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Does the combo of subtyping and unreachable code require actual type inference? #516

Closed fitzgen closed 7 months ago

fitzgen commented 7 months ago

Consider the following example. I've annotated it with the operand stack in between each opcode twice:

  1. Once with the appendix's algorithm.
  2. A second time with wasm-smith's "actual" stack.

The difference is that the appendix algorithm truncates the stack after unreachable code, letting subsequent pops materialize their expected types, while wasm-smith maintains the "actual" stack going into the unreachable code.

AFAICT, the formal typing rules don't actually mandate the appendix's operand stack truncation. There has never been divergence between the two approaches until now, with the introduction of subtyping.

In the following example, the br 0 makes the subsequent code unreachable. The appendix will additionally truncate the stack. Next, the br_on_null is typed [anyref anyref] -> [anyref (ref any)] due to the type of its label. With wasm-smith's actual stack, this type checks fine because structref <: anyref combined with the rules for subtyping between instructions. For the appendix algorithm, we have an empty stack in unreachable code, so when the br_on_null wants to pop the anyref that the label demands, it does, and then when it pushes it back onto the stack, it pushes an anyref. Not a structref. This is the source of the divergence between the two approaches. Finally, the br_on_cast_fail observes the "actual" structref, triggering a type mismatch: expected structref, found anyref error in the appendix algorithm.

  (func (param anyref) (result anyref)
    ;; 0x1b: appendix: []
    ;;         actual: []
    ref.null struct
    ;; 0x1d: appendix: [structref]
    ;;         actual: [structref]
    local.get 0
    ;; 0x1f: appendix: [structref anyref]
    ;;         actual: [structref anyref]
    br 0
    ;; 0x21: appendix: []
    ;;         actual: [structref]
    local.get 0
    ;; 0x23: appendix: [anyref]
    ;;         actual: [structref anyref]
    br_on_null 0
    ;; 0x25: appendix: [anyref (ref any)]
    ;;         actual: [structref (ref any)]
    ;; 0x26: appendix: [anyref]
    ;;         actual: [structref]
    br_on_cast_fail 0  structref structref

The reference interpreter, and wasmparser, report the type mismatch error and consider the example invalid. But despite that, it isn't clear to me that it really is invalid.

Firefox and wasm-smith consider the example valid.

If this example is valid, then it seems like popping from an empty operand stack in unreachable code would have to, in this case, produce a value that is constrained to be some subtype of anyref but not necessarily exactly anyref and then the subsequent br_on_cast_fail would add a second constraint that the value is additionally a subtype of structref, and then implementations would need to solve these constraints to determine validity. But that kind of constraint solving and "real" type inference is something that we intentionally avoid requiring in Wasm validation. So if this example is currently valid, it seems like we want to do something to avoid the need for this kind of constraint solving.

Concrete Questions

  1. the actual formal typing rules don't mandate the appendix's operand stack truncation

    Is this statement true or false?

  2. Is the example valid or invalid?

Thanks for your time!

tlively commented 7 months ago

Is there an instruction missing at the beginning of the example? Where does the structref come from?

fitzgen commented 7 months ago

Is there an instruction missing at the beginning of the example? Where does the structref come from?

Whoops, I left out a ref.null struct, adding it now.

Edit: fixed!

tlively commented 7 months ago

I don't think this really gets to the crux of the issue, but I'm curious about how keeping the stack like you describe can ever work. For example, this is perfectly valid:

 f32.const 1.0
 f32.const 2.0
 br 0

Wouldn't keeping the stack around produce an error about the i32.add having f32 operands?

fitzgen commented 7 months ago

Wouldn't keeping the stack around produce an error about the i32.add having f32 operands?

I guess the difference is that wasm-smith is generating valid Wasm modules, not validating arbitrary Wasm modules. Given your example, it does seem like truncation is necessary for a validator.

