WebAudio / web-midi-api

The Web MIDI API, developed by the W3C Audio WG
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Virtual MIDI ports #45

Open cwilso opened 11 years ago

cwilso commented 11 years ago

In speaking with Korg at NAMM, they really wanted to have the ability to define virtual MIDI input/output ports - e.g., to build a software synthesizer and add it to the available MIDI devices when other apps/pages query the system.

Yamaha requested the same feature, even to the point of potentially creating a reference software synth.

We had talked about this feature early on, but cut it from v1; truly adding the device into the list of available MIDI devices to the system (e.g. other native Windows/OSX apps could access) would likely be quite hard, involving writing virtual device drivers, etc., which is why we decided not to feature in v1. We might consider a more limited feature of virtual devices that are only exposed to web applications; this might still be a substantial amount of work to add, but I wanted to capture the feedback.

rianhunter commented 6 months ago

I read through that issue and also the "Security Considerations" section of the draft of the spec and I don't think I fully understand the logic behind the threat model.

The "Security Considerations" section lists an example attack with "short messages." A malicious app could send lighting commands to a MIDI-compatible device to sabotage stage lighting. This is true but this can only happen if the user has explicitly allowed the site to access MIDI through a GUI dialog. I don't understand how an explicitly approved WebMIDI JS application is any different from a security standpoint than an native MIDI application that a user has installed. Both cases require some explicit gesture of trust in the application by the user. Meaning, it is already part of the trusted-application threat model that an deceptive application can send malicious messages, in turn meaning that the threats posed by a trusted WebMIDI application are no more severe than the threats posed by a trusted native MIDI application. In that case, I don't see these concerns being specific to WebMIDI. Perhaps they are overall concerns by MIDI in general but that seems out of scope for WebMIDI.

Is it the case that these types of security issues were enumerated before browsers required explicit permission to use WebMIDI? I see a potential new threat if there is no explicit permission given by the user but that is not the current state of affairs.

mjwilson-google commented 6 months ago

Yes, I think the "Security Considerations" section is trying to enumerate all possible security issues and describe how we will mitigate them. Requiring an explicit user gesture is one form of mitigation. That section needs some more work; I only did the bare minimum to satisfy the requirements for the next spec stage so far.

Having thought about this a little bit now, I think there are two main security concerns that are being brought up:

  1. Interaction with native applications. I think this is still important to consider, because most native applications weren't designed with the consideration that their MIDI inputs and outputs could be connected to the Internet. Maybe the user gesture is enough, or maybe there isn't really much of a difference after all, but I don't think we can assume this. For instance, the Windows software synthesizer crash that @cwilso referenced is a bug that went undiscovered for years until someone tried using it with Web MIDI in a particular way.
  2. Cross-domain sidechannel-type attacks. These are unique to web applications, and the basic idea is that a malicious site can manipulate the user (sometimes automatically) to perform actions on a trusted site or set of sites that allows the malicious site to learn information about the user. I'm not sure if virtual MIDI ports will change the risk of this kind of attack or not. I also don't know of a effective mitigation for this kind of attack if it does increase the risk.

I also see we have MIDIOptions.software specified: https://webaudio.github.io/web-midi-api/#dom-midioptions-software -- Chromium has not implemented this (tracking bug: https://crbug.com/502127) and I'm not sure about Firefox. This is a different but related API just for software synthesizers, so maybe it can fill this use case or be modified to fit.

notator commented 6 months ago

@mjwilson-google Apropos 1. Interaction with native applications: FYI: the original (June 2015) thread, in which I reported the Windows synthesizer crash, can be found here: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=499279 As I understood it at the time, the synth had to be banned because it was part of the Windows operating system, and could not be reliably patched across all installations. This was really Microsoft's problem, not the Web MIDI API's. Comment 75 in that thread says:

If we have strong evidence that MS have done a significant clean up of the code based on the issue reported by Project Zero, we might reconsider this decision.

Am I right in thinking that this Issue #45 is about defining an interface between MIDI input and output devices and operating systems? Nowadays, operating systems are regularly patched to solve security problems, so I don't see why there should be a problem in principle for OSs to have MIDI ports. Maybe the OS programmers just need a well-defined API to work with?

rianhunter commented 6 months ago

For instance, the Windows software synthesizer crash that @cwilso referenced is a bug that went undiscovered for years until someone tried using it with Web MIDI in a particular way.

