WebAssembly / wasi-crypto

WASI Cryptography API Proposal
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Returning arrays #9

Closed jedisct1 closed 1 year ago

jedisct1 commented 4 years ago

Returning arrays whose size is not fixed is currently a little bit complicated with WASI.

The caller typically needs to provide a buffer and its size. Then, among WASI functions and other hostcalls, a few different strategies are have been seen in the wild:

For wasi-crypto, we have a mix of small, fixed-size, easy-to-compute return values, and things that can possibly be bigger.

For example, exporting a signature can result in something whose size is not easy to compute in advance, and that can be huge.

So, in my proposal, an output_array type has been introduced. The handle can be used to get the actual length of the array, and to copy its content. For huge outputs, a read(2)-like interface can be added on top of it later.

Is there a better short-term or long-term solution to return arrays whose size is not known in advance?

battila7 commented 4 years ago


I think that another solution might be worth considering. What if fat array pointers were used, just as in the case of Cello?

Although this would be yet another strategy, I think it might fit this use case very well while being quite easy-to-use at the same time.

jedisct1 commented 4 years ago

Hi Attila,

I'm not sure I follow. Can you clarify how fat pointers would help in that context?

The main issue is that memory has to be allocated by the guest. It can be done the other way round, but not in a generic way.

programmerjake commented 4 years ago

Seems to me that the obvious solution is to somehow tell WASI where the guest's malloc implementation is so it can just call it as needed.

jedisct1 commented 4 years ago

@programmerjake Every module has its own way to allocate memory. A runtime cannot easily call the guest malloc implementation, or even assume that there is one.

As explained in the blog post above, for Terrarium, guests had to call a specific function at initialization time in order to tell the host how to allocate and free guest memory. This is only practical if you control both the runtime and the code that is going to run on it.

tniessen commented 4 years ago

I think the usual approach would be to fail if the buffer is too small. We need a way to report the number of bytes written anyway, and we can use that output value to indicate how many bytes would have been needed to write the entire output.

jedisct1 commented 4 years ago

Thanks, Tobias!

That sounds like the right thing to do, if only to be consistent with existing WASI functions such as readdir().

That means that we need these functions to return a handle, though.

We can't have e.g. the signature function directly write the output, or else, if the provided buffer is too small, the signature will need to be computed again on subsequent retries.

In the proposed API, signing returns a signature object, and getting that signature as a bytes string works as follows:

With an interface similar to readdir(), we would have a single function:

It can always be with buf_len set to 0, to get the actual length.


Cons (taking that particular example):

Returning arrays is something common enough that it should really be addressed at Interface Type level. Everything else is a little bit of a hack right now, but well... we still need something to work with.

jedisct1 commented 1 year ago

Not relevant any more, since the spec already includes that.