Web3-Conf-India / Proposal-2022

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How to Easily Build Secure dApps Using Arcana #129

Open anivenu opened 2 years ago

anivenu commented 2 years ago


How to Easily Build Secure dApps Using Arcana


This talk will cover why a privacy preserving stack for web3 development is important. We will go over the specific problems that are present currently and then describe how Arcana tries to address each problem. Specifically:

How to easily onboard users and securely give them a private key? Arcana reduces onboarding friction by providing easy to use authentication methods (social auth or passwordless logins), securely creates and assigns keys upon authentication (using our distributed key generation scheme), & helps users manage those keys using the Arcana wallet.

How to encrypt and store data on a distributed network? Every asset uploaded to Arcana's decentralised storage network is split up and stored across nodes so that there is no single point of failure & your assets are protected against geo-specific disasters and hacks.

How to do on-chain access control for encrypted data? Let your code or users decide who has access to data. Arcana uses DIDs for identification of data & stores, on-chain, who owns the data and who can access it.

About Speaker:

Anirudh is a product manager at Arcana, a platform developers can use to build secure & privacy preserving dApps. Twitter - https://twitter.com/anirvenu LinkedIn - https://in.linkedin.com/in/anirudh-venu-174121120

anivenu commented 2 years ago

Talk Style: 30 mins Regular Talk Talk Audience Type: Beginner, Intermediate