So I guess the question is: is truncation necessary for generators? I think this is equivalent to asking whether we can add an unreachable anywhere in a valid function body and still end up with a valid function body.

rossberg commented 7 months ago

First of all, the fact that the example is rejected has nothing to do with unreachable code or "stack truncation". The following sequence is invalid regardless of what's before it:

(local.get 0)
(br_on_null 0)
(br_on_cast_fail 0 structref structref)

The reason is that after the br_on_null the two topmost values on the stack are two anyrefs (assuming both local 0 and label 0 have type anyref, as in your example). Because the typing rule is:

Note how the stack result is determined (and fixed) by the type of $𝑙. (A more permissive rule would be possible, but would be more complicated yet only rarely more useful in practice. Edit: well, possible except for the loss of principal types.)

As for truncating the stack, that is "mandated" by the spec in so far as the declarative type of br allows consuming an arbitrary number of virtual values from the stack:

There are infinitely many ways to instantiate the 𝑑₁ and 𝑑₂ in this rule, but an algorithm always needs to make the most general choice, otherwise it wouldn't be complete. And the most general algorithmic solution is to pop everything currently the stack because after that the algorithm can successfully pop any type it wants, especially bottom, which is at least as permissive as anything that could have been on the stack before.

A simple example demonstrating this would be

  (i32.const 0)
  (br 0)

An algorithm that does not "truncate" the stack would incorrectly reject this.

As an aside, the algorithm from the Appendix does not just truncate the stack, it replaces it with the polymorphic stack. So a more faithful way to annotate the example above e.g. would be

;; []
(i32.const 0)
;; [i32]
(br 0)
;; [...]
;; [... i32]
;; [...]

where "..." denotes the polymorphic bottom of the stack, from which arbitrary types can be drawn.

An alternative is to annotate the actual instruction types:

(i32.const 0)  ;; [] β†’ [i32]
(br 0)         ;; [i32] β†’ [bot]
(ref.is_null)  ;; [bot] β†’ [i32]
(drop)         ;; [i32] β†’ []

Here, the output of each type must match up with the input of the next. For br, 𝑑₁ was instantiated with i32 and 𝑑₂ with bot. Any reference type would also work instead of bot, but that would require guessing ahead.

So, to summarise the answers to your questions:

  1. Yes and no: there would be other ways to formulate an algorithm (e.g., with search and backtracking), but for simple forward checking like with the Appendix' algorithm, you have to truncate.

  2. The example is invalid, but for unrelated reasons.

And to the question in the issue's subject: no, forward checking is enough. The principal types property of the Wasm type system (esp the "Closed Principal Forward Types" theorem) ensures that.

Finally, Firefox and wasm-smith seem to have bugs in their validators, but from your example alone it is unclear whether they are related to stack polymorphism.

fitzgen commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the explanation, and pointing out the root issue with the br_on_null.

In wasmparser we were doing


instead of


in some places where we shouldn't have. That caused us to consider the following valid:

  (func (param anyref) (result anyref)
    ref.null struct
    local.get 0
    br_on_null 0
    br_on_cast_fail 0  structref structref

but then adding an unreachable just after the ref.null struct would make us consider it invalid and it seemed wrong to me that inserting an unreachable anywhere would ever make a Wasm invalid.

Glad that things have been cleared up!

FWIW, Firefox seems to have a similar bug. Filed https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1879096 for them.

Thanks again!

rossberg commented 7 months ago

Can I motivate you to add a test for this to the Wasm test suite? :)

fitzgen commented 7 months ago

Writing one already :)

fitzgen commented 7 months ago


tlively commented 7 months ago

Just a note that local.tee can be susceptible to similar problems! The type it leaves on the stack is the type of the local, not the type of the teed operand.

bvisness commented 7 months ago

~And global.tee, for completeness.~ The full list of instructions for which we are now rewriting the stack types is:

tlively commented 7 months ago

global.tee does not exist!

bvisness commented 7 months ago

I've been asm.js'd!

rossberg commented 6 months ago

I added equivalent tests for all of the above instructions.

