WebAudio / web-audio-cg

W3C Web Audio Community Group
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Virtual device registration for MediaStream and friends #7

Open hoch opened 5 years ago

hoch commented 5 years ago

There was an idea floating around to integrate MediaStream to AudioDeviceClient. This is just a straw-man code example.

// These are MediaStream objects that are already opened.
const remoteConsumer;
const remoteProducer; 

// Scenario: device #6 and #7 are remote input and output devices respectively.
(async () => {
  await navigator.mediaDevices.registerAudioSink(remoteConsumer);
  await navigator.mediaDevices.registerAudioSource(remoteProducer);

  const devices = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();  
  const constraints = {
    mode: ‘raw’,
    outputDeviceId: devices[6].deviceId,
    inputDeviceId: devices[7].deviceId,
    callbackBufferSize: 2048,
    inputChannelCount: 2,
    outputChannelCount: 2,

  const client = await navigator.mediaDevices.getAudioDeviceClient(constraints);
  await client.addModule('my-client.js');

This needs a spec work for MediaDevices API, which might take a while. However, once we can make it the API shape looks quite sensible.

cc @alvestrand

chrisguttandin commented 4 years ago

If I understand it correctly the Screen Capture spec does support to get a MediaStream with audio from other tabs or windows. Although it seems to be not supported by any browser so far. Would it make sense to allow other tabs or windows as an input or output of an ADC as well? This would allow to build something like Soundflower in the browser.

padenot commented 4 years ago

This is best done as an API to route a MediaStream to an ADC.

A MediaStream is already a good opaque object to represent a stream of real-time media, no need to reinvent the wheel.