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Add support for Crystal Lang #338

Open laynef opened 1 year ago

laynef commented 1 year ago

The best programming language that reads like English with Ruby-like syntax with typing that runs as fast as C Crystal Lang: https://crystal-lang.org/

See Crystal clear for long term development when you're 60 ;)

Discord Link: https://discord.com/channels/453584038356058112/596492540388179976/1015506060250972181

How do I allow for any language for import versus asking an entire community to change what their language is built on?....

dschuff commented 1 year ago

If you want a language to run on a particular architecture, that would be a feature request for the developers of that language's compiler(s). It looks like Crystal is built on LLVM, so it seems like it would be feasible (as LLVM supports wasm codegen). But the language experts would need to decide what kind of runtimes would be targeted (JS/Web vs. others) what kind of bindings and interfaces to use, how to run it, etc. All of that is beyond the scope of wasm proper.