Liedtke commented 6 months ago

First of all, thanks for adding all the test cases! I'm here to report that these tests have now rolled into V8 and we can add V8 to the list of engines not implementing this correctly. πŸŽ‰

I am somewhat concerned that the current spec can result in some module binary size bloat due to the loss of precision. If we change the new test case for br_on_null slightly to not have a drop but instead add a second parameter to the callee, we get:

  (type $t (func))
  (func $f (param (ref null $t)) (param funcref) (result funcref) (local.get 0))
  (func (param funcref) (result funcref)
    (ref.null $t)
    (local.get 0)
    (br_on_null 0)  ;; only leaves two funcref's on the stack
    (call $f)

This would still be invalid. Now, assuming the branch target's type has to be the generic funcref, then what would be the easiest way to make this valid? We need to cast the ref.null $type0 back to $type0, however, $var0 is still on the stack, so we'd probably need sth. like this: (Assuming that the (local.get 0) in the example was a more complicated expression that we can't just repeat.)

  (type $t (func))
  (func $f (param (ref null $t)) (param funcref) (result funcref) (local.get 0))
  (func (param funcref) (result funcref)
    (local funcref)
    (ref.null $t)
    (local.get 0)
    (br_on_null 0)  ;; only leaves two funcref's on the stack
    (local.set 1)   ;; save the non-null value
    (ref.cast $t)   ;; cast the (ref.null $t) on the stack back to $t
    (local.get 1)   ;; restore the value
    (call $f)

And if we had more than 2 types on the branch target, then we might need to local.set and local.get and ref.cast even more or did I miss anything?

I don't think I understand the concept of principal types and what the concrete restrictions are here but why can't br_on_null leave the non-condition types on the stack unmodified if the branch was not taken? Why is it an issue that the result types depend on the actual values on the stack which doesn't seem to be different from ref.as_non_null? Similarly, given the rule:

  • br_on_null $𝑙 : [𝑑 (ref null β„Žπ‘‘)] β†’ [𝑑 (ref β„Žπ‘‘)]
    • if $𝑙 : [𝑑*]

Here ht does not depend on the label type, so for the non-null value left on the stack the type is already derived based on the actual input? If the rule was changed to:

  • br_on_null $𝑙 : [𝑑₁ (ref null β„Žπ‘‘)] β†’ [𝑑₁ (ref β„Žπ‘‘)]
    • if $𝑙 : [𝑑₂*]

and another condition was added that each type in t₁* needs to be a subtype of the corresponding type in tβ‚‚*, why would this break principal types?

tlively commented 6 months ago

See https://github.com/WebAssembly/gc/issues/201 for previous discussion of this general issue, and specifically https://github.com/WebAssembly/gc/issues/201#issuecomment-1160365997 for the reason we kept the status quo of not refining the output types. (In short, you're right that we allow unconstrained type variables in the typing of instructions, but so far we don't allow typing to involve any kind of constraints on type variables.)

Thankfully it would be a backward-compatible change to refine the output types for all these instructions, so it's still something we could decide to do in the future.

rossberg commented 6 months ago

No cast should be necessary. The obvious fix would be storing the operands in temp locals:

  (func (param funcref) (result funcref)
    (local (ref null $t))
    (ref.null $t)
    (local.tee 1)
    (local.get 0)
    (br_on_null 0)  ;; only leaves two funcref's on the stack
    (drop) (drop)
    (local.get 1) (local.get 0)
    (call $f)

Another possibility is to introduce an intermediate block with the right type:

  (func (param funcref) (result funcref)
    (block (result (ref null $t))
      (ref.null $t)
      (local.get 0)
      (br_on_null 0)  ;; only leaves two funcref's on the stack
      (call $f)

Both alternatives would probably result in almost the same machine code in an optimising jit.

