Web3-Foundation-Hackathons / hello-world-by-polkadot

To celebrate our integration on Gitcoin, we are organizing Hello World! by Polkadot, a series of challenges to bring you on a journey of Polkadot development discovery.
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[BEGINNER CHALLENGES] Front-End Javascript #14

Open Web3Foundation opened 3 years ago

Web3Foundation commented 3 years ago

Hello World! by Polkadot

Gitcoin has integrated Polkadot and Kusama tokens (DOT and KSM) into its tech stack, making them one of the first full integrations outside of the Ethereum ecosystem.

To celebrate the integration on Gitcoin, we are organising Hello World! by Polkadot, a series of challenges to bring you on a journey of Polkadot development discovery.

Check out the kick-off webinar for more details and information.

Challenges and prizes

The challenges are in four categories: (1) Beginner, (2) Intermediate, (3) Advanced, and (4) Ecosystem. The first three are written specifically for Polkadot and Kusama, whereas the Ecosystem category is made up of challenges created by Polkadot ecosystem projects. Challenge payouts are capped at 50, meaning that only the first fifty valid submissions will receive a payout.

Challenge # Prize Cap
Beginner 7 3 DOT 50
Intermediate 5 1 KSM 50
Advanced 4 10 DOT 50
Ecosystem 8 5 DOT 50

In addition, there is an EXTRA PRIZE of 150 DOT for the first 50 that manage to complete 18 or more challenges.

Everyone successfully solving any challenge and receiving a payout will also get an awesome piece of Polkadot swag as well as a Kusama-based NFT, issued via RMRK.


🧑‍💻 [BEGINNER CHALLENGES] Front-End Javascript

Use Polkadot-JS or the Front-End Template to write a web page (hosted on GitHub pages or similar) that displays information about the latest block on Kusama, Polkadot or any other Substrate-based chain. Bonus: include a component to search for a block by number (height) and/or hash.

Submission requirements

Provide links to your source code and deployed web page.


Got questions?

Head over to the Polkadot Discord and have a look in the Hello World! by Polkadot on Gitcoin section and 🧬 substrate-technical-chat

What are Polkadot, Kusama and Substrate?

Polkadot is a sharded, multichain network founded by Dr. Gavin Wood, the co-founder and former chief technology officer of Ethereum and creator of the Solidity programming language. The Polkadot network is a metaprotocol that solves many challenges that have hindered the growth of legacy blockchains, including scalability, governance, security, and interoperability.

Kusama is also a sharded, multichain network founded by Dr. Gavin Wood, built using the Substrate framework and nearly the same codebase as Polkadot. Kusama is a network built as a risk-taking, fast-moving ‘canary in the coal mine’ alongside its cousin Polkadot.

Substrate is a blockchain development framework for the Kusama and Polkadot ecosystem. It features a completely generic state transition function and modular components for consensus, networking, and configuration. Despite being "completely generic", it comes with both standards and conventions, particularly with the Substrate runtime module library (FRAME)

Let's connect

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Polkadot Discord Kusama Element Substrate Element
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Polkadot Newsletter Kusama Newsletter Substrate Newsletter

Community partners

Community partners

gitcoinbot commented 3 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 3.0 DOT (18.27 USD @ $6.09/DOT) attached to it.

gitcoinbot commented 3 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 3.0 DOT (18.26 USD @ $6.09/DOT) has been submitted by:

gitcoinbot commented 3 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 3.0 DOT (14.73 USD @ $4.91/DOT) has been submitted by:

  1. @avcdsld
  2. @caiyiliang
  3. @harman-singh-waraich
  4. @shirshak55
  5. @rpruizc
  6. @rafat
  7. @kavelaa
  8. @ksaikiranr
  9. @kamohaladus
  10. @tunap
  11. @developery-nl
  12. @maksim-tolo
  13. @davidkohsea
  14. @xuriwork
  15. @dcarpintero
  16. @alekscp
  17. @nocmar
  18. @gdixon
  19. @maar-io
  20. @rmartinus
  21. @seven7e
  22. @aadorian
  23. @mixelated
  24. @sonhng
  25. @martinloesethjensen
  26. @hugoo
  27. @nnti3n
  28. @dacapricorn
  29. @mttrung
  30. @trongvuong1902
  31. @y12studio
  32. @tonysun83
  33. @brozorec
  34. @laurenttrk
  35. @echolon166
  36. @bogdancirlugea
  37. @alex-di
  38. @timthomasdev
  39. @brettkolodny
  40. @vitalydv
  41. @kichjang
  42. @fussyl
  43. @burgerking12
  44. @gitvagabond
  45. @xielehe
  46. @vinhbhn
  47. @nukemandan
  48. @harodggg
  49. @mswezey23
  50. @antisaa
  51. @davidrhodus
  52. @ubinix-warun
  53. @maker47
  54. @jacobmakarsky
  55. @bitash
  56. @scarletbright
  57. @vitalyvolozhinov
  58. @tn606024
  59. @kafcioo
  60. @dieface
  61. @franono
  62. @master-davidlee
  63. @hychen
  64. @devpavan04
  65. @adnfx2
  66. @shamb0
  67. @aviekakkar
  68. @stephenstb
  69. @evanslyb
  70. @nnnkit
  71. @benhen75
  72. @mirooon
  73. @ksk2345
  74. @jaspertimm
  75. @joanoliete
  76. @s5k0651
  77. @sekmet
  78. @theunity

@web3foundation please take a look at the submitted work:

xielehe commented 3 years ago

Who can tell me, When will the award be given?

adnfx2 commented 3 years ago

Any updates about this bounty?

gitcoinbot commented 3 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 3 months, 4 weeks ago. Please review their action plans below:

1) bejitsol has started work.