Chromium has not implemented this

Perhaps this issue was surfaced before the opt-in browser dialog but this issue seems comparable in terms of security to a trusted native application misusing the Windows software synthesizer, either by accident or maliciously. Without the special opt-in, it definitely makes sense to me to generically block access to the software synth if it can cause system instability.

I just also want to surface something I got wrong. It seems that at least as of Chromium version 118, no opt-in permissions dialog is required to use WebMIDI unless SysEx is requested. Given my previous comments, my recommendation would be to always require permissions before WebMIDI can be used, SysEx or not. As @cwilso said there are just so many unintended interactions that could happen, even with short MIDI messages, even without virtual ports. Of course this is probably a larger discussion and the usability and security concerns should be weighed. I guess my question would be, is there anyone who thinks permission-less WebMIDI is essential? @mjwilson-google should this type of question be moved to a separate gh issue?

notator commented 6 months ago

Currently, I'm a bit confused, but would very much like to understand this.

So much has happened since the original posting of this issue in January 2013, that I think it would be helpful to start a fresh one. In particular, I suspect that the meaning of "virtual port" has changed.

@rianhunter (I've now added a thumbs up to your comment above). Could you say more precisely what you are trying to achieve? A motivation and concrete use-case would be very helpful!
@cwilso said:

...this feature would (intentionally!) open up communications between arbitrary native apps as well as web domains, and it is really hard to ensure that such interactions are safe, given the unknown interactions possible.

If communications were going via a well defined API, then restrictions (e.g. no SysEx messages) could apply. As I understand it, the port could either be created by the native application itself, or be part of the operating system that is running the application. In either case, the API's restrictions could be strictly enforced by the OS. Maybe that would be a necessary requirement for the API: It would need the cooperation of the OS vendors. So they'd have to be involved in development of the API at an early stage.

rianhunter commented 6 months ago

Could you say more precisely what you are trying to achieve? A motivation and concrete use-case would be very helpful!

Sure, that might be generally helpful. I think my use case represents a generic use case but please lmk if you disagree.

I provide a web application to users of my synthesizer that exposes all MIDI functions that my synthesizer supports. Critically, I provide an interface to upload samples to the synthesizer (which uses SysEx messages) but also every other CC, NRPN, AND RPN that my synth supports for helping them quickly get up to speed. Another core feature is that the web application allows users to save "sessions" which represent every MIDI setting currently set by the web application. This allows them to quickly restore their current settings. This application intends to operate and feel like a native application, so asking the user permission to use MIDI is perfectly fine.

As my product has been around for a few years, a common use case has emerged where my users will have multiple MIDI sources connected to the synthesizer, one of which is my web application. This is a problem for users who use the web application to manage device state because if they change a CC through a separate midi controller then my web application is not aware of that change, so they have to key it in twice if they want to preserve that setting in the web application: once through their MIDI controller and once through the web application. My idea is to provide a virtual MIDI input port by the web application, though which they can route all of their controllers and the web application would resend those messages to the output port corresponding to the device. That way, every setting changed through a hardware controller will be reflected in the web application.

You can find the application in question here: https://www.supermidipak.com/app/

mjwilson-google commented 6 months ago


I reported the Windows synthesizer crash

Thank you, this is a famous bug for us. Yes, technically it's a Windows bug. We still have a responsibility to design web APIs that are possible to implement safely, with the understanding that OSes and other applications will often have bugs.

Am I right in thinking that this Issue #45 is about defining an interface between MIDI input and output devices and operating systems? Nowadays, operating systems are regularly patched to solve security problems, so I don't see why there should be a problem in principle for OSs to have MIDI ports. Maybe the OS programmers just need a well-defined API to work with?

I think the ultimate goal is to allow web applications to send and receive MIDI messages to and from native applications, and possibly to and from other web applications. This issue #45 is about creating virtual MIDI input and output ports associated with a web application that are visible to native applications on the same system, which may be a step in that direction. My current understanding of "virtual port" is that it shows up in the operating system as if it were any other MIDI device, and can be accessed via the Web MIDI API like any other MIDIPort, but it's actually just a software interface. But that may not be the best definition, so please feel free to consider other ideas.

