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Add br_on_cast[_fail] for non-nullable types #342

Closed Liedtke closed 1 year ago

Liedtke commented 1 year ago

Current situation: br_on_cast operates on nullable input types. One can choose which path the null value "takes" by either using br_on_cast or br_on_cast null.

Issue: For any given non-nullable input type, one of the two output types (either on the branch or on the fall-through case) will be nullable. Ideally both output types (on branch / on non-branch) should be non-nullable for non-nullable inputs to not require useless ref.as_non_null casts afterwards.

Proposal: This can be fixed by making br_on_cast and br_on_cast_fail polymorphic on the input type by changing br_on_cast $l null? ht : [t0* (ref null ht')] -> [t0* (ref null2? ht')] to br_on_cast $l null? ht : [t0* (ref null4? ht')] -> [t0* (ref null2? ht')] with null2 (and null3 in the label type) not appearing if null4 is is not there, independent of the presence of null?. (The same applies to br_on_cast_fail).

The change doesn't really have any impact on the semantics of the instructions and would only affect the inferred result types.

[Edit] Follow-up question: Should the same be applied for ref.cast null? for consistency? That would mean that ref.cast null only produces a nullable type iff the input type is nullable.

jakobkummerow commented 1 year ago

+1 to doing something here. It's unfortunate when perfectly non-nullable types go into a br_* instruction, and for no good reason a nullable result comes out (on one of the branches). Nullability (that presumably took some effort to rule out, at least in the shape of a ref.as_non_null instruction) shouldn't just re-materialize out of thin air.

rossberg commented 1 year ago

Yes, good point, that's an oversight. Will fix.

rossberg commented 1 year ago

Please see #343.

The problem doesn't arise for ref.cast, because that has only one result type. Hence, if the operand is non-null, the non-null version of the cast can be used to give the desired result.

rossberg commented 1 year ago

Fixed by #343.

Liedtke commented 1 year ago

It seems, I can't reopen tickets, only create new ones, but my concern is a follow-up to this issue:

My understanding of the discussion was the following one:

Given br_on_cast $l rt : [t0* rt'] -> [t0* rt'] with rt = null i31: As rt is nullable, the null value will be included in the branch target, so the type for $l has to be nullable, e.g. ref null i31. As a result of that, shouldn't the fallthrough type be non-nullable as it is guaranteed by the instruction that the value cannot possibly be null?

This might be slightly more complicated on the implementation side but doesn't make it harder to understand from the user side as the engine infers a stricter type and all programs that worked before would still work with this change to the inferred type. It however would allow users to make use of the fact that the null value branches if desired.

tlively commented 1 year ago

To summarize, it seems like this current typing does the optimal thing when the input type is non-nullable or when the cast type is non-nullable, but there is room for improvement when both are nullable.

conrad-watt commented 1 year ago

Just to note, the typing rules prior to the change of #343 did have the desired property that @Liedtke's latest comment sketches (e.g see the old br_on_cast), so presumably implementations were already ok with this.

The #343 change has discarded this "output null" knowledge (presumably by accident?) in the course of making the instructions polymorphic on the "input null". I don't think there should be any issue with adding this strengthening back in.

tlively commented 1 year ago

Relatedly, I wonder if there's more appetite now to revisit #201, which discusses another place where we are currently unnecessarily losing type information.

tlively commented 1 year ago

~I just realized that we should update the typing for br_on_non_null to return a nullable reference to the relevant bottom type as well. Currently it returns (ref null $t) where $t is the heap type of its operand.~

Never mind, br_on_non_null returns nothing. br_on_cast_fail null none has the behavior I had in mind.

rossberg commented 1 year ago

I actually considered that, but concluded it was a bit too special-casy, and couldn't think of a particularly good use case to justify the complexity.

In fact, now that @tlively points out the relation to #201, I think the typing actually is still too lax even, because it creates the exact same complications that had us reject that. The fix would be to simplify further to

In the light of our decision to maintain explicit instruction types, cast instructions would indeed need a second type annotation if we wanted to allow more general typing.

tlively commented 1 year ago

We have the maximally precise typing suggested by @conrad-watt implemented in Binaryen and we are happy with it.

rossberg commented 1 year ago

I believe that, yet it would violate what we agreed upon regarding explicit typing. Is there taste for having two type annotations?

titzer commented 1 year ago

I support the most accurate (output) typing rules possible without adding a second type annotation. Are there any risks with having the most specific output type?

tlively commented 1 year ago

This seems different from the type annotations on the accessor instructions because the typing does not require looking up the contents of a heap type. I don't think having the output nullability depend on the input nullability should require an extra type annotation, unless I'm missing some other precedent.

rossberg commented 1 year ago

@titzer, I am a little confused, as you were among the most vocal proponents of explicit typing. If you do not care in this case, why did you care before? Or asking in a different way, what is the technical property that we should be shooting for, and derived from that, what is the criterion to distinguish which types matter?

