Web3-Conf-India / Proposal-2022

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Revolutionize crowdfunding using Blockchain #86

Open vrajdesai78 opened 2 years ago

vrajdesai78 commented 2 years ago

Revolutionize crowdfunding using Blockchain


Blockchain is a very vast field and if we talk about its applications then we can use it in almost all cases where we need to remove centralization and need more transparency. One of the biggest applications of this use case is crowdfunding. Since we are using web2 there are lots of people who raise funds through crowdfunding one of the major platform to raise funds for startups is KickStarter. If we talk from the charity side there are so many platforms like Ketto.org which help a lot of needy people to raise funds for their medical treatment, educational expenses, and many more such things. Let’s see how blockchain will solve all the problems of web2-based fundraising platforms.

Key Points Problem in Web2 How web3 will solve it
Transparency People don’t trust whether their money is utilized for actual cause or not. Using, web3 every donor will see how their money is used as all transactions in blockchain are public.
Authorization A centralized organization (platform) is handling all money and may use donated funds for its own benefit. All things will be handled in decentralized using smart contracts there is no need of any centralized organization.
Reward Donors won’t get any proof of their donation except their payment receipt for their donation. We may issue NFT certificate to every donor and can also issue tokens that might have some value in future.

One of the most important factor which web3 brings is trust to all donors as all things will be decentralized and handled using smart contracts without any human interference which will really revolutionize crowdfunding. In the talk, I will also show live example of one of my project which I have built on crowdfunding using the Tezos blockchain to make session more impactful.

Talk Style: 10 Min Lightening Talk Talk Audience Type: Beginner

About Me

I am a developer who is exploring web3 and building projects on top of it. I love to contribute to open source and engage in community events. Recently, I am selected for Google Summer of Code where I am contributing to Oppia. I love to participate in hackathons and till now I have participated in 8+ hackathons and also won 4+ hackathons.

📫 Reach out to me on


Web3ConfIndia commented 2 years ago

Hello, @vrajdesai78 Congratulations on getting shortlisted for a talk at Web3Conf India. Please share your email so that we can take it further.

vrajdesai78 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for selecting my proposal. You can mail me at vrajdesai78@gmail.com