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WebAssembly logo #112

Closed jfbastien closed 7 years ago

jfbastien commented 9 years ago

WebAssembly  Logo  Contest

⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ ⚠️ UPDATE ⚠️ ✅ vote for your favorite logo in ➡️ this thread ⬅️ ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

ORIGINAL POST (now closed)

At the very start of the WebAssembly project, @sunfishcode hacked up a logo: image It has nice ideas:

It would be nice to have something more fancy / web-y / designer-y, and keep it neutral so it belongs to the web and not one of the browser vendors.

Petr Hosek from the NaCl team proposed using the HTML5 technology class icons.

Here's  where  YOU  come  in!

Reply to this thread with your suggested WebAssembly logo.

We haven't decided how we'll pick the final logo, but it'll definitely be around "stable MVP" time.

ild0tt0re commented 9 years ago

+1 For @dcodeIO Black and Green logo

LucasNatoli commented 9 years ago

+1 For @dcodeIO Black and Green

AbhinavMadahar commented 9 years ago

Really like Raphael's first one Green shield logo

bobajeff commented 8 years ago

This is something I made while playing with Krita. Though the design has been floating around in my head for several months: wasmplain

Here's an 80's-esk experiment I made while playing with effects:


Fogaccio commented 8 years ago

Hi everyone, I just wanted to add this contribution to the project, please use as you like.


01 02

armanx64 commented 8 years ago

Current HTML5/CSS/JS logos are ugly and old (as that technologies too, lol). Take that vector logo — simple, clean, powerful and goddamn flying — and do with it anything what you want.



davegomez commented 8 years ago

I love @Fogaccio's work

tiye commented 8 years ago

I like @Fogaccio 's logo.

fremail commented 8 years ago

@Fogaccio's and @jjmiyao's works are cool!

Art commented 8 years ago

WASM text inspired by and thanks to Erik Demaine http://erikdemaine.org/fonts/hinged/ Note the W and M are symmetric. (As are some other characters, which makes for more fun.) Used/suggested for F#UN FSharp Experimental Incubator Project FSTWASM FSharp To WASM. Every letter and number in this font can be folded from one universal hinged chain of pieces, specifically 128 right isosceles triangles hinged at their sharp corners. In particular, every character has exactly the same area. In addition, the chain can fold into a square, represented by a period. See our paper “Hinged Dissection of the Alphabet”, Journal of Recreational Mathematics, 31(3):204–207, 2003. wasm_bluebackground

Art commented 8 years ago

wasm font hinged 2-13-2016 3-08-36 pm

addyosmani commented 8 years ago

I'm a fan of @Fogaccio's logo. It's clean, instantly recognisable and feels more modern than some of the older web platform (HTML/CSS) logos that were created a few years ago.

mbebenita commented 8 years ago

+1 @Fogaccio's logo, it has nice ASCII art versions.

\ \ \  /\
 \/\/\   \

\ \ \   /\
 \ \ \    \
  \/\/\    \

\ \ \    /\
 \ \ \  /  \
  \ \ \     \
   \/\/\     \

mbebenita commented 8 years ago

@Fogacci,o do you have .svg, .ai version of the logo?

Fogaccio commented 8 years ago

@mbebenita yes I do .. =]

Fogaccio commented 8 years ago

But I need to prepare the files to delivery, I gonna go to do that as fast as possible

kenchris commented 8 years ago

@Fogaccio Any progress on this?

Fogaccio commented 8 years ago

@kenchris I'm working on assets productions.

kenchris commented 8 years ago

@Fogaccio friendly ping

Fogaccio commented 8 years ago

Hi @kenchris and @mbebenita, I'm close to finish the .svg and .ai assets, I think that I'll have that on Friday.

1l0 commented 8 years ago

HTML tag symbol + AST.


Fogaccio commented 8 years ago

Hello everyone, Just to let you know that here (https://github.com/Fogaccio/OpenDesign/tree/master/webassembly_identity) are the files of the branding proposal that I’ve sent before. I hope that these resources can help you in the best way. Feel free to share thoughts and suggestions.


mbebenita commented 8 years ago

@Fogaccio thanks, this is great. I'm looking at the small favicon 16x16 version:


Do you think this could be made somewhat more legible. This version of the icon may be used in IDEs, and other tools. We probably need a custom pixel art version of the logo for this size. I'd be happy to do this, if you don't already have something in mind.

