WebAssembly / interface-types

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No extra module section #17

Closed fgmccabe closed 5 years ago

fgmccabe commented 5 years ago

This proposal suggests adding a 'host bindings' section to a warm module.

I do not support this idea. The basic reason is that we already have a mechanism for importing and host bindings are simply a particular kind of import.

More generally, this appears to violate the separation of concerns architectural principle.

Fundamentally, we do need a way of layering multiple semantics over the core machine level semantics of wasm. But that is a separate topic ...

lukewagner commented 5 years ago

The current Proposal.md isn't clearly worded atm, so I understand how it's hard to tell what's being proposed. However, Host Bindings aren't an alternative to imports/exports. Coincidentally, I just wrote a comment explaining what, with reference types factored out, are the remaining problems that Host Bindings can help solve.