WebAssembly / simd

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Trunc Sat Conversion Test Looks Wrong #398

Closed jlb6740 closed 3 years ago

jlb6740 commented 3 years ago


I was looking at the implementation for trunc_sat in V8 (https://github.com/v8/v8/blob/c74e9e2cbf7c23753ab331011b9ce5e9572daf38/src/compiler/backend/x64/code-generator-x64.cc#L2924) and I keep thinking something is wrong with the algorithm where it seems to be counting off by one for values that are between INT_MAX+1..UINT_MAX. Instead of subtracting tmp= src-max_signed I was thinking this should be tmp=src-(max_signed+1). However it passes the spec test so I thought it must be right. However, I look at the spec test and I don't understand the expected result here either:


Why is FLT 2147483647.0 expected to convert to UINT 2147483648. Why not 2147483647?

Looking at the definition for trunc_sat:

Lane-wise saturating conversion from floating point to integer using the IEEE convertToIntegerTowardZero function. If any input lane is a NaN, the resulting lane is 0. If the rounded integer value of a lane is outside the range of the destination type, the result is saturated to the nearest representable integer value.

I can't imagine why this original value should not be 2147483647.

Maratyszcza commented 3 years ago

Don't know the details about the instruction, but 2147483647.0 is not representable as a single-precision floating-point number

jlb6740 commented 3 years ago

Hi @Maratyszcza .. yeah. I think that is where I went wrong. 2147483647.0 is stored as 2147483648. I was focusing on the int range and not the float range. Perfect, Thanks!