repository’s activity.
Commit and contribute frequently to prevent the repo from becoming inactive.
As the maintainer of a collaborative repository, it's essential to keep Issues up-to-date to help the student community understand how they can contribute. By creating a mix of issues, from simple tasks like updating documentation to more complex ones like developing new features, you can cater to contributors of all skill levels. The more actively you engage, the more chances there are for meaningful collaboration.