WebAssembly / WASI

WebAssembly System Interface
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witx: Update wast dependency #433

Closed olivierlemasle closed 3 years ago

olivierlemasle commented 3 years ago

witx: Update wast dependency

pchickey commented 3 years ago

@olivierlemasle Just curious, are you using the current main version of witx? Alex and I have been talking how the changes since 0.9.0 are sort of an evolutionary dead end, with some really major renovations coming soon to support interface types. We were even thinking of reverting the changes to use to reduce churn. But, if we have other users who care, we can tag the current state of things as 0.10.

olivierlemasle commented 3 years ago

@pchickey Actually no, I'm not using current main. I'm packaging witx 0.9.0 for Fedora in order to package wasmtime (which is using version witx 0.9.0). I had to patch witx to use the Fedora-packaged version of wast (= the latest), and I pushed this patch upstream, in main, but I do not depend on current main.

Thanks for asking!