WebAssembly / design

WebAssembly Design Documents
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I have to install emscripten to get webassembly? #1091

Open zappfinger opened 7 years ago

zappfinger commented 7 years ago

On this main site http://webassembly.org/getting-started/developers-guide/, there is something didactically very wrong: It looks like in order to get webassembly I have to install emscripten. This suggests that emscripten IS webassemly. Maybe it is, but that should be explained in a few lines.

Now it is like I want to install package A, I go to the site of package A and there it says I have to install package B....

RyanLamansky commented 7 years ago

That page describes how to create a WebAssembly file from C++ source. This process uses Emscripten, but this isn't a requirement of WebAssembly: the binary format can be produced by any tool designed for that purpose.

Running WebAssembly files is possible in current versions of every modern browser with no extra tools.

zappfinger commented 7 years ago

That info would be useful to add to the main page, I think.

Becavalier commented 7 years ago


There are bunch of ways you can use to take an experience of wasm:

  1. Compile ".wasm" with emscripten toolchain and use it in browser with it's corresponding helper js files.
  2. Directly test it online with WasmFiddle: https://wasdk.github.io/WasmFiddle/
  3. Also, you can use both emscripten's compiler frontend(emcc) and binaryen toolchain to generate a ".wasm" webassembly binary file.