WebAssembly / spec

WebAssembly specification, reference interpreter, and test suite.
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Update the 'spectest' module definition #1575

Closed devoncarew closed 1 year ago

devoncarew commented 1 year ago

This updates the the 'spectest' module definition from the readme. I'd tried to compile it via wat2wasm and got errors; w/ these changes the module now compiles (wat2wasm v1.0.31).

rossberg commented 1 year ago

Ah, these are actually meant to specify module types. Those do not currently exist in Wasm, but the component model defines an analogous syntax. Types of course do not contain initialiser values (or function bodies, for that matter).

devoncarew commented 1 year ago

OK, gotcha, sounds like the docs for the spectest module are WAI? I'll close this PR then.