WebAssembly / component-model

Repository for design and specification of the Component Model
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Consider adding second initialization phase after `start` #146

Open lukewagner opened 1 year ago

lukewagner commented 1 year ago

This issue captures the motivation, summary and sketch of an idea for improving how snapshots work in the component model.


There are a number of scenarios where we'd like to reduce component initialization time by capturing a "snapshot" of component state after some deterministic interval of execution so that starting from the snapshot is semantically equivalent to starting from the beginning. For example, a snapshot can capture the result of:

One way to do this is with wizer, which is an impressive tool that is widely used for this purpose already. However:

An alternative and complementary approach is to do snapshotting at "deployment time" as part of the process of AOT-compiling a component (the same step that is already used for fusing canonical adapters into core wasm and generating machine code). Because of the component invariant that functions executed during the start phase cannot call imports, when wasm is executed in deterministic mode, a component's state at the end of the start phase is fully determined by its value imports. Thus, as a pure optimization, a component AOT compiler could locally instantiate the root component being deployed with its expected value imports and include a snapshot of the post-start execution state in the final compiled representation of the component.

This snapshot-as-deployment-time-optimization approach has a number of advantages:

However, there's a significant limitation with this approach: not being able to call imports during the start phase means that start functions won't be able to do much other than purely component-internal initialization. This limitation shows up when we try to execute guest initialization code (like top-level script execution or C++ global constructors) that may- or may-not call imports before the snapshot. If we run this code during the start phase, we'll trap if an import is called. If we can't run the code during start, our only other option is to run it lazily when the first export is called (which is definitely not included in the snapshot). Thus, our only two options are either overly-restrictive or overly-unoptimized.

One motivating observation is that calls to imports during start may actually be deterministic in practice if:

Simply relaxing the trapping rules to allow these cases would be anti-composable and anti-virtualizable, since now the same component may or may not trap depending on subtle host details and how it is linked, none of which is reflected in the component's signature. So instead...

Feature summary

The basic idea (which is an old idea originating in core wasm) is to have a second phase of initialization that is allowed to call imports that runs after the start phase and before the first export is called.

As for what to call this second phase: based on discussion in this issue, calling the second phase "init" sounds like it will confuse at least some people (b/c "init" sounds like it goes before "start"). So to avoid that, as a strawperson, I'll just call this second phase of initialization start2.

Just like start sections in the component model, there can be multiple start2 sections/functions in a component and they are run in order. The component model would ensure that all start functions have finished before the first start2 function runs and that all start2 functions complete before the first export is allowed to be called. Thus, there is a start phase followed by a start2 phase that precedes general calls to exports. Because start2 functions can call imports, start2 will be the default place for a language toolchains to execute arbitrary up-front/run-once/top-level/global-constructor user code that takes no arguments and produces no results.

Parent components get to choose when to execute their child instances' start2 phases. If the parent knows that a child component will not or cannot call the parent's own imports (which the parent is in a position to know, as the parent completely determines the child's imports), the parent may execute the child component's start2 phase during the parent's start phase, thus including the child's post-start2 execution state in the root component's post-start snapshot. However, the parent can always execute a child's start2 phase later, e.g., during the parent's own start2 phase. Because component instances form a tree, each parent going up the tree to the root has the option to run an entire child subtree's start2 phase during the parent's own start phase, thereby including it in the final root snapshot.

An AOT compiler can also be more aggressive and execute the root component's start2 phase speculatively and capture a snapshot if start2 returns without calling an import (silently discarding the start2 execution on trap, which will by design not be externally observable). If the AOT compiler additionally has knowledge of the host's implementation of imports, the AOT compiler can be even more aggressive and allow-list host imports under various conditions. In the limit, an AOT compiler could capture a snapshot at the first point of non-determinism. Ultimately, this is all in the realm of pure runtime optimization and can be configured and improved over time.


