WebAssembly / wasi-logging

WASI logging API
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Requesting a Comprehensive Test Suite for the WASI-Logging Proposal #12

Open hydai opened 1 year ago

hydai commented 1 year ago


I'm @hydai, a member of the WasmEdge development team. We're excited to share that we've been working on a PR to implement the WASI-Logging proposal. However, we find ourselves at a point where we require a comprehensive test suite to ensure our implementation's correctness and expected behavior.

To provide context, we've also developed an example that demonstrates the usage of WASI-Logging within our solution. This could serve as a practical reference in creating the proposed test suite.

We're just reaching out to see if there are any plans to develop such a test suite for the WASI-Logging proposal. Having this would benefit our development process and help clarify the proposal's specifications and expected outcomes for all contributors involved.

Thank you very much for considering our request. We look forward to any feedback or guidance you can give us.

sunfishcode commented 1 year ago

Hello! I don't yet have specific plans for developing a testsuite yet. I'm aware of people working in Wasmtime to add support for wit APIs and an implementation of wasi-logging using the wit interface, which we could then write tests for, however this work is still ongoing.

It appears you have a custom ABI for the functionality in wasi-logging, rather than using bindings generated from the wit APIs defined in this repository. That's a way to start using and testing the feature set of wasi-logging, and if you have any feedback or if you develop any tests which could be adapted to use the wit APIs in the future, that would be of interest to all contributors here.

hydai commented 1 year ago

We would love to use the bindings generated one instead. Please give me some hints to use the correct tool version to generate it. I think the wit-bindgen is in very active development; should I use wit-bindgen-cli-0.4.0 for this?

sunfishcode commented 1 year ago

To implement wit interfaces in a host, you'll need a bindings generator for that host, analogous to what wasmtime-wit-bindgen is for Wasmtime.

hydai commented 1 year ago

Hi @sunfishcode We changed the custom ABI into wit-bindgen generated one with the latest wit syntax: https://github.com/WasmEdge/WasmEdge/pull/2535/files#diff-35228c0ae4835825a48b3cc07a20438d94ba803ca1a457ce865a337a5dd2b160R1

Is there any potential issue that we have to be aware of?

sunfishcode commented 6 months ago

Sorry for the delay here; I'm not aware of any special issues to be aware of here.