I read through things in more detail and discussed with @cwilso directly, and it looks like the big potential security issue here is what the last paragraph of the second comment on this issue mentions: two different web applications could open virtual MIDI ports and have a channel to send arbitrary data to each other. This may circumvent the protections the web platform provides for certain types of data transmission. It's subtly different from existing loopback MIDI devices on the user's computer because the user wouldn't necessarily have knowledge of or control over ports created by the web applications. Even restricting to non-SysEx messages would allow arbitrary data transmission, since the data could be encoded into CC or note on / off messages. I don't think the OS could do much to help with this either, since the data would all still be valid MIDI messages.


It seems that at least as of Chromium version 118, no opt-in permissions dialog is required to use WebMIDI unless SysEx is requested.

This is something we are actively working on in Chromium, so you can consider it a Chromium bug (see https://crbug.com/1420307). The spec is clear that the user should be prompted for all access (https://webaudio.github.io/web-midi-api/#dom-navigator-requestmidiaccess), although that section should be updated a bit (see #220).

My idea is to provide a virtual MIDI input port by the web application, though which they can route all of their controllers and the web application would resend those messages to the output port corresponding to the device. That way, every setting changed through a hardware controller will be reflected in the web application.

It seems like your use case would be satisfied by an input-only port, which would also satisfy the soft-synth case. Only allowing virtual input ports feels like it would be safer to me, although at some point we should involve an actual security expert in this discussion. Of course, if we could safely implement both input and output that would be more versatile.

rianhunter commented 6 months ago

it looks like the big potential security issue here is what the last paragraph of the second comment on this issue mentions: two different web applications could open virtual MIDI ports and have a channel to send arbitrary data to each other.

I think this is the only WebMIDI-specific issue that has been raised in this discussion on this feature. When considering the threat model, this doesn't seem like an issue if both WebMIDI applications have gained access to WebMIDI through an explicit permission by the user. Right now WebMIDI is considered an API that only trusted applications may use, i.e. there are no untrusted use-cases for WebMIDI (even though this may have been the initial goal). If there were a mitigation for malicious use of virtual ports by applications that have already been granted trust by the user, that would then imply the existence of a third level of trust: applications which may use virtual ports unrestricted. This would make the trust-model more complex but I also think it would require justification for this extra level of threat: Why would we distrust an otherwise trusted application to specifically use virtual ports maliciously?

In any case, my suggested way to mitigate that issue is to by default hide WebMIDI-created virtual ports to other WebMIDI applications. Perhaps later, there can be an extra level of permissions requested to allow those ports to be exposed to other WebMIDI applications if there was enough demand.

Only allowing virtual input ports feels like it would be safer to me,

Just want to point out that only allowing virtual input ports isn't any safer than providing both ports when considering the inter-domain communication channel threat specifically. Was there another threat you were considering for this mitigation?

This is something we are actively working on in Chromium, so you can consider it a Chromium bug (see https://crbug.com/1420307).

That's a relief. Thanks for the reference!

notator commented 6 months ago

@rianhunter said

In any case, my suggested way to mitigate that issue is to by default hide WebMIDI-created virtual ports to other WebMIDI applications. Perhaps later, there can be an extra level of permissions requested to allow those ports to be exposed to other WebMIDI applications if there was enough demand.

Completely hiding virtual ports from other WebMIDI apps seems to me to be overkill, but I agree with you that there could well be a way to solve the problem by having an extra level of permissions.

@mjwilson-google Thanks for the clarification, I think we're now on the same page. :-) You said (my emphasis):

I read through things in more detail and discussed with @cwilso directly, and it looks like the big potential security issue here is what the last paragraph of the second comment on this issue mentions: two different web applications could open virtual MIDI ports and have a channel to send arbitrary data to each other. This may circumvent the protections the web platform provides for certain types of data transmission. It's subtly different from existing loopback MIDI devices on the user's computer because the user wouldn't necessarily have knowledge of or control over ports created by the web applications.

Could the problem be solved by requiring that ports created by web applications (=virtual ports) always ask for the user's permission, regardless of whether the request for use was coming from an OS/native application or another web application? That would elevate the permission status of virtual ports to that of the existing hardware ports.

mjwilson-google commented 6 months ago


Why would we distrust an otherwise trusted application to specifically use virtual ports maliciously?

I'm not a security expert, but my understanding is that there is a type of side-channel attack that manipulates users to do things on trusted sites that expose information about themselves. So it's not necessarily about the application being malicious, it's the existence of the side-channel that is the security risk. I'm not sure if it's a real danger in this particular case given the permissions in place, but it's something that may come up in a security review.

my suggested way to mitigate that issue is to by default hide WebMIDI-created virtual ports to other WebMIDI applications.