That said, the ability to pass additional operands to a br_on_null is a bit of niche feature already that we just added because it was "free". I am not aware that it is used heavily in the wild, let alone with the need to have heterogeneous output edges (I perhaps lack imagination for how a producer would make use of that systematically and what for). Of course, it is always possible to construct examples that would get slightly larger, but is it likely it'll produce any significant code size problem in practice?

tlively commented 6 months ago

The instructions that would have the biggest impact in practice if we improved the typing are local.tee and br_if. Binaryen does not even support sending extra arguments on the other branch instructions, so those patterns do not appear in practice. (Yet.) I don't think the improvement would be very large, though.

jakobkummerow commented 6 months ago

WDYT about rephrasing the rule slightly to make it more obvious what happens? Maybe:

IIUC that's the existing behavior, just written in a way that's perhaps less likely to be misunderstood. The fact that multiple implementations got this wrong seems to indicate that there is room for improvement regarding human understandability of these rules. The current way it's spelled out requires the reader to (1) remember that implicit upcasting applies to the input types, and (2) carefully read the second line and take into account that it changes what "happens" on the first line, as opposed to glossing over it thinking "yeah, sure, the label type must match, obviously".

Phrased differently, the current spelling [𝑑* (ref null β„Žπ‘‘)] β†’ [𝑑* (ref β„Žπ‘‘)] just looks a lot like "the t* are kept as they are", and perhaps it would be better to avoid creating that impression (even if technically it's not necessary to avoid it, because it's just an incorrect reading of a technically correct rule).

rossberg commented 6 months ago

Yes, something like that would be possible. When done consistently, this change is similar to the standard transformation from a β€œdeclarative” to an β€œalgorithmic” formulation (in the context of a type system with subsumption).

However, this is not the only rule where such an observation applies. To be consistent, we’d need to similarly inline subsumption in all other relevant rules β€” which in fact would be every single instruction typing rule in Wasm, because every input type but bottom can be subtyped further. Even in this very rule it would already be arbitrary to stop short of also introducing β„Žπ‘‘β‚ and β„Žπ‘‘β‚‚ with another subtype constraint between those.

Of course, the big disadvantage of a coherent reformulation like that is that it creates a lot of redundancy and noise in the rules, which is why the preferred formulation of such a system commonly is to factor all that into one single rule for subsumption. (There are other technical advantages of the declarative formulation, but I don’t want to bore the audience with those. For example, the notion of principal type cannot even be defined meaningfully in such a set-up.)

Fortunately, the spec already has a (somewhat more implementation-oriented) algorithmic presentation of validation, in the Appendix. I encourage all readers of the spec to look there as well. Having both these presentations separates concerns, and doesn’t require compromising or complicating either. Trying to mix aspects of both in a single formulation o.t.o.h. would lose the respective advantages of both.

Beyond that, I think non-normative notes are the preferable way to emphasise potentially non-obvious implications of specific rules or definitions, like is already done in various other places.

Liedtke commented 6 months ago

@rossberg I am not sure if adding a generic note to the Appendix will make it less likely for implementers to run into this issue. I checked the spec for the validation (https://webassembly.github.io/gc/core/valid/instructions.html#xref-syntax-instructions-syntax-instr-control-mathsf-br-on-non-null-l): 1) Maybe we should add a note regarding "stack retyping" to each of these branch instructions or a note to the beginning of the control instructions? 2) br_on_non_null uses t'* for the label type (second line item). Should this be t*? Otherwise I'm not sure based on the text how to get to the conclusion that the result types of the branch are the same as the label types.

Edit: OK, I think I got it now, with the 4th line item it means that t* is based on the label types t'* and not based on the actual stack.

rossberg commented 6 months ago

@Liedtke, I indeed had in mind a note (or several ones) in the main body of the spec.

tlively commented 6 months ago

It turns out Binaryen was also incorrect in all of these cases except for local.tee, but our fuzzing never found the problems because it was using V8 as an oracle. cc @kripken, who is planning to work on fixes.

tlively commented 6 months ago

@rossberg, it turns out that fixing this in Binaryen changes the calculation of precise types from a linear pass to an arbitrarily expensive fixed point computation because the types of block and br_if instructions mutually place lower bounds on each other. The maximum number of iterations necessary to reach a fixed point is linear in the depth of the subtype hierarchy.

