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WASM RPC standard proposal? #1504

Open JMLX42 opened 4 years ago

JMLX42 commented 4 years ago


First of all this is the first time that I write this kind of issue/proposal. So please excuse my bluntness or anything that might be missing/lacking. I'll gladly complete this post through comments and edits.


one might think we have a portable/standard way to define a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) system.

By comparison to a well-known industry leader such as gRPC:

With the advent of FaaS and WASM based sandboxed FaaS (ex: CloudFlare Workers) and FOSS FaaS solutions in general (ex: OpenFaaS), a "native" RPC support in WASM would unlock scalable distributed computing without the limitations of the actual source programming language: C++ code bases could distribute workloads to Rust or Python code as long as the compiler/interpreted supports this WASM RPC standard. And that workload distribution would be based on:

Another way to see it is share-nothing dynamic linking with a HTTP2 transport in the middle. Providing the benefits of modular design, while adding also the possibility for distributing the workload.

I have prototyped it by:

This PoC will desmontrate that it is possibly doable without native support in the WASM standard. But without the compiler/standard support requirement, it means:

  1. An RPC-capable of some/most/any WASM VM will have to be maintained separately.
  2. Since a WASM module cannot load another WASM module efficiently (ex: no JIT), the implementation of the WASM RPC transport and execution layers can - as of today - not be built/executed as a WASM module. And thus will have to be implemented/maintained in every programming language we want to support. Which defeats the whole portability of a WASM RPC implementation in the first place.

IMHO point 2 is a deal breaker. Thus my question about a potential WASM RPC standard proposal.

I would like to know if the above:

  1. Makes some sense to anybody other than me.
  2. Is worth investigating further to be turned into an actual spec (which would actually be mostly a subset of the WASM, WAT and Interface Type specs).

Please let me know if you have any question.

JMLX42 commented 4 years ago

OK I might have missed a bit of context, specifically "why" I want this to happen. And I mean "why" as in personally/philosophically, not just technically.

So here it is.

I strongly believe the sum of all of humanity's code base would have an order of magnitude bigger impact if all the ingenious, incredible and talent-driven code bases that already exist could be easily leveraged by one another. Free from the input source code language, scalability matters and interoperability problems.

In other words: we already got some frakin' huge and capable software pieces. Now imagine what problems we could solve by putting those pieces together.

Application level Web APIs are good. But building and maintaining APIs require a lot of high level description, different formats, different discovery mechanisms, etc... And each software can have it's own API format, transport layer, and so on. Those APIs open a window of possibility, but with always a different shape, handle and span. They come in too many various sizes and shapes. Having RPC interoperability at the VM layer would solve a lot of that.

WASM goes toward that goal of portability. I think WASM RPC goes one step toward the goal of interoperability.

JMLX42 commented 4 years ago

Additional notes: Ethereum WebAssembly (EWASM) is - among many things - a smart contract oriented version of RPC for WASM. I'm not saying EWASM should/would build smart contract function calls on top of the potential WASM RPC standard I'm talking about here.

I'm saying there is traction not just for distributed workloads, but potentially decentralized too.

Smart contracts and how their interface allow them to call each others are one of the biggest addition of Ethereum on top of Bitcoin. And at the core of a thriving ecosystem. My understanding is that they chose to build on top of WASM to build on top of the promise of portability and abstract the source code language. Interoperability being added by the blockchain smart contract driven function interfaces/calls built as an addition on top of WASM.

The WASM RPC proposal I'm addressing here is similar in a way. But those interfaces would not be ad-hoc to Ethereum. Instead, they would leverage the existing WASM, WAT and Interface Types proposals to achieve a similar goal of interoperability between machines/computing units.

aardappel commented 4 years ago

This would seem more appropriate to suggest for WASI, if anything: https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI/issues

Wasm itself is mostly a computational substrate, and by design doesn't contain any APIs in the traditional sense.

Related, maybe: https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-http-proxy

JMLX42 commented 4 years ago

@aardappel thank you for your feedback!

Related, maybe: https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-http-proxy

The README doesn't tell much about the "http proxy" side of it. Can you please clarify?

This would seem more appropriate to suggest for WASI, if anything: https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI/issues

IDK yet what is the full extend of the potential proposal. So I'm not sure what layer is the best one for now. Can't I/we start digging and see how deep the rabbit hole goes? I'm not sure we can just think our way through this without experimentation and actually starting to write some spec.

WASI might be implicated because it might be requested to provide a file descriptor used as the RPC transport buffer/socker/file. In the prototype I'm doing, the RPC read/write operations will need such file descriptor. But a more standard out of the box might not.

Assuming the interface between the user land code and the RPC code is a file descriptor is premature.

@aardappel any other thoughts why WASI might be the more appropriate layer for this?

JMLX42 commented 4 years ago

Some notes about the potential interactions between WASM RPC and WASI: the RPC transport layer could be made available as a file descriptor to an RPC specific device file such as /dev/wasi/rpc. Then:

  1. The standard POSIX read() operation (which are already part of WASI as far as I know) would then be used to read then some WASM RPC code would deserialize the function calls as WASM/WAT + Interface Types for its arguments.
  2. The WASM/WAT function call would then be interpreted by the WASM RPC code and stubbed to the actual function symbol loaded from the module.
  3. And the return value serialized and written back to the file descriptor with a standard POSIX write().

The above would work, assuming that the WASI standard/implementation:

  1. Requires to provide the intended /dev/wasi/rpc (or any other path) RPC interface device.
  2. Requires to expose some (specified? automagically listed?) WASM function symbols and bridge this RPC device file descriptor with an HTTP2 server.

My understanding is that 1. would fit in the scope of WASI. But what about 2. ?

JMLX42 commented 4 years ago

Additional notes about the source code RPC "bindings".

I've prototyped the following in Rust:

// a function with an empty body will be wrapped as an outbound RPC call
fn sub(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 { }

// a function with an empty body will be wrapped as an inbound RPC call
fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a + b

that will generate the following WASM:

(func $import0 (import "env" "__wasm_rpc_sub") (param i32 i32) (result i32))
(export "__wasm_rpc_add" (func $func3))
(func $func3 (param $var0 i32) (param $var1 i32) (result i32)

The generated wrappers are - semantically - similar to the Interface Types' adapter functions. Maybe:

For the outbound RPC call/wrapper, we need to figure out:

tlively commented 4 years ago

This seems like a really cool project, but it's not a great fit for the WebAssembly core spec. There are a few WebAssembly-related specifications. The core spec just describes the syntax and semantics of WebAssembly modules themselves, without specifying any other behavior for embedders. The JS API and WASI specs are layered on top of the core spec and provide more details about embedder functionality. A WebAssembly RPC spec would probably also be a separate spec layered on top of the core spec or perhaps the WASI spec.

The above would work, assuming that the WASI standard/implementation:

  1. Requires to provide the intended /dev/wasi/rpc (or any other path) RPC interface device.
  2. Requires to expose some (specified? automagically listed?) WASM function symbols and bridge this RPC device file descriptor with an HTTP2 server.

My understanding is that 1. would fit in the scope of WASI. But what about 2. ?

WASI does not say anything about HTTP servers in the embedder, so you would probably want this to be a separate specification. The best way forward for this project is probably in its own github repo or organization, since it's layered on top of the technology being developed here in the WebAssembly github organization.