WebAssembly / annotations

Proposal for Custom Annotation Syntax in the Text Format
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Specify where the annotation anchors to #2

Closed yurydelendik closed 2 years ago

yurydelendik commented 6 years ago

We probably need to specify exact location where annotation attached to, e.g. is there a difference between these two constructs: (local $var1 i32 (@name "i")) and (local $var1 (@name "i") i32). Does the (@name ...) annotation attached to the (local... ) in both cases?

The same applicable to operators in functions and init expressions, e.g.:

(func $func1 (result i32)
  (@location "foo.c" 10 12) (; does it annotate nop or unreachable? ;)
  i32.const (@symbol "static_array.ptr")1024 (; can we annotate operands? ;)
carlsmith commented 3 years ago

It would read most naturally if annotations that are on their own line were prefixes, while inline annotations (including those on the end of a line) were suffixes. That's basically how we read comments. It would also introduce significant whitespace, so it will have to be one or the other in practice.


If the annotation was a prefix, there'd be this case, where anchoring to the i64.instruction would be counter-intuitive, so prefix-based annotations would ideally never appear on the end of a line:

i32.instruction (@a "anchor to the i64.instruction")

However, in these cases, it looks fine:

(@a "anchor to the i32.instruction") i32.instruction
(@b "anchor to the i64.instruction")


If annotations were suffixes, this would make perfect sense:

i32.instruction (@a "anchor to the i32.instruction")

However, the following example would be counter-intuitive (as it anchors to the i32.instruction still), but avoiding doing this would be less of a loss for readability than not being able to annotate at the end of the line:

(@a "anchor to the i32.instruction") i64.instruction

This is now a problem though:

(@a "anchor to the i32.instruction")


If the way we read comments applies to annotations too, you have to pick between, this:

i32.instruction (@a "anchor to the i64.instruction")

Or this:

(@a "anchor to the i32.instruction")
rossberg commented 3 years ago

As far as the Wasm spec itself is concerned, annotations are not "attached" anywhere. This is intentional. It is completely up to a custom interpretation/definition of a specific annotation to define their individual meaning, including the meaning of their placement. We can't predict all possible use cases, so it would be counter-productive to prescribe any form of interpretation, in the same way we don't do that for custom sections in the binary format.

carlsmith commented 3 years ago

@rossberg - Ah. That makes sense.