If we want to resolve this in a non-conservative fashion, then I think we need to formulate and establish some proper principles that answer that, preferably some that are not merely driven by the needs of specific implementations. Otherwise we'll just end up making random decisions each time that invalidate whatever we decided randomly last time.

I, for one, assumed that our principle going forward is that instruction types should be derivable from an instruction's immediates (other than for polymorphic operands that are completely ignored). Plain and simple.

titzer commented 1 year ago


The key technical property I am shooting for is to avoid any overloading of semantics[2] based on the input type (i.e. type on the operand stack). That is, the semantics of a cast (i.e. the set of values accepted and rejected) are entirely determined by the type annotation. Of course, an engine is free to optimize a cast based on the input type to narrow down the set of values that need to be tested for. With this property, neither an interpreter nor a baseline JIT[1] need additional information beyond the local type annotation to interpret or generate code for a given cast instruction.

AFAICT the above proposal for sharpening the output types based on nullability of the input type does not affect the semantics (i.e. does not introduce overloading). It's purely a validation type rule change.

[1] Thus a baseline compiler need only model value representations (kinds) of stack slots, not full types, to generate code. [2] I see your concern is more about the overloading of types.

conrad-watt commented 1 year ago

I, for one, assumed that our principle going forward is that instruction types should be derivable from an instruction's immediates (other than for polymorphic operands that are completely ignored). Plain and simple.

A conservative relaxation of this principle might be that the only part of an instruction type we allow to be polymorphic is the nullability dimension of a reference type. This would cover both the local.tee and br_on_cast asks and seems relatively low risk.

rossberg commented 1 year ago

@titzer, what is the semantic distinction by which "the semantics of a cast is entirely determined by the [target] type annotation" (i.e., the source type is not needed), but the same is not the case for, say, struct.get? It seems to me that this distinction is based on specific implementations much rather than semantics. On paper, neither operation is affected by the static type of the source.

@conrad-watt, that is a reasonable principle. However, it is not sufficient to support the cases in question: these would require polymorphism in the heap type as well, although it is constrained by the target type through the subtype relation. That is, it can neither be chosen freely, nor is it determined by the immediates. See my previous comments here and following. (For local.tee, the types in question aren't even reference types necessarily.)

titzer commented 1 year ago

@rossberg believe the issue is the type rules. The proposed type sharpening means that the output type of a cast depends on the input (stack) type again, which something we eliminated when we added full annotations and would be now adding back. The motivation for doing so is to accept more programs by having more precise output types. It really doesn't affect interpreter or baseline execution tiers (in Wizard, neither of these tiers model full types), and optimizing compilers are likely to be able to compute at least as precise types in their IR. So AFAICT this is entirely motivated by accepting more programs.

On paper, neither operation is affected by the static type of the source.

@rossberg I think we are saying the same thing but in different words, though your point about struct.get was somewhat puzzling; struct.get requires some type to find a field declaration. The field declaration is enough[1] both for validation and for execution. So introducing an annotation there meant we made that overload resolution (i.e. find the field declaration) local to a single instruction. That's not implementation-dependent.

[1] Though there is an analogous type sharpening that we could add for struct.get too, which would be for the result of the operation to be the type of input (stack) type's field at that index, which could be a subtype of the declared (annotated) type's field, due to allowable depth subtyping on immutable fields. Maybe that's what you were referring to as an inconsistency?

rossberg commented 1 year ago

your point about struct.get was somewhat puzzling; struct.get requires some type to find a field declaration.

Semantically, struct.get is just indexing into a tuple of values, completely agnostic of the tuple's type. Everything beyond that is an unobservable implementation detail – in particular, the field types only matter when you want to optimise the struct representation for space (as, presumably, production implementations want, but e.g. the reference interpreter does not).

This is not different from projecting the RTT for a cast, which essentially is getting an implicit field. You may think that you know this field is always there, and always in the same place, so that access does never depend on the type. But that again is making certain assumptions about both implementation details and future language extensions. For example, with an extension to descriptors as discussed, it's not unthinkable that an implementation might need to know something about a struct's associated descriptor type to access the RTT correctly.

