WebAssembly / simd

Branch of the spec repo scoped to discussion of SIMD in WebAssembly
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License of proposal? #506

Open nemequ opened 3 years ago

nemequ commented 3 years ago

The LICENSE file basically says to look at the LICENSE in each subdirectory, but the proposals directory doesn't include one, nor does proposals/simd.

I want to steal a lot of stuff from the proposal for https://github.com/nemequ/wasm-simd-data; I think everything from "Constructing SIMD values" onwards will actually be present assuming a sufficiently permissive license. I could probably work around the issue by rewriting some descriptions, but (a) I don't want to and (b) I'd prefer to match the official wording to avoid introducing any inconsistencies.

tlively commented 3 years ago

Hmm, it's a good question. I think treating all docs as though they were licensed under the terms of https://github.com/WebAssembly/simd/blob/main/document/core/LICENSE should be sufficiently conservative given that the top-level LICENSE file indicates that documentation is meant to be under the "W3C Software and Document Notice and License." To be safer, I think we would be able to accept a PR adding that license file to the proposal directory.

dtig commented 3 years ago

+1 to @tlively's response. In general as the overview documentation in the proposal repository forms a basis for what goes into the official Spec document, the W3C license linked above is the right license for the proposals/simd directory.