WebClub-NITK / Hacktoberfest-2k18

Repository for Hacktoberfest 2018 open for the global open source community.
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Implement Playfair Cipher #218

Open aditigupta17 opened 5 years ago

aditigupta17 commented 5 years ago


The Playfair cipher encrypts pairs of letters (digraphs), instead of single letters. The Playfair cipher starts with creating a key table. The key table is a 5×5 grid of letters that will act as the key for encrypting your plaintext. Each of the 25 letters must be unique and one letter of the alphabet (usually Q) is omitted from the table (as there are 25 spots and 26 letters in the alphabet). Check out resources below for further details.


You are expected to write a program that receives a Plain Text (string) and Keysquare (string) (or generate it randomly) and returns the encrypted ciphertext.

Example: Plain Text: i thought i was speed dating Keysquare: qxoaehgcrdkvsimutlfpbnzwy Cipher Text: VFCQTHGUFAOIMLQOGEXFVWVG


Technical Specifications:

Issue requirements / progress


http://practicalcryptography.com/ciphers/playfair-cipher/ https://learncryptography.com/classical-encryption/playfair-cipher

Directory Structure

For this issue, use the following directory of the Hacktoberfest-2k18 repository: /systems/cryptography/playfair-cipher/ (where language_name is one of the languages mentioned above.)


Please claim the issue first by commenting here before starting to work on it.

sidcodestacks commented 5 years ago

I am willing to contribute to this repo by writing codes of playfair cipher in java

shubham050300 commented 5 years ago

I would like to solve this in C++

illseption commented 5 years ago

Can I take this up for python?

aditigupta17 commented 5 years ago

sure go ahead.