WebAssembly / wasm-c-api

Wasm C API prototype
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Importing a runtime's WASI implementation #122

Closed peterhuene closed 4 years ago

peterhuene commented 4 years ago

Have we given any thought to an API for instantiating a module with imports from a runtime's WASI implementation, if one is available?

As an example, Wasmtime has a WASI implementation and also implements the C API. For embedders of Wasmtime using the C API, it would be nice to tell the runtime to automatically import WASI when instantiating a module.

This would preclude the need for an embedder to roll their own WASI implementation when the runtime might already implement one.

rossberg commented 4 years ago

Such a mechanism should be something that can easily be layered on top of this API. I see no particular reason why it would require special engine support. (In fact, something would arguably be wrong with WASI if it did.)

sbc100 commented 4 years ago

I think the C API will often be used alongside WASI. Indeed I'm been thinking about writing a small wasi implementation that then uses the C API to load and then modules.

But I think the C API and WASI are complementary and orthogonal.

peterhuene commented 4 years ago

My concern of not having a way to do this via the C API means that it reduces the portability of swapping out one WASI-implementing engine for another from the point of view of the embedder.

We can of course add extra API to do this in Wasmtime, but I feel it's aligned with the intention of the C API to have a standard way of interacting with Wasm engines.

It wouldn't mean that engines have to provide a WASI implementation (the embedder is still free to do so), just that if one is available it could be used.

sbc100 commented 4 years ago

My understanding is that the C API, if correctly used within wasmtime, would allow wasmtime's WASI implementation to be engine-agnostic (e.g. you could swap out cranelift for v8 and everything would just work with wasmtime's WASI impl and frontend driver).

I don't see why one would want to consider WASI (or any other APIs) part of the engine. In the same way that JS engines (in general) don't implement web APIs.

sbc100 commented 4 years ago

Maybe a higher level API might make sense? wasi-c-api?

rossberg commented 4 years ago

What @sbc100 said. WASI and a Wasm engine are quite separate concepts, and avoiding monolithic structure is a win. Moreover, not all clients of a Wasm engine will have a use for the WASI infrastructure.

sbc100 commented 4 years ago

Now that I said it maybe wasi-c-api does make some sense though. It would need to include all of the security, pre-opening FD stuff plus argv and envion stuff, so it would be fairly big API. But perhaps useful? Perhaps we should discuss that in the WASI repo?

peterhuene commented 4 years ago

I think having a wasi-c-api, probably layered on top of wasm-c-api, would make sense and sufficiently solve this problem. At the most fundamental level, I'm looking for a mechanism of asking wasm_instance_new to either automatically include the WASI externs for import (i.e. some wrapping function) or provide a way to get at the externs so that I can instantiate the module with them. Plus a mechanism to set up the security and preopens, too. As an embedder, I'd really like to avoid rolling a WASI implementation (a huge undertaking) if the underlying engine has its own.

I think we can move the discussion there, so I'll open a new issue.