example To find the smallest fixed point, we need to compute the types using the old behavior that refines beyond the smallest fixed point, then iteratively relax the types until we reach a fixed point. Consider this program: ```wast (type $A (sub (struct))) (type $B (sub $A (struct))) (type $C (sub $B (struct))) (func (result anyref) (block $a (result anyref) ;; refinable to (ref $A) (br $a (struct.new $A)) (br_if $a (block $b (result anyref) ;; refinable to (ref $A) (br $b (struct.new $B)) (br_if $a (block $c (result anyref) ;; refinable to (ref $A) (br $c (struct.new $C)) (br_if $b (struct.new $C) (i32.const 0) ) ) (i32.const 0) ) ) (i32.const 0) ) ) ) ``` In the initial pass we undershoot the fixed point and calculate these types, which would be the final results if the typing rules preserved type information: - block $c: `(ref $C)` - block $b: `(ref $B)` - block $a: `(ref $A)` Then we feed these types back to the `br_if`s targeting each block, which updates the type of the `br_if $a` inside block `$b` to be `(ref $A)` and the type of the `br_if $b` inside block `$c` to be `(ref $B)`. Doing another pass to update the types gives this: - block $c: `(ref $B)` - block $b: `(ref $A)` - block $a: `(ref $A)` Iterating again will compute type `(ref $A)` for each block, which is the fixed point. If this program were extended with another subtype `$D` and another nested block, it would take one additional iteration to reach the fixed point.

This is a much bigger cost than I had anticipated. Can you go into more detail about the reasoning behind the current rules? You wrote above that they are necessary to preserve principal types, but my understanding is that we could both have principal types and preserve type information in these instructions if we relaxed our principal types rule to allow bounds on type variables. Is that correct? If so, is there a good reason we might not want to do that?

If there isn't a good reason to keep the current rules that outweighs the extra complexity they bring, I suggest we ask the CG for approval to switch to the type-preserving rules for all of these instructions.

rossberg commented 5 months ago

@tlively, what is your definition of "precise types"? If you mean reconstructing the most permissive type annotations for a given "erased" program, then I am pretty sure that in a language with subtyping and loops like Wasm, any complete algorithm will involve a fixpoint iteration (either on the program itself or on a set of constraints it generates), regardless of the details of the rules. It may just be a coincidence that Binaryen was able to get away without that so far? How does it handle loop parameters?

And of course, it is to be expected that type reconstruction is significantly harder than type checking.

Also, I believe the rules for block or br_if never changed. IIUC, you are asking whether we could change them to something else?

But that's more or less a zero-sum game. If we were to optimise the rules for the sake of one specific algorithm, then we'd almost inevitably make them harder for some other. In particular, there always is a trade-off between ease for producers and ease for consumers. Principal types make checking (much) more efficient, so they are beneficial for (a general class of) consumers, at the cost of some possible extra work for producers, which is in line with Wasm's general approach.

tlively commented 5 months ago

what is your definition of "precise types"? If you mean reconstructing the most permissive type annotations for a given "erased" program, then I am pretty sure that in a language with subtyping and loops like Wasm, any complete algorithm will involve a fixpoint iteration...

True, but I want something weaker than that. I just want our typing rules to not unnecessarily lose type information. For example, I want the type of local.tee x to be [t] -> [t] for any t <: expand(x) rather than [t] -> [t] where t = expand(x).

It may just be a coincidence that Binaryen was able to get away without that so far? How does it handle loop parameters?

We don't support loop parameters at all because they are not easily representable in our AST IR. If we add support for them, we will require a fixed point computation at that point, but it would still be good to avoid needing a fixed point computation for br_if and blocks.

Also, I believe the rules for block or br_if never changed. IIUC, you are asking whether we could change them to something else?

That's one way to look at it, yes. Another way to look at it is that when we introduced subtyping, we had two choices about how to handle in the typing of br_on, local.tee, and these other instructions. We chose one strategy, and I would like us to switch to the other strategy.

If we were to optimise the rules for the sake of one specific algorithm, then we'd almost inevitably make them harder for some other. In particular, there always is a trade-off between ease for producers and ease for consumers.

That's fine in general, but in this case switching would be better for both existing producers and existing consumers.

