WebAssembly / wasi-nn

Neural Network proposal for WASI
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The possiblity of support Tensorflow in current Wasi-NN inferfaces #35

Closed gusye1234 closed 1 year ago

gusye1234 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm trying to support TensorFlow backend for Wasi-NN, but encountered several problems. To specify, the C API's version is 2.6.0

  1. Tensorflow input and output can't use numbers, but string to index.


  1. To run a Tensorflow model, one must prepare the input and output nodes before the actual computation.


I noticed that you guys may have plans to support Tensorflow. Have you encountered those issues? And if the above two points about Tensorflow are correct, do you think Wasi-NN should adapt its interfaces?

abrown commented 1 year ago

Actually, yes, that has been a bit of a challenge for @brianjjones who has been working on a TensorFlow implementation of wasi-nn in Wasmtime. There have been some hoops to jump through, e.g., here, and perhaps some examination of other parts of that tf.rs file should show how he resolved the problem.

I would like to point out one additional difficulty with wasi-nn and TF: wasi-nn expects to be able to receive the model, weights, etc. as raw byte buffers but, AFAICT, TF expects to have access to the file system for reading a set of files. This is a bit tricky in a WASI environment, since it relies on the user having made that directory a preopened directory, which may not be immediately apparent. Furthermore, it is then odd that wasi-nn models using OpenVINO, e.g., can be initialized with byte buffers but in the TF case these byte buffers are file paths — inconsistent usage of the API. I see two ways around this: a) TF adds methods for initializing models from byte buffers, or b) we add a new wasi-nn mechanism to pre-initialize models prior to the Wasm module's instantiation; pre-initialized models would then be referred to by name. This second method might be useful elsewhere so I have been leaning that direction — any thoughts?

gusye1234 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your guide, will look through this PR

TF expects to have access to the file system for reading a set of files

I decided to only load .pb file😂 so that it can still pass the raw bytes to wasi-nn and create a graph. Not familiar with tensorflow-rs, I guess that could also be a workaround for wasmtime. But yeah, that's another difficulty.

tonibofarull commented 1 year ago

I'm currently mantaining a wasi-nn implementation in WAMR (written in C) where we support TFLite;

abrown commented 1 year ago

I am going to close this. At the time this was written, users can use TensorFlow as their wasi-nn backend by:

geekbeast commented 1 year ago

Noting this here as well so people are aware of security implications of using tensorflow with wasi-nn https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/pull/3977#issuecomment-1533550546