That seems like it would eliminate this threat to me, too. We should probably think about how this could be implemented. We would need a way to tell Web MIDI virtual ports apart from other MIDI ports on the system.

Just want to point out that only allowing virtual input ports isn't any safer than providing both ports when considering the inter-domain communication channel threat specifically.

Right, because the "listener" site could open its port first and the "sender" site could connect to it directly. Good point.


Could the problem be solved by requiring that ports created by web applications (=virtual ports) always ask for the user's permission, regardless of whether the request for use was coming from an OS/native application or another web application? That would elevate the permission status of virtual ports to that of the existing hardware ports.

Something like always showing a prompt every time a virtual port is created or connected to? It could make the user more aware, although we want to avoid "prompt fatigue" where users start clicking OK on everything without reading it because there are too many prompts. @cwilso also suggested a persistent indicator, although we didn't work through any details.

If we can find a similar existing API (not necessarily MIDI-related) and examine what it does that might give us some ideas, too.

Also, just to be clear about why we're having this discussion, even if something is in the specification the browser vendors could block their own implementations due to security concerns. I think we're doing the right thing for now thinking through the possible security issues and mitigations. Once we have rough consensus here I will ask the browser vendors for opinions from their security teams. In other words, even though I'm a spec editor I'm not the final authority on if a mitigation is good enough, and my goal is to specify something that will actually get implemented safely by all the implementers.

rianhunter commented 6 months ago

Also, just to be clear about why we're having this discussion, even if something is in the specification the browser vendors could block their own implementations due to security concerns. I think we're doing the right thing for now thinking through the possible security issues and mitigations. Once we have rough consensus here I will ask the browser vendors for opinions from their security teams. In other words, even though I'm a spec editor I'm not the final authority on if a mitigation is good enough, and my goal is to specify something that will actually get implemented safely by all the implementers.

Thanks Michael, that sounds great. I'm going to file a bug on Chromium regarding this specific issue (I'll CC you) just so there is some documented progress being tracked on that front and maybe to provoke more interested parties there. Working on my own, I may be able to have a prototype available for Windows and Linux in the next month or so. Maybe sooner if others help me out.

rianhunter commented 6 months ago


It seems like I'm not able to classify the issue as "Feature" or add you to the CC list but you can find the created issue here: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1515390

bradisbell commented 6 months ago

Hello, just wanted to share some thoughts as a regular Web MIDI and virtual MIDI port user:

On platform capability... To my knowledge, defining virtual MIDI devices is not generally available. @cwilso You mentioned the possibility of a newer Windows API that might enable this feature? I checked the docs and didn't see one, but could you please take a look? Maybe I'm missing it or am not understanding. In any case, if the platform does not support virtual MIDI devices, then this all seems moot. I agree with previous comments in that it does not make sense to ship device drivers with the browser. The only working virtual MIDI driver I'm aware of on Windows is from Tobias Erichsen. https://www.tobias-erichsen.de/software/virtualmidi.html

On security considerations around cross-domain/cross-application communication... The purpose of such a virtual port is to enable applications to communicate with each other over MIDI. Hampering this in any way defeats almost all of the usefulness of the functionality. Yes, we want web applications to be able to communicate with other web and non-web applications alike. Cross-domain MIDI communication should be possible if the users allow it to be. It is up to the users to decide what they want to do, and up to the user agent to carry out what they want.

cwilso commented 6 months ago

@bradisbell I was thinking of the WinRT MIDI API (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/audio-video-camera/midi). I suspect this is not applicable, but I'm a long way out from when I used to write Windows apps. :). Tobias' work is pretty much what would need to be incorporated on Windows, I think.

As for the security considerations: trust me, I understand the purpose of virtual ports, and I 100% understand how useful they would be in integration between web and native as well as web-to-web. I first started using MIDI (and programming it) in the late '80's/early '90s. At the same time, I've helped build the Web pretty much since its inception too - and we can't just make something possible because a set of users want it, when it might very negatively impact an incredibly larger set of users. We will need to create a design that is bulletproof for all users, and it is going to have to pass muster with the security and privacy horizontal reviews (both Chromium ones and W3C ones, I mean). I'm just setting expectations that I doubt very much "just put it behind a permission" is going to be good enough.

mjwilson-google commented 6 months ago


Yes, we want web applications to be able to communicate with other web and non-web applications alike.