Principal types make checking (much) more efficient, so they are beneficial for (a general class of) consumers, at the cost of some possible extra work for producers, which is in line with Wasm's general approach.

Yes, I agree, and I would like to keep principal types. Can you address my questions about this? I wrote,

my understanding is that we could both have principal types and preserve type information in these instructions if we relaxed our principal types rule to allow bounds on type variables. Is that correct? If so, is there a good reason we might not want to do that?

fitzgen commented 5 months ago


I just want our typing rules to not unnecessarily lose type information. For example, I want the type of local.tee x to be [t] -> [t] for any t <: expand(x) rather than [t] -> [t] where t = expand(x).

Wouldn't that lead to the problems I originally described in OP? Because doing that for branching instructions makes the OP example valid, and therefore leads to the situation I tried to describe here:

If this example is valid, then it seems like popping from an empty operand stack in unreachable code would have to, in this case, produce a value that is constrained to be some subtype of anyref but not necessarily exactly anyref and then the subsequent br_on_cast_fail would add a second constraint that the value is additionally a subtype of structref, and then implementations would need to solve these constraints to determine validity. But that kind of constraint solving and "real" type inference is something that we intentionally avoid requiring in Wasm validation.

Perhaps this is exactly the kind of problem that you are running into?

tlively commented 5 months ago

For your implementation as described in the OP, yes, I can see that this would cause problems. But I think you could resolve them by using the stack-truncating algorithm as described in the appendix. It might also be necessary to update the algorithm from the appendix to say that it should always pop bottom types (e.g. (ref none) instead of anyref) so that discovering a tighter constraint on a type later will never be a problem.

fitzgen commented 5 months ago

It might also be necessary to update the algorithm from the appendix to say that it should always pop bottom types (e.g. (ref none) instead of anyref) so that discovering a tighter constraint on a type later will never be a problem.

Ah! This is a good insight, thanks for sharing. Popping bottom types from unreachable operand stacks should indeed solve this issue.

titzer commented 5 months ago

In the Wizard code validator, (almost) every pop from the value stack has an expected type[1]. The control stack stores a top limit, and if popping would cross the top limit, then it checks if the current control stack entry is in the unreachable state, and then allows it (popping a value of the expected type if so). This replaced a bunch of logic that previously did different things if the current control entry was reachable or not. Popping the control stack then resets reachability to what it was in the previous control scope.

[1] A couple exceptions are the numeric select instruction and ref.as_non_null and br_on_non_null, which do actually check for unreachable.

tlively commented 5 months ago

It might also be necessary to update the algorithm from the appendix to say that it should always pop bottom types (e.g. (ref none) instead of anyref) so that discovering a tighter constraint on a type later will never be a problem.

It turns out that the validation algorithm in the appendix already pops the real bottom type Bot, which is even more bottom than (ref none), so it doesn't need to be updated. But it also means that my suggested algorithm is not permissive enough. For example, this should be a valid instruction sequence after my suggested changes to br_if typing:

block (result anyref)
 block (result funcref)
  i32.const 0
  br_if 0 ;; now [bot i32] -> [bot], previously [bot i32] -> [funcref]
  i32.const 0
  br_if 1 ;; now [bot i32] -> [bot], previously invalid because [funcref] </: [anyref]
tlively commented 5 months ago

I've created a PR that shows the concrete modifications we would like to make to the spec: #532. I recommend that we continue the discussion there, since the original question here has been resolved.

rossberg commented 5 months ago

[Sorry for the delay, I’m at a conference right now, and no time to reply earlier.]


my understanding is that we could both have principal types and preserve type information in these instructions if we relaxed our principal types rule to allow bounds on type variables. Is that correct? If so, is there a good reason we might not want to do that?

Good question. Unfortunately, that wouldn’t quite match the definition of principal type. And indeed it would make the notion somewhat useless for the original reason we cared about it, as a criterion for type annotations. That’s because subtyping constraints are very (too) powerful – you can encode random stuff in them. For example, with a <: b ∧ b <: a you can effectively express equivalence, meaning that it is a free pass to move almost all structural information "to the side”, thereby justifying dropping most type annotations.

