WebAssembly / memory64

Memory with 64-bit indexes
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Implement table64 extension #51

Open sbc100 opened 2 months ago

sbc100 commented 2 months ago

Now that #46 is decided we need get this extension implemented in various places:

External places:

dschuff commented 2 months ago

Looks good, although I wouldn't consider wabt a blocker for phase 4 if we have support in Binaryen.

alexcrichton commented 1 month ago

My understanding of ocaml is shaky at best but by my read the current implementation of the binary encoding of a table type is to use the third bit of the prefix byte is used to indicate whether the index type is i64 (where if it's 0 then it's i32, as-is today). This makes sense for memories where the second bit was already claimed for the shared bit by the threads proposal, but I wanted to raise a question here if this is the desired encoding for tables. That means that the second bit in the table type prefix byte is currently unused.

Given the shared-everything-threads proposal it seems like we'll get a shared table type one day so thinking about this I think it might make sense to leave the hole, but I wanted to be sure to flag this and ensure that it was intentional and not accidental (e.g. I can see how it would be easy to just reuse what was already in the interpreter)

sbc100 commented 1 month ago

Yes, the idea is tie match the flags that we use for memories.

For example, in wabt we have: https://github.com/WebAssembly/wabt/blob/356931a867c7d642bc282fff46a1c95ab0e843f3/include/wabt/binary.h#L24-L29 and these flags are used for both memories and tables. It makes sense to me to re-use these, even though we don't currently have shared tables. Are there downsides to doing this that you are thinking of?

alexcrichton commented 1 month ago

I don't think there's any downside to doing this, no. In Wasmtime we don't parse limits in the same way between tables/memories because for so long the encoding of tables/memories has diverged - for example for quite some times memories can be shared or 64-bit but tables can't be. Even with the table64 extension and a hypothetical shared table type the custom-page-sizes proposal still has different parsing of the flags byte which won't ever get mapped to tables.

Basically while the parsing of limits was trivially the same between memories/tables I don't think we should take it as a design guideline that they must match for all future proposals as well. The 64-bit-ness and shared-ness makes sense to match since we might as well, though.

rossberg commented 1 month ago

Unless there is a strong reason to do otherwise (like running out of bits), I think it's preferable to keep them in sync. (We have been doing the same for elem/data segments.)