Here's a sketch that seems like it could maybe work:

skreborn commented 1 year ago

I suppose it isn't feasible to rename the original start function (to something like prepare) and have start2 replace it at this point?

lukewagner commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, I think we've missed our window to rename the Core WebAssembly start; at this point in time, I expect it would break too much tooling to be worth it. But maybe there is a better name than than start2...

skreborn commented 1 year ago

I've expected as much, unfortunately. However, an argument could be made that tooling will need to be thoroughly updated to make good use of the component model specification anyway, so perhaps a breaking change like that could be justified, especially since it's a relatively simple change for tool authors compared to everything else they'll have to take care of.

As for alternative naming instead of renaming the original function, I'm afraid I don't have any ideas as of right now. start itself will always convey a meaning that is no longer true to its purpose. We would have to be awfully specific to override the connotations, like post_start_init_component, but obviously the longer the more annoying and hard to remember.

It's worth noting, of course, that the name of this function isn't all that important, and progress definitely shouldn't be halted over the naming, as most developers will seldom ever write webassembly by hand, and instead, appropriate tooling will generate it, and for that purpose, start2 works as well as anything.

rossberg commented 1 year ago

Do I understand correctly, the only difference between start2 and a regular function export would be that other clients of the instance cannot invoke it?

If so, then perhaps a more regular and general version would be some kind of privileged ("protected"?) export that only the surrounding scope has access to? For one, that would allow the client to pass arguments whose construction depends on the instance's exports, which may be a relevant use case.

lukewagner commented 1 year ago

Clients not being able to invoke the start2 function is half of it; the other half is that the component model rules would ensure that the start2 function is called exactly once after start completes and before the first export is called. With these rules fixed in the component model, tooling can help make sure this happens without the developer having to worry about it, in contrast to a manual initialize() export.

Allowing the client to pass arguments is an interesting generalization to consider. One reason I didn't suggest this is that this would make the start2 function (or whatever we rename/recast it as) something that has to be surfaced in the component type and developer-facing Wit worlds. It seems theoretically possible, but I'm not aware of the use case or what the expected source-language developer experience is supposed to look like -- the main motivating use cases here are all parameter-free by nature. It also seems like potentially a thing we can be lazy about, waiting for the use cases to backwards-compatibly generalize (although maybe we let this guide us to a better name than start2).

ia0 commented 1 year ago

Allowing the client to pass arguments is an interesting generalization to consider.

Unless I misunderstand the use-case, wouldn't it be possible to do something similar to Rust? start2 doesn't take any argument, but it may call into special host functions like get_arg or get_env. For optimization purposes (or additional control), those imports and their associated resources host-side would only be accessible while start2 is running. Restricting the imports statically might be too complicated though and maybe not that useful. But at least the host may be allowed to deallocate the arg or env resources once start2 returns. It's the responsibility of start2 to copy any necessary information to the linear memory if needed by other exported functions.

lukewagner commented 1 year ago

Agreed that allowing the host to deallocate host-side startup arguments is a valuable optimization, although I don't think start2 is what enables that optimization: start2 allows calls to imports, but post-start2 export calls aren't denied access to those same imports. The currently-proposed value imports enable this optimization though: once the component has lowered value imports from the host (during the start phase), the host can free the host-side memory. Even better, this reading-of-values-into-linear-memory can happen before the abovementioned AOT snapshot, so that the host doesn't even have to represent them at runtime (or the host can re-compute the snapshot at runtime when they change). (If we added parameters to the start2 function like Andreas is suggesting, they could also be freed in the caller right after being lowered into the callee.)

ia0 commented 1 year ago

Sorry, my point was not about the optimization, that's just a bonus. My point was that it's probably more future-proof to have a start2 function without arguments than with arguments (same decision as Rust main) because you don't have to anticipate what the arguments could be (they can take many forms). Providing argument accessors is future-proof, because you can add a new accessor without breaking previous code. This is similar to start2 taking a non-exhaustive struct but without need such a notion (in particular given that only read-access is needed).

lukewagner commented 1 year ago

Ah, that's an interesting point too, thanks.