Instead of β€œevery legal type is a (supertype of a) substitution instance of the principal type” you’ll have β€œevery legal type is a solution to a set of inequations”, which is a rather big qualitative difference and does not constrain much at all anymore.

Equality vs inequality constraints also make a huge difference algorithmically, because subtype constraints tend to accumulate. Closely related to the discussion, this not-so-fine line is what made β€œfull” type inference for functional languages practical, while it explodes for languages with subtyping. And the seemingly innocent relaxation we're discussing, which essentially expands inference to subtyping, would be crossing that exact line.

We don't support loop parameters

Okay, but then, the aforementioned issues aside, aren't you basically suggesting to tailor the Wasm specification for one algorithm that isn’t even correct/complete for Wasm as it stands, and by means of a change that will be moot once it is made so? Would you really argue that is sufficient motivation?

I’d be very hesitant to make such a change at the last minute, with such unclear repercussions to the fabric of the type system.

titzer commented 5 months ago

I updated Wizard's code validator to comply with the new test that was added. It was doing the wrong thing according to the spec, preserving types on the stack after br_if_non_null. Popping and then repushing the label's args was already necessary to comply with br_if's rules, for which I believe there were already tests. So in that sense I'm totally fine with the current rules for new branches, as they are consistent with existing branches.

However, I do get @tlively 's point better now. The obvious implementation in a abstract-interpretation-based validator (which all production algorithms are, for efficiency) is to just leave types on the stack; that's most efficient and most precise. It concerns me a bit that we're losing type information for a type-system consistency property like principal types. It also seems to me that no abstract-interpretation-based approach is going to be solving a constraint system; that only seems to come up with bottom types due to unreachable. In practice what they are going to do is try to pop label args, and if that fails because it goes into a polymorphic part of the stack, they'll default to the label's arg types and continue forward with those.

It's a little concerning that we're hitting issues with this now; the spec tests have really poor coverage and yet implementations are relying on them to know if they've gotten things right. We need more effort here to test more cases, maybe even automatically generating many possible combinations or even fuzzing. Implementations will continue to get subtle details like this wrong and rely on tests to find issues.

tlively commented 5 months ago

That’s because subtyping constraints are very (too) powerful – you can encode random stuff in them...

If I’m not mistaken, the form of subtyping constraints I have in mind where upper bounds must be closed, i.e. cannot themselves contain type variables, is much less powerful. The system of inequalities it allows you to form is just an independent collection of closed upper bounds for each type variable, so it is trivially solved with GLB calculations. And we already depend on those for typing br_table, so that shouldn’t be a problem. Note that this holds even with the bottom type due to unreachability.

However, I do get @tlively 's point better now. The obvious implementation in an abstract-interpretation-based validator (which all production algorithms are, for efficiency) is to just leave types on the stack; that's most efficient and most precise.

Yes, exactly :)

It's a little concerning that we're hitting issues with this now; the spec tests have really poor coverage...

The biggest problem is that AFAIK no implementation contributes their own tests back upstream as spec tests, so for many of us the spec tests become merely a box to check to finish a proposal. We will be able to start contributing some of Binaryen’s tests upstream soon.

titzer commented 5 months ago

@tlively I had a separate offline conversation with Nick and the need for a combined regression suite seems to be universally felt. What I've done in Wizard has often been to slice and dice spec tests into smaller units and write my own .wast tests, in addition to internal unit tests. It'd be great if we could pool them all somehow.

rossberg commented 5 months ago


It concerns me a bit that we're losing type information for a type-system consistency property

We are already doing the same for select, for example, in order to avoid the need for lub's. Type systems are always compromises between precision and other factors like simplicity.

It also seems to me that no abstract-interpretation-based approach is going to be solving a constraint system

Well, no, abstract interpretation is using a fixpoint iteration (because loops, joins, and such). But that's what @tlively tries to avoid – which is exactly what would get us a constraint system instead (solving which, btw, will also require a fixpoint iteration, over the constraints).