That is, semantically, neither op needs the type. In an implementation, either may need it. If we want to make a distinction between the two ops, some additional argument is needed.

tlively commented 1 year ago

It seems fine to me to make the distinction based on practical realities of how interpreters / base tiers are typically implemented, even if those arguments don't apply to every possible implementation design. We do that often enough informally when designing features, and it's not like the design rationale needs to be part of the spec formalism.

The simple decision procedure of "add an annotation if and only if determining the result type of an instruction may require looking at the contents of a heap type definition" seems appropriately simple and addresses what in my mind was the most compelling argument for adding type annotations, which AFAIU was to allow in-place interpreters to avoid looking at separate data structures to determine output types.

rossberg commented 1 year ago


The simple decision procedure of "add an annotation if and only if determining the result type of an instruction may require looking at the contents of a heap type definition" seems appropriately simple

I don't think the result type matters specifically. For example, struct.set has a trivial result type. The only meaningful variation of that principle is whether "validating the instruction requires looking at the contents of a type definition". And that is the case for a cast's source type under the relaxed typing.

what in my mind was the most compelling argument for adding type annotations, which AFAIU was to allow in-place interpreters to avoid looking at separate data structures to determine output types.

Well, I hope my previous comment explained why the static and the dynamic need to know the type are not generally correlated. It depends on both the operation and the implementation strategy.

tlively commented 1 year ago

Just to check my understanding: the problem here is that we have heap type polymorphism with constraints that come from outside the instruction itself? Specifically for br_on_cast $l null? ht, the output heap type depends on the input type but is additionally constrained by the hierarchy of ht. This is as opposed to e.g. br_on_null for which the output type depends on the input type but there are no additional constraints?

We talked about the use case of analyzing code snippets without their context and having to figure out their types. Was this hypothetical or was there a connection to implementation problems like having to validate unreachable code?

Are there any other reasons implementations would want to require avoiding externally constrained polymorphism? Or is the purpose of the requirement to provide a consistent rationale for our choices of which instructions to annotate without depending on implementation details?

rossberg commented 1 year ago

Just to check my understanding: the problem here is that we have heap type polymorphism with constraints that come from outside the instruction itself?

More precisely, the interaction between type polymorphism (for operands/results) with constraints (from immediates). In all other places, polymorphic operand/result types are unconstrained value or heap types.

Are there any other reasons implementations would want to require avoiding externally constrained polymorphism?

If by "implementations" you mean more than just engines, then yes: other consumers, e.g., tools for static analysis, refactoring, etc. may need to determine types in less unidirectional manners.

As mentioned in my other reply, this is a form of principal type property, which generally is desirable to keep subtyping under control, or things tend to get more complicated/costly eventually.

And yes, this was one of the arguments for type annotations before. We could weaken it now, but then it is more difficult to argue why we bother with the other annotations.

FWIW, I don't think there's a problem with unreachable code for this one.

tlively commented 1 year ago

Thanks! I'll copy my comment on principal types over here so the conversation can stay in one place:

I guess it would be nice in principle to always have a principle type so that an optimization like outlining could uniquely determine a function type to assign to outlined code fragments. But on the other hand, an optimizer/analyzer could also easily work around the lack of type annotations by looking at the context. In fact, we'll have to (and want to!) do this workaround in Binaryen anyway since we intentionally do not preserve these accessor type annotations in our IR.

I am sure that there could exist tools that would benefit from this property, but I'm not sure how painful a workaround would be for them. It would be ideal if we could hear from the implementers of such a tool.

It's also unclear to me how much worse having to look at the typing context is than having to look at e.g. the types of locals to type local.get. It's obviously a different kind of context, but I'm not sure how much that matters.

tlively commented 1 year ago

After talking this over with the V8 team today, we agree that it would be good to have a consistent implementation-independent rule for when to apply type annotations so that we don't have to consider it on a case-by-case basis with the outcome depending entirely on who's in the room.

We would prefer to achieve consistency by removing existing type annotations because we care a lot about code size and none of our implementations or tools benefit from the type annotations. We agree that it is important for tools to be able to find the types of arbitrary code snippets, but we think it's sufficient that those tools can precompute the types using a simple linear scan of the code. Since linear validation is a hard requirement of Wasm's design, finding types shouldn't become more expensive in the future.

