WebAssembly / memory64

Memory with 64-bit indexes
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Tracking issue for phase 4 advancement #43

Open sbc100 opened 7 months ago

sbc100 commented 7 months ago
rossberg commented 7 months ago

A while ago I heard about the intent to include 64-bit tables as well, in order to be able to compile function pointers consistently. What became of that?

sbc100 commented 7 months ago

That request came from @matthias-blume who is working on an experimental wasm to native compiler without a sandbox.

We have a workaround in llvm that truncate all function pointers before call indirect. It add an instruction for every call indirect in the program so it could save a bit on code size and complexity if we could remove it.

Do you think it makes sense to roll it into this proposal?

rossberg commented 7 months ago

Yeah, from my perspective, Wasm64 is incomplete without it, and it leaves the language in an odd space. Do you think it would still be realistic to extend the proposal?

tlively commented 1 month ago

What's the status of the spec document? It would be good to get the changes in well ahead of the phase 4 vote at the f2f meeting.

sbc100 commented 1 month ago

I need to pick up this open PR: https://github.com/WebAssembly/memory64/pull/50