WebCabin / wcDocker

wcDocker (Web Cabin Docker) is a powerful window layout system with a responsive and completely interactive design. Move, remove, create, and duplicate panel windows at any time! Organize how you wish! View the demo here:
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strange behaviour when saving/restoring layout #100

Open lomotelsch opened 8 years ago

lomotelsch commented 8 years ago

basically I have save/restore-buttons outside & inside wcDocker. By restoring the layout fro the outside buttons, the z-indexing of the floating panel gets weird. When I use the buttons created inside a panel, everything works ok: https://youtu.be/TCm7iaBMuqA

The save/restore-functions for both button-sets are identically the same. Do you have a clou whats going on there?

       var config = null;
        var docker = new wcDocker('.mod-Docker__container', {
            allowDrawers: true,
            responseRate: 10,
            themePath: 'bower_components/wcDocker/Build/Themes',
            theme: 'default.min'

        docker.registerPanelType('panel', {
            onCreate: function(panel, options) {}
        docker.registerPanelType('top-panel', {
            onCreate: function(panel, options) {
                    $('<button class="save">save</button> <button class="load">load</button>')

        var left = docker.addPanel('panel', wcDocker.DOCK.LEFT);
        docker.addPanel('panel', wcDocker.DOCK.BOTTOM, left, {h: '20%'});
        var right = docker.addPanel('panel', wcDocker.DOCK.RIGHT);
        docker.addPanel('panel', wcDocker.DOCK.BOTTOM, right);

        docker.addPanel('top-panel', wcDocker.DOCK.TOP, null, {h: '10%'});

        // events
        var $body = $("body");
        $body.on('click', '.save', function () {
            config = docker.save();
        $body.on('click', '.load', function () {
            if (config) docker.restore(config);
lomotelsch commented 8 years ago

similar here when you have tabbed panels: https://youtu.be/pZk5zauwG-Q

Lochemage commented 8 years ago


Thanks, I am seeing this one and will look into it soon.