Web3-Conf-India / Proposal-2022

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Heard of NFT's ,Now lets Talk about SBTS-Soulbound Tokens #205 #205

Open AmanGadadare opened 2 years ago

AmanGadadare commented 2 years ago

Title:-Heard of NFTs, Now let's Talk about SBTs-Soulbound Tokens I will talk about SBTs, its working, and how it's the next big things in web3 space

Description-Despite Web 3 ,NFT and DeFi’s exponential growth in the short span, it’s still lacking at some points. Among these limitations, social identity, which brings trust factor in the traditional system is the major issue for Web 3.0 players. We can use NFT for the digital identity of the product but what about certificates or degrees you cannot use NFT here.NFT can be transferred from one wallet to another to solve this SBTS came into the picture.

SBTs-Soulbound Tokens:- Soulbound tokens are non-transferable and publicly visible tokens linked to the soul address. It helps in creating social identity through tokens to enable the services currently absent in the Web 3.0 and DeFi ecosystem such as undercollateralized lending or simple contracts, like an apartment lease. SBTs or Soulbound Tokens are just like your CV representing your skills and qualifications. By assessing details from your CV, such as your educational background, previous work history, and achievements, one can get an idea about your abilities and possible benefits that the company can get from your employment. Universities could give SBT degrees to their graduates. if a graduates receives an SBT degree, he would not be able to transfer or sell it.

Talk Style: Ted Style Talks/Lightning Talks (10 min talks)

Targeted Audience: Beginners, Intermediates, and Advanced.

Are You Submitting Alone or With A Team: Alone

About me: Greetings! My name is Aman Gadadare . I’m a computer science student exploring web3 space for the last 8 months. My Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmanGadadare My Linkdin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aman-gadadare-589918195/ My Github: https://github.com/AmanGadadare Mail:- amangadadare2000@gmail.com