Fogaccio commented 8 years ago

Hi @mbebenita, I've tried to do the pixel art to .ico, but I didn't have success, feel free to help me to do that =]

Fogaccio commented 8 years ago

I'll be very grateful for your help

kenchris commented 8 years ago

@Fogaccio using less color shades (and sharper colors - thus more contract with background/transparent/white) would probably make it look sharper

It's kind of hard though with only 16x16 size though :) Need to carefully choose the shades

h00gs commented 8 years ago

Here's another one. Its a solid object consisting of a "W" on top of an "A" that provides a very simplistic, old school pixelated 2d logo from one view, and a 3d logo from another view. Here is an animated gif:


The solid object is created programmatically using the following code in openscad

module LetterW(thickness=5,height=20,width=20,col="Chartreuse")
    color(col) {
        union() {
            translate(v=[width,width-thickness,0])rotate([0,0,90]) union() {
            translate(v=[-1.5*thickness,1.5*thickness,0]) cube([thickness,thickness,height-1.0*thickness]);
            //translate(v=[-1.5*thickness,1.5*thickness,0]) cube([2.5*thickness,thickness,thickness]);
            rotate([0,0,45]) cube([thickness/sqrt(2),sqrt(2)*1.5*thickness,thickness]);


module LetterA(thickness=5,height=20,width=20,col="Chartreuse")
    color(col) {
        union() {
            translate(v=[0,0,-height]) cube([thickness,thickness,height],false);
            translate(v=[width-thickness,width-thickness,-height]) cube([thickness,thickness,height],false);
            translate(v=[0,0,offset]) cube([width,thickness,thickness],false);
            translate(v=[width-thickness,0,offset]) cube([thickness,width,thickness],false);
            translate(v=[thickness,0,offset])rotate([0,0,45]) cube([sqrt(2)*(width-thickness),thickness/sqrt(2),thickness]);

$vpr = [0,0,90];


$t = 0.0;
//$vpr = [0, 0, 90];
//$vpr = [$t*90, 0, 90];
$vpr = [90, 0, 90];
$vpr = [90-$t*25, 0, 90-$t*45];

Here is the 2d view:


and here is the 3d view:


I can produce variations and flesh out asset sets when necessary.

I played with a more symmetric bent cross arm for the A:


but I personally prefer the straight cross arm because the A is more obvious.

jfbastien commented 8 years ago

@h00gs interesting, you almost have an M. C. Escher thing going, I like.

rfernbach commented 8 years ago

I thought a wrench might communicate assembly and could be built from shapes akin to WA.


pjuftring commented 8 years ago

@rfernbach somehow your design looks like a viking to me:


...do we need a mascot? :)

Fogaccio commented 8 years ago

Hi @mbebenita How's the challenge to make the favicon in pixel art? ... =]

h00gs commented 8 years ago

So my initial efforts weren't quite right so I persevered and found a curved cross bar for the A looks nice. Here's an animation:

A logo proposal for Web Assembly from h00gs on Vimeo.

The main logo: ![mainlogo](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/3960868/14914784/fbe4e428-0e3f-11e6-9fca-fa7aacebd142.png) A comparison with its older sibling: ![2dbadge_html5](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/3960868/14909908/3a64d00c-0e1b-11e6-8776-6f44b95d93dd.png) And some variations of possible 2d icons, with a 3d view: ![2dicons_3dview](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/3960868/14909922/5fecff70-0e1b-11e6-874b-c931df194d8d.png)
Fogaccio commented 8 years ago

@mbebenita Friendly ping .... :)

gregtour commented 8 years ago

I think @dcodeIO's submission is the simplest and @1l0's idea is possibly the best.

dariusgarza commented 8 years ago

Seriously think https://github.com/WebAssembly/design/issues/112#issuecomment-153463362 has ALOT of potential. Very nice!

bobajeff commented 8 years ago

I've been thinking this might make a good logo: img_20160713_172904

geertdoornbos commented 8 years ago

Or..., composed from ideas above ( @Teemperor and @fstark )



cpeterso commented 8 years ago

:wavy_dash: or \/\/\

tiye commented 8 years ago

I thought this issue is already closed thanks to Fogaccio's splendid work, isn't it? And it's 6 months ago.

angryoctopus commented 8 years ago

I don't see the harm in throwing around a few more ideas:


snshn commented 8 years ago


avellable commented 8 years ago



Teemperor commented 8 years ago

@jiyinyiyong The issue is still marked as open and AFAIK no final decision or vote has been made regarding the icon, so I think more icons and derivative works are welcome.

ratishphilip commented 8 years ago


sippan commented 8 years ago

wa wa2

ErikHarmon commented 7 years ago

Here is my logo for WebAssembler Incorporated. web and assembler

aarongrider commented 7 years ago


olalonde commented 7 years ago
screenshot 2016-10-31 15 46 58 screenshot 2016-10-31 16 04 53 screenshot 2016-10-31 16 00 59
dsaf commented 7 years ago

The shield should have a version number - just like CSS3 and HTML5 ones:


It's important to make sure it reads as 1 and not I or l + the necessary perspective to follow the shape of the shield.

emanuelpalm commented 7 years ago


I associate assembly languages with old computers, terminals and microprocessors, and I wanted the logo to feel corporate and bulky. I took the blue color from the W3C logo. The three brighter lines of the blue logo could symbolize how the project is part of the W3C.

I took inspiration from @Namozag's proposal. ;)

SVG versions attached. Copyrights are given to the W3C WebAssembly Working Group. WASM_logo_bulky.zip