Thank you, it's important to hear as many perspectives as possible.

Cross-domain MIDI communication should be possible if the users allow it to be. It is up to the users to decide what they want to do, and up to the user agent to carry out what they want.

I agree, and I think this the key point here is "if the users allow it". I think most users wouldn't expect allowing site A to use their MIDI devices and then allowing site B to use their MIDI devices would also allow sites A and B to send arbitrary data between each other. That is what we have to be careful about: that we don't allow more than the user intended to allow.

bradisbell commented 6 months ago

I think most users wouldn't expect allowing site A to use their MIDI devices and then allowing site B to use their MIDI devices would also allow sites A and B to send arbitrary data between each other.

@mjwilson-google If the user allows Site A to create a virtual MIDI devices, and Site B to use MIDI devices, then the user will certainly expect that Site A and Site B could communicate arbitrarily. Again, that is a key, if not the, use case... Allowing interconnection between applications, web or otherwise.

If it's necessary, I see no problem with another tier of permissions. Currently, in practice we have:

  1. Basic MIDI messages (no permission required, yet)
  2. SysEx Messages (permission required)

This could be added to mitigate concerns:

  1. Virtual Devices / "Manage MIDI Devices" (permission required).

Adding a virtual MIDI device implies adding a device with full MIDI capability. MIDI devices are, without known exception, available to any application on the host that supports MIDI. Therefore, the user should not expect a virtual MIDI device to be any different or otherwise limited.

As long as we indicate to the user that they are allowing permission to the application for adding virtual MIDI devices, I don't see a problem.

rianhunter commented 6 months ago

@cwilso I just checked that documentation page and unfortunately it doesn't look like it lists an example showing how to create virtual MIDI ports. If this feature requires a kernel driver, then that makes things a lot more complicated. I have done Windows driver development in the past and writing a virtual MIDI driver doesn't seem too hard (as in wouldn't take longer than a year, end-to-end) but logistically would be a lot more difficult in terms of deploying with browsers. I've been in this sort of situation before and the ideal thing to do would be to lobby Microsoft to add this functionality to Windows. The odds of that working out might seem far-fetched but in comparison to getting both Firefox, Chrome, and others to coordinate on the bundling, installing, and auto-upgrading of a kernel driver, it's probably more likely :) Plus, Microsoft has a stake in not incentivizing the creation of more third-party kernel drivers. I'm happy to attempt to reach out to Microsoft myself but maybe this is something better suited for @mjwilson-google, I'm also happy to coordinate with Microsoft engineers on building such a bundled first-party driver.

@bradisbell I think we are all in agreement in terms of keeping the permissions model as simple as possible while also making the API as powerful as possible. I think we have decent first-pass ideas on the table to address this issue but it would be best to get more feedback from someone who spends their working days thinking about web security.

mjwilson-google commented 6 months ago

@bradisbell Yes, if we add another explicit permission it should be clear. As @cwilso pointed out, the security reviews will have the final say and experience has shown that only adding a permission isn't always enough.

That said, we can definitely propose it and see what feedback we get. I will try to summarize the recent discussions:

I think you brought up a good point that doing this is basically installing a device on the user's system. Some of my coworkers work on other device-related web APIs, and I talked with one of them who doesn't think that there is any other web API that installs a virtual device currently, and that it could break cross-origin protections.

This might be the difficult point to understand; I don't fully understand all the details either but much of the web is built on assumptions about how different origins can communicate with each other. Anything that breaks these assumptions will receive a lot of scrutiny.

Again, this isn't to say that this is impossible. But it looks like we might be doing something new, and if we can't satisfy the security and privacy reviews we won't be able to move forward.

If the above list looks complete then I can bring it up at the next Audio Working Group meeting and ask for opinions and for the browser vendors to do a preliminary security review. Also, reminder that anyone is welcome to join the W3C audio community group and attend working group meetings (https://www.w3.org/community/audio-comgp/).


I'm happy to attempt to reach out to Microsoft myself but maybe this is something better suited for @mjwilson-google, I'm also happy to coordinate with Microsoft engineers on building such a bundled first-party driver.

Thank you for your confidence in me, but realistically I don't think I can drive this effectively right now. I will bring it up at the next Audio Working Group meeting though.

rianhunter commented 6 months ago

There may be a security benefit for not allowing virtual ports to connect to each other, but this breaks important use cases and it's not clear how implementers would implement this.

