WebAssembly / spec

WebAssembly specification, reference interpreter, and test suite.
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Merge extended-const proposal #1591

Closed sbc100 closed 1 year ago

sbc100 commented 1 year ago

I've rebased here.. is that the right thing to do? I can merge back if you prefer?

rossberg commented 1 year ago

@sbc100, my understanding is that merging a proposal into the main repo requires WG clearance, i.e. phase 5 -- which I hope we can have at the next WG meeting. A PR should then include the actual spec and the proposal docs.

If you just intended to sync the proposal with upstream, then I think that ought to be done in the proposal repo. But it would be good to sync up the spec doc as well in that case.

sbc100 commented 1 year ago

Got it, thanks.