Alternatively, if we do require having a principal type for arbitrary code snippets (as long as you know the types of locals and labels, etc. but not necessarily the types of surrounding instructions), then it seems we would have to add annotations not just to the casts but also to br_on_null, br_on_non_null, and ref.as_non_null. And this principle still wouldn't explain the annotations on struct.set and array.set.

rossberg commented 1 year ago

it seems we would have to add annotations not just to the casts but also to br_on_null, br_on_non_null, and ref.as_non_null.

We could, but there is a good argument why those are in a different, much simpler class: in the typing rule of these instructions, the occurring heap type ht is unconstrained, i.e, can be represented by a plain type variable in an algorithm. This is the same situation we already have with the operand value type for e.g. drop. In contrast, the new casts would additionally require collecting and solving sets of constraints on the side. That may seem like a small difference, but it essentially is the difference between type inference with and without subtyping. While the latter has been a solved problem for 50 years, making the former practical is still an ongoing research topic with many PhD theses thrown at it. (Not implying that the problem would necessarily be quite as hard for Wasm, but to give an idea that the implications still are big.)

And this principle still wouldn't explain the annotations on struct.set and array.set.

The guiding principle applies the same: the type of these instruction, and the relation between their operands and results, cannot be determined (up to type variables) without knowing what struct/array is accessed. Analogous to get, the constraint involved is something like the "first operand is a struct type whose n-th field is a supertype of (the unpacking of) the second operand type" -- note that this is not just a plain subtype constraint either, but involves something structural about the field of a struct.

rossberg commented 1 year ago

FYI, the typing rules with two annotations would be:


conrad-watt commented 1 year ago

EDIT: after typing all this out, I believe this idea doesn't actually get us principal types, but I'm leaving it below for posterity. For example in the sketch rule for br_on_cast, the output type is still dependant on the input type and subject to the constraint ht <: ht'.

I've just realised that there might be another point in the design space which we've not considered, and I think it turns out to be quite pleasant, avoiding the need for a new type annotation. The insight is that we're trying to do two different things with br_on_cast[_fail].

  1. We want a toggle for whether a null check is carried out. This currently takes the form of an optional null annotation. Depending on whether the check is carried out, the label/output types may be altered.

  2. In the case that the input type is known to be non-null, we want additional refinement of the label/output types.

These uses are mutually exclusive. In the case that the input type is known to be non-null, the presence or absence of the null annotation has no semantic effect, and should have no effect on the label/output types.

So I think the need for an additional type annotation is obviated if we add the following additional instructions

br_on_cast_nonnull lab ht
br_on_cast_fail_nonnull lab ht

where the input type to these instructions is required to be non-null (and consequently there's no need for a null-check toggle).

This means that the "nullish" variants (br_on_cast, br_on_cast_fail) are free to have simpler (and I believe "principal") typing rules which no longer attempt to propagate knowledge that the input type is non-null (i.e. are no longer polymorphic in the "nullness" of the input type). With this solution, the above new instructions can be emitted in this case instead. The path to adoption for producers would hopefully not be too bad - if they're currently taking advantage of (e.g.) br_on_cast's polymorphism, they would switch to emitting br_on_cast_nonnull in the case that the input type is known to be non-null, and then everything would still type-check.

Sketch rules:

C[lab] : [t0* t']
(ref ht) <: t'
ht <: ht'
br_on_cast_nonnull lab ht : [t0* (ref ht')] -> [t0* (ref ht')]
C[lab] : [t0* t']
(ref ht') <: t'
ht <: ht'
br_on_cast_fail_nonnull lab ht : [t0* (ref ht')] -> [t0* (ref ht)]
C[lab] : [t0* t']
null2? != null?
(ref null? ht) <: t'
ht <: ht'
br_on_cast lab null? ht : [t0* (ref null ht')] -> [t0* (ref null2? ht')]
C[lab] : [t0* t']
null2? != null?
(ref null2? ht') <: t'
ht <: ht'
br_on_cast_fail lab null? ht : [t0* (ref null ht')] -> [t0* (ref null? ht)]
rossberg commented 1 year ago

For the null axis, isn't that equivalent to annotating both types? And for the heap type axis, doesn't it still suffer from a lack of principal types (unless resorting to side constraints), because of the subtyping constraints on the implicit ht'?

conrad-watt commented 1 year ago

For the null axis, isn't that equivalent to annotating both? And for the heap type axis, doesn't it still suffer from a lack of principal types (unless resorting to side constraints), because of the subtyping constraints on the implicit ht'.

Yes, you're right. As I realised just after posting the initial version of my comment, my idea doesn't actually help with the concern discussed in the meeting.