Just FYI I can think of a few ways to implement this. OS's usually provide an ID with a MIDI device, even on Windows. If not there are application-level workarounds, e.g. adding a forced prefix to devices created through Web MIDI.

Thank you for your confidence in me, but realistically I don't think I can drive this effectively right now. I will bring it up at the next Audio Working Group meeting though.

No problem. I'll see what I can do. I'll try to join the next audio working group meeting as well.

Psychlist1972 commented 6 months ago

@cwilso I just checked that documentation page and unfortunately it doesn't look like it lists an example showing how to create virtual MIDI ports. If this feature requires a kernel driver, then that makes things a lot more complicated. I have done Windows driver development in the past and writing a virtual MIDI driver doesn't seem too hard (as in wouldn't take longer than a year, end-to-end) but logistically would be a lot more difficult in terms of deploying with browsers. I've been in this sort of situation before and the ideal thing to do would be to lobby Microsoft to add this functionality to Windows. The odds of that working out might seem far-fetched but in comparison to getting both Firefox, Chrome, and others to coordinate on the bundling, installing, and auto-upgrading of a kernel driver, it's probably more likely :) Plus, Microsoft has a stake in not incentivizing the creation of more third-party kernel drivers. I'm happy to attempt to reach out to Microsoft myself but maybe this is something better suited for @mjwilson-google, I'm also happy to coordinate with Microsoft engineers on building such a bundled first-party driver.

@bradisbell I think we are all in agreement in terms of keeping the permissions model as simple as possible while also making the API as powerful as possible. I think we have decent first-pass ideas on the table to address this issue but it would be best to get more feedback from someone who spends their working days thinking about web security.

Thanks for reaching out to me on Discord.

Windows MIDI Services, which will ship in-box in latest supported windows 10 and 11 releases in 2024, includes a number of features you need.

Because we now have a Windows service in the middle, new transports are written as user-mode service plugins (COM components), not kernel drivers. We do want to avoid writing KS drivers for anything which doesn't need it. App-to-app MIDI is part of that, just like how the built-in diagnostics loopback endpoints are. Network MIDI 2.0 (coming), app-to-app MIDI, our diagnostics loopbacks, Bluetooth MIDI (coming), are all written as user-mode components in the service.

Project is OSS, but is mirrored internally to include in Windows builds. I'll have another release out within apx one week (there are a few bugs in the message scheduling logic in Release 2 which block some folks) that you may want to look at.

Note that only apps using the new API will be able to create the virtual endpoints. That means that they need to be UMP-aware apps. Once created, they will likely be made available to the legacy APIs (winmm, older WinRT MIDI). We need to verify no issues there. We do recommend anyone writing new MIDI code this year use the new API completely, as it can do everything the old API can do, including talking with MIDI 1.0 devices, plus more. It also has a much faster USB implementation, auto-translation of MIDI 1.0 bytestream messages to/drom a MIDI 1.0 device, etc. The API itself uses only the new Universal MIDI Packet for messaging, however.

https://aka.ms/midirepo https://aka.ms/mididiscord

PS: @cwilso nice to see you around :)

Psychlist1972 commented 6 months ago

BTW, while considering any new features for Web MIDI, you may want to consider MIDI 2.0 as well. Our new API in Windows is MIDI 2.0-centered, and Apple, Linux (ALSA), and Android also have MIDI 2.0 support now. It's taking us longer on Windows because we've completely rewritten MIDI from the ground up to support all this.

In the MIDI Association (I am the chair of the executive board), there have been some folks interested in Web MIDI 2.0, but no takers yet for working with the W3C to formalize it.

mjwilson-google commented 6 months ago

BTW, while considering any new features for Web MIDI, you may want to consider MIDI 2.0 as well.

Yes, we have an issue for that here: #211. I am trying to get the current specification to Recommendation status first. I am in support of this: I think if we can get MIDI 2.0 on the web that will help drive adoption, and it's good to know that the platform support is there.

mjwilson-google commented 5 months ago

Quick update: the next WG meeting is tentatively scheduled for January 31, 2024. I already put this on the schedule.

mjwilson-google commented 5 months ago

Another update: WG/CG meeting has been actually scheduled for January 25 at 09:00 Pacific time: https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/audio/calendar/

mjwilson-google commented 5 months ago

Conclusion from WG meeting today: