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Roadmap to determinism in WASI #190

Open kubkon opened 4 years ago

kubkon commented 4 years ago

The discussion about enforcing (ensuring?) determinism in WASI has already been started and touched upon in a couple of issues here and there (#185, #118, bytecodealliance/wasmtime#748, if I missed any, please feel free to mention it in this thread). I'd like to gather all the knowledge, ideas, perceived issues, etc. here creating essentially a meta-issue that we could use to track this, and come up with solutions, or at least guidance as to what direction to take.

I'll try and describe all potential sources of nondeterminism below leaving out sockets for now though. Feel free to correct me, add more, etc.

Randomness and entropy

This is an obvious one, and from what I understand, the current consensus is to have it require a capability (see #185 and bytecodealliance/wasmtime#748 for more details). random_get also will get its own module in the upcoming WASI snapshot: wasi_ephemeral_random.witx.


Access to system/thread/process clocks will also lead to nondeterminism, and as far as I understand, like in the randomness case, the consensus is to have it require a capability (see #118 and bytecodealliance/wasmtime#748 for more details). Also as in the randomness case, clock_time_get will get its own module in the upcoming WASI snapshost: wasi_ephemeral_clock.witx.

File access/modification/change times

This one concerns four WASI syscalls that may introduce nondeterminism into the picture, namely: fd_filestat_get, fd_filestat_set_times, path_filestat_get, and path_filestat_set_times. The nondeterminism may sneak in if the client app makes use in some way of the access (atim), modification (mtim) or change (ctim) times of a file descriptor which can change between any two runs of the app.

I'm not sure what the best approach to handle this would be, so I'd like to start some brain storming on this. Could we only perhaps populate the filestat time values if a clock capability was requested/provided? Or introduce a different type of capability?


This one is potentially of lesser importance/impact since, I assume that on the same host, fd_readdir syscall should return the same ordering of the entries---according to the macOS man of readdir

Note that the order of the directory entries vended by readdir() is not specified. Some filesystems may return entries in lexicographic sort order and others may not.

I assume similar will hold on all *nixes, so as long as the same host with the same filesystem is used, the order should be the same between the app runs. The problem, however, may become more pronounced in distributed settings where we'd like to execute an app on two unknown and potentially different hosts, and expect deterministic, comparable results on both.

There already was some discussion about ordering of results, seeking, and fd_readdir in general in #61.


I'm adding that one in since I remember having a discussion with @marmistrz about this one, and he was convinced he could generate entropy with a clever use of poll_oneoff, hence bringing in nondeterminism into the picture. @marmistrz perhaps you could shed more light on this?

programmerjake commented 4 years ago

Looks good to me!

Should we also address potential races with other processes and/or threads or just leave that unaddressed as out-of-scope-for-now?

sunfishcode commented 4 years ago

Here are a few more ideas:



devsnek commented 4 years ago

cookies and fds could be fixed by using anyref, right?

sunfishcode commented 4 years ago

Yeah. To handle cookies with anyref we'd probably need to reorganize the readdir API so that it isn't just writing out dirent records into a raw buffer, but that's something that we may want to do anyway.

marmistrz commented 4 years ago

@kubkon I probably meant a method which implied using multiple threads, but are such methods in scope for now?

If we have multiple threads, then poll could be leveraged to get a safe race condition (i.e. a race condition which doesn't lead to undefined behavior), but this required multiple threads. There are other places where one could get a safe race conditions, e.g. path_open using multiple threads. I can describe the precise method I'm thinking about if it's in scope.

IMO, there are other, more fundamental ways of achieving non-determinism in a single-threaded WASI program: (I'm not sure if the runtime takes any special care about any of these issues)

As for clocks, we could probably expose a logical clock, where every query would increase the time by (say) 1 second. This may be useful for programs which use clocks in some minor way.

As for randomness, disabling it completely may be too heavy-handed an approach. Some applications require pseudo-randomness, in particular some numerical simulations or Monte Carlo methods. Some simple approach would be to allow passing a seed value for runtime and use a seeded, thread-specific deterministic rng with the seed provided.

devsnek commented 4 years ago

Some of these items are not issues in wasm:

sunfishcode commented 4 years ago
Serentty commented 4 years ago

The issue of filenames is so incredibly complex that I wonder if it is even possible in the first place without exposing some details of the OS to the software, or if the only solution that would give complete determinism is to expose a virtual filesystem inside of an image.

Take case mapping for example. I'm fairly sure that both Apple's and Microsoft's implementations of it would allow certain filename pairs that the other wouldn't. A cross-platform set of rules which doesn't allow anything which would be forbidden on any major platform might work for a while, but in the case of Windows the case mapping isn't stable, and is subject to change with updates. After such an update, it would be possible for OS-specific behaviour to suddenly become visible.

Evrey commented 4 years ago

Yes, the only possibility to make this deterministic is by using a virtual FS layer for WASI that does not even have text as its paths but an array of numeric VFS node identifiers.

So the safest strategy would be to go numeric. Have a virtual node 0xDEADBEEF, name it deadbeef or whatever in the host OS's file system. If you were to access an OS-provided node like Downloads, give it a not yet assigned virtual node ID, or a pre-defined constant one. (1 could point at the user home, then [1, 4] may be $HOME/Downloads, etc.) And when the user tries accessing the file system, let them fetch the correct node IDs by performing a fuzzy search on a text name. Something like let downloads_id = home_dir.find_by_name("Downloads");, which may return multiple suggestions.

Note that this is just all a maximum caution suggestion post. Whatever people may come up with here may look very differently.

Serentty commented 4 years ago

@Evrey Even then, normal OS paths would have to be read-only, to prevent experimentation with file naming rules.

My thoughts on this would be that it would make sense to have two tiers of filesystem access. A virtual but completely deterministic filesystem, which could be used for things like reproducible builds, and nondeterministic access to the real filesystem.

cchudant commented 4 years ago

We could make a capability that allows this two-tiered access - when used, filename validation would be skipped by the runtime so that any filename would be allowed (as long as the underlying os allows it)

kubkon commented 4 years ago

This thread exposed a lot more potential problems than I expected, some of which could potentially also impact portability IMHO, so I'm glad I started this discussion. Kudos to everyone for active participation and ideas, this is highly appreciated! :-)

In terms of the problem of nondeterminism, I was wondering, if we were to constrain the problem space somewhat more to the application of simple compute functions (I guess you could think AWS Lambda or similar) and worry only about deterministic result of the computation, then I figured we potentially wouldn't have to touch so many avenues where everything might go wrong. In essence, since one of the cornerstones of WASI is preopens, I was wondering if we could toy with the idea of "preopening" any sort of a byte stream which then would get assigned an Fd value, and we could for instance only either read or write from it, this would essentially abstract away the problem of dealing with actual raw fds/handles on the host. Then, a WASI program targeting such a compute environment would only ever require (at the very minimum) fd_read for reading from a byte stream, fd_write for writing to a byte stream, fd_fdstat_* for manipulating rights, and fd_close.

Here, such a byte stream could be anything from a preopened and preloaded file from host to a (named) pipe to a socket. Now that I mention all this, I believe someone already mentioned something similar in the past. @sunfishcode was it you or perhaps @pchickey? In any case, IMHO this kind of abstraction would lend itself nicely to the problem of edge/serverless computing, or in fact, any environment where we'd like to run a MapReduce style problems in a distributed fashion (deterministic or not).

In any case, I hope this makes sense, if not, please shout out. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!

sunfishcode commented 4 years ago

@kubkon Not entirely by accident, this aligns well with the design principles I'm proposing, specifically the parts about shared filesystem views :-).

kubkon commented 4 years ago

@sunfishcode Oh oops, my apologies! Somehow, I forgot about this completely! Anyhow, this is excellent and indeed aligns itself really well the your proposal in #192. Very exciting! :-)

kubkon commented 4 years ago

Out of curiosity and in preparation for my talk about determinism in WASI in distributed settings at FOSDEM2020, I've started tinkering a little bit with wasmtime, and came up with a working draft of the "compute" functions mentioned above which you can find in this repo: kubkon/wasi-compute. I've even managed to use this way an existing library written in C which is pretty satisfying. Comments are welcomed!

@sunfishcode I'd love your input on this and how this could perhaps be a starting point for discussions towards facilitating (even as a draft) your proposal on the design principles!

indolering commented 3 years ago

Some applications require pseudo-randomness, in particular some numerical simulations or Monte Carlo methods. Some simple approach would be to allow passing a seed value for runtime and use a seeded, thread-specific deterministic rng with the seed provided.

Perhaps unrandom? Because the output of PRNGs regularly to leak into things that can cause DoS attacks or are used inappropriately for security sensitive purposes, I would like to propose a PRNG whose output cannot be trivially predicted. I believe PCG is still the only PRNG that would tick all of these boxes. Note that the seed for the function should be salted and hashed using a cryptographic hash function, to prevent similar seeds from producing correlated outputs.

sunfishcode commented 3 years ago

On the topic of cryptographic uses of randomness versus determinism, I filed https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-crypto/issues/30 to investigate whether wasi-crypto is deterministic. It's interesting because it allows applications to do crypto without interacting with private key data directly.

Beyond that, thinking about randomness APIs, I think we can make two top-level categories that we care about:

indolering commented 3 years ago

I think this discussion would be helped by incorporating the interplay between determinism and reproducibility. Determinism is not something that is desirable in most deployments, as it can lead to DoS attacks and screws over crypto in ways that may be difficult to fix. If a programmer wants to introduce non-determinism, they could exploit side channels or simply engage in feature detection.

Usually when someone says they want determinism, what they really want is reproducibility. A CPU or bytecode should be fully deterministic, but a runtime should be reproducible. For example, if you need a seed for hash tables that is externally difficult to guess but not cryptographically secure, then an unrandom API could incorporate the hash of the WASM binary to generate a statistically random output that is reproducible.

I would still lockout any non-deterministic APIs. So a real random function call (possibly providing the exact same API) would remain, but it would not be allowed to return deterministic randomness except in a runtime-level debug mode.