WebAssembly / threads

Threads and Atomics in WebAssembly
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Potential of multiple linear memories for speed and stability in threading. #84

Open aardappel opened 6 years ago

aardappel commented 6 years ago

This is not an "issue" for the current proposal, more of a remark, but curious if people see any use for it.

With the current proposal, the way a multi-threaded C++ program would typically be represented is a single shared linear memory and multiple instances of a module, since a C++ compiler can't separate shared memory from non-shared.

But there are advantages if a language front-end would be able to separate shared memory from non-shared (once we have support for multiple memories in an instance). The default one could be non-shared, with 1 or more additional shared memories.

It would improve safety/stability, since you can now guarantee all that non-shared memory cannot be trampled upon by other threads, allowing wasm to effectively help you isolate threading issues.

It could also help speed, since any run-time functions (such as e.g. a memory manager) can be specialized to non-multi-threaded versions. In C++ currently that is all or nothing, and seems to default to supporting multi-threaded for most compilers even in mostly single-threaded programs.

The problem is of course lack of languages that currently support this.

jfbastien commented 6 years ago

C++ supports multiple memories, a.k.a. segments, through allocators 🙃 LLVM's IR also has support for it.

But I get your point: we'd need a toolchain championing this before we standardize.