If I’m not mistaken, the form of subtyping constraints I have in mind where upper bounds must be closed, i.e. cannot themselves contain type variables, is much less powerful.

That wouldn't work, unfortunately. Since the same type can flow through multiple such instructions in an instruction sequence, you'd need to be able to accumulate multiple constraints on the same variable – or alternatively, allow constraints relating variables to other variables. Because instruction types have both co- and contra-variance, I'm also 99% sure you'd need both upper and lower bounds. I don't think you can get away with closed bounds either, because of composition (afaict, closed bounds are never enough for such systems). Somebody would have to work through the proofs to figure all this out, and that's no longer trivial.

The fact that all this is non-obvious is alone reason to be uncomfortable. The current rules are at least conservative.

tlively commented 5 months ago

@rossberg, have you had a chance to take a look at the PR I uploaded making this concrete? It would be helpful if you could explain the problems you see with the proposed change in particular, rather than with having type bounds generally.

That wouldn't work, unfortunately. Since the same type can flow through multiple such instructions in an instruction sequence, you'd need to be able to accumulate multiple constraints on the same variable...

Do you agree that accumulating multiple constraints would be fine if they were all closed upper bounds?

I don't think you can get away with closed bounds either, because of composition (afaict, closed bounds are never enough for such systems).

The only sources of nontrivial bounds we need are branch target types for the conditional branch instructions and local types for local.tee. Both are always closed, and I don't see how composition comes into it. Can you explain more?

titzer commented 5 months ago

Well, no, abstract interpretation is using a fixpoint iteration (because loops, joins, and such). But that's what @tlively tries to avoid – which is exactly what would get us a constraint system instead (solving which, btw, will also require a fixpoint iteration, over the constraints).

Actually I don't think this is true for Wasm loops. Loops have type annotations, so the only part of the stack that can be polymorphic is due to unreachable code before the loop leaving (potentially constrained) type variables on the stack. But looping back to the start of the loop can only happen within the loop, and the polymorphic part of the stack before the loop cannot be modified (or even accessed--it's a validation error to do that); there are no additional constraints to merge back in when coming back.

tlively commented 5 months ago

The proposed change really has nothing to do with fixed point computations at all, and I regret ever bringing them up. The goal is to eliminate unnecessary casts, not to eliminate the need for fixed point computations. The fixed point algorithm I previously described was a way to eliminate some of the same unnecessary casts.

rossberg commented 5 months ago


@rossberg, have you had a chance to take a look at the PR I uploaded making this concrete? It would be helpful if you could explain the problems you see with the proposed change in particular, rather than with having type bounds generally.

I looked at the PR, but I'm not sure that helps. The difficulty is the principal type property, which isn't gonna work as currently spelled in the PR.

The only sources of nontrivial bounds we need are branch target types for the conditional branch instructions and local types for local.tee. Both are always closed, and I don't see how composition comes into it.

Composition meaning sequencing.

Every type annotation will also contribute constraints. For example, when the result of a br_if flows into a select, you get a new constraint on the prior variable from select's annotation.

In some cases these constraints are only partial, i.e., have different structure. For example, when the result of br_if flows into extern.convert_any, the combined constraint is gonna be something like Ξ± <: (ref Ξ² any), where Ξ² abstracts nullability. Similarly for other cases where other variables come into play. This is not closed. (And it probably implies the need for bounds on other variable classes as well.)

The proposed change really has nothing to do with fixed point computations at all, and I regret ever bringing them up. The goal is to eliminate unnecessary casts, not to eliminate the need for fixed point computations.

Well, we arrived at the current semantics after extensive and controversial discussion, which already considered all this at length. Usually we avoid revisiting such discussions unless there are significant new findings – double so this late in the game. It doesn't sound like you think there are?


Actually I don't think this is true for Wasm loops. Loops have type annotations

The annotations on loops are of course just as imprecise as the ones we are discussing. Any analysis that wants to reconstruct "precise" types, as with abstract interpretation, would of course not use them. Unless they do not care about more precise types than whatever the type system specifies, but then the point of discussion is moot as well.