WebAssembly-Enthusiasts / info

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Best name for this repo #2

Open MaxGraey opened 4 years ago

MaxGraey commented 4 years ago

1) info (current) 2) basics 3) meta 4) general 5) intro 6) other (your suggestion)

chicoxyzzy commented 4 years ago

probably webassambly-faq would be more googleable

chicoxyzzy commented 4 years ago

or do you propose to add more info here?

chicoxyzzy commented 4 years ago

oh, I see #1

MaxGraey commented 4 years ago

I think we could hold everything in one repo for now. When this become overcomplicated than will split to several specialized repos if needed

chicoxyzzy commented 4 years ago

on the other hand it would be better to not to break links to the docs from other resources