This web page will display the latest block information for the substrate coin and Kasuma 2) gitvagabond has started work.

Will show the newest block 3) caiyiliang has started work.

Based on the Substrate Front End Template, a viewer was created to display the latest block information (number, hash, parentHash, stateRoot, extrinsicsRoot) for the Kusama Network.

DEMO: https://my-first-kusama-viewer.firebaseapp.com/

I have learned the basic usage of api. I'm thinking of extending it to include transaction information and more. 5) harman-singh-waraich has started work.

submission for Frontend -Javascript challenge 6) shirshak55 has started work.

fronted project for block info 7) rafat has started work.

Use Polkadot-JS to write a web page that displays information about the latest block on Polkadot. 8) tunap has started work.

Front-End Javascript 9) kamohaladus has started work.

hackaton 10) kavelaa has started work.

Use the Front-End Template to write a web page (hosted on GitHub pages) that displays information about the latest block on Kusama include a component to search for a block by number (height) and/or hash. 11) ksaikiranr has started work.

My solution for [BEGINNER CHALLENGES] Front-End Javascript using REACT JS and pre built template from substrate.

Project hosted on https://saikiran-gitcoin-polkadot-ui-challenge.netlify.app/ Completed basic and additional tasks. 12) maksim-tolo has started work.

Polkadot Hackathon 13) developery-nl has started work.

Wanted a Front-end without copying the default template. 14) davidkohsea has started work.

This is a test 15) xuriwork has started work.

Completed as the project details, "Use Polkadot-JS or the Front-End Template to write a web page (hosted on GitHub pages or similar) that displays information about the latest block on Kusama, Polkadot or any other Substrate-based chain. Bonus: include a component to search for a block by number (height) and/or hash." and there is also the ability to search for blocks 16) mkbigdot has started work.

Hello World 17) alekscp has started work.

Show latest block from provider using the substrate-front-end-template 18) kiok46 has started work.

Front-End Javascript 19) gdixon has started work.

Front-End Javascript 20) windylion has started work.

Learning 21) maar-io has started work.

Will play with React and upload Substrate front-end to github.io 22) tonysun83 has started work.

Substrate Chain Block Website 23) seven7e has started work.

Front end Polkadot js 24) brozorec has started work.

Front-End Javascript 25) sonhng has started work.

Front-End Javascript 26) nnti3n has started work.

Javscript frontend challenge 27) dacapricorn has started work.

Front-End Javascript 28) mttrung has started work.

Front-End Javascript 29) trongvuong1902 has started work.

Front-End Javascript 30) laurenttrk has started work.

Hello World! Polkadot Hackathon 31) simogab has started work.

building a js front-end 32) echolon166 has started work.

I've built a web page using Front-End Template which displays information about the blocks on Polkadot. 33) timthomasdev has started work.

Display latest block information using a React front-end. 34) brettkolodny has started work.

A web app for looking up information about blocks on Polkadot. 35) vitalydv has started work.

Front-end beginner task 36) kichjang has started work.

Webpage to show latest block information 37) fussyl has started work.

front end 38) y12studio has started work.

Hello World! by Polkadot 39) xielehe has started work.

A Polkadot explorer 40) nukemandan has started work.

Basic FE addition w/ block info 41) harodggg has started work.

polkadot-front-end 42) mswezey23 has started work.

creating a front end for polkadot 43) antisaa has started work. 44) joshglobal has started work.

Use Polkadot-JS or the Front-End Template to write a web page (hosted on GitHub pages or similar) that displays information about the latest block on Kusama, Polkadot or any other Substrate-based chain. Bonus: include a component to search for a block by number (height) and/or hash. 45) bitash has started work.

display latest block 46) arifkalayci has started work.

Polkadot Hello World Hackathon 47) jacobmakarsky has started work.

https://github.com/jacobmakarsky/polkadot-frontend 48) scarletbright has started work.

Hello World! 49) vitalyvolozhinov has started work.

I will display the latest block height information. 50) tn606024 has started work.

Fronted 51) anoof has started work.

Following the tutorials to build a Block viewer, possibly with search, on the polkadot blockchain 52) kafcioo has started work.

front end 53) dieface has started work.

[BEGINNER CHALLENGES] Front-End Javascript 54) hychen has started work.

polkadot-frontend 55) master-davidlee has started work.

front page 56) emillaudon has started work.

Frontend challenge, show blocks 57) devpavan04 has started work.

Polkadot Block Explorer - See latest blocks and search for blocks on Polkadot. 58) adnfx2 has started work.

A block explorer for Polkadot, Kusama, Moonbeam and SubstrateDev, all the react components were made from scratch. 59) shamb0 has started work.

[BEGINNER CHALLENGES] Front-End Javascript 60) aviekakkar has started work.

working on front end template 61) evanslyb has started work.

Hello Polkadot! 62) stephenstb has started work.

Project to display information on the blocks of the polkadot network. 63) ksk2345 has started work.

Start working on task14 for front end javascript 64) benhen75 has started work.

aware-substrate-node-front 65) abec3 has started work.

Polkadot FronTend JS HelloWorld 66) jaspertimm has started work.

Polkadot Hackathon 67) joanoliete has started work.

Front-End Javascript 68) s5k0651 has started work.

Use the Front-End Template to write a web page that displays information about the latest block on Kusama, Polkadot or any other Substrate-based chain. 69) yasiryagi has started work.

hello-polkadot 70) theunity has started work.

Front-End Javascript 71) kziechmann has started work.

A polkadot block explorer using the front-end template as a chance to get my